January 01, 2022 - births in the stratum 3,811 134 173,921 26,159.8 7,509 99,694,878
S_CHLD_U : Number of sample pediatric … non-births in the stratum 3,811 2 422,985 27,826.0 4,660 106,044,853
S_CMPB_U : Number of sample other … newborns in the stratum 3,811 0 156,764 22,907.5 6,233 87,300,407
S_DISC_U : Number of sample newborns … and children in the stratum 3,811 330 432,663 54,006.3 12,193 205,817,952
S_HOSP_U : Number of sample … hospitals in the stratum 3,811 2 189 74.1 70 282,489
S_UNCB_U : Number of sample normal newborns in
January 01, 2019 - births in the stratum 3,998 222 138,129 22,814.8 7,096 91,213,556
S_CHLD_U : Number of sample pediatric … non-births in the stratum 3,998 26 440,930 28,798.2 5,398 115,135,107
S_CMPB_U : Number of sample sick … newborns in the stratum 3,998 31 121,033 19,427.5 5,621 77,671,132
S_DISC_U : Number of sample births … and children in the stratum 3,998 438 456,297 51,641.4 11,791 206,462,206
S_HOSP_U : Number of sample … hospitals in the stratum 3,998 2 195 75.2 64 300,537
S_UNCB_U : Number of sample normal newborns in
January 01, 2000 - DataElements_NIS_2000_HOSPITAL.doc
Description of Data Elements
Nationwide Inpatient Sample … Please refer to the Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient
Sample for specific information on which states … in
6(n) Number of sample discharges in NIS_STRATUM
State Specific Notes
None … HCUP NIS (5/23/02) Description of Data Elements 25
S_HOSP_U - Number of sample hospitals in … Uniform Values
Variable Description Value Value Description
S_HOSP_U Number of
January 01, 2006 - The main objective of a stratified sample is to ensure that the sample is
representative of the target … (universe) ÷ Ns(sample)
where Ws(universe) was the ED universe weight, and Ns(universe) and Ns(sample … A larger sample would be cumbersome for data users given that a 20% sample
contains over 25 million … The HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) uses
the same stratified sample design, so techniques appropriate … HCUP Nationwide Emergency
Department Sample (NEDS)
Nationwide sample drawn from the
November 10, 2020 - Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) National Inpatient Sample (NIS) ................... 8 … to sepsis were derived from the Healthcare Cost and
The Healthcare Cost … Beginning in 2012, the HCUP National Inpatient Sample (NIS) approximates a 20-percent stratified
sample … Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) National Inpatient Sample (NIS)
Appendix B.
January 01, 2017 - ............................................................................................... 1
Sample … The NRD is a sample of convenience from the SID and not a sample of hospitals or discharges. … Each year of the NRD must be considered as a separate sample. … The standard approach treats stratum sample sizes 𝑛𝑛𝑠𝑠 as random variables. … Calculating National Inpatient Sample (NIS) Variances for Data Years
2012 and Later.
November 01, 2016 - HCUP National Inpatient Sample (NIS)
The National Inpatient Sample (NIS) is part of the … is now a sample of discharge records from all
HCUP-participating hospitals, rather than a sample of … Rather than first drawing a
sample of hospitals and then keeping all discharges from that sample, in … The new
systematic sample is a self-weighted sample design similar to simple random sampling, but it … The redesigned NIS is a sample of discharges
from all HCUP hospitals, approximating a 20% sample of
January 01, 2014 - The systematic sample is a self-weighted
sample design that is similar to simple random sampling, but … Switching to the systematic sample design from the present NIS sample design7
2. … Switching to the systematic sample design from the present NIS sample design16
2. … sample designs. … sample (SYS).
June 11, 2014 - The systematic sample is a self-weighted
sample design that is similar to simple random sampling, but … Switching to the systematic sample design from the present NIS sample design7
2. … Switching to the systematic sample design from the present NIS sample design16
2. … sample designs. … sample (SYS).
November 01, 2015 - The main objective of a stratified sample is to ensure that
the sample is representative of the target … (universe) ÷ Ns(sample)
where Ws(universe) was the ED universe weight, and Ns(universe) and Ns(sample … A larger sample would be cumbersome for data users given that a 20% sample
contains over 25 million … The HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) uses the same
stratified sample design, so techniques appropriate … Sample (NEDS)
Nationwide sample drawn from the
HCUP SID and SEDD, stratified and
weighted to be
November 01, 2015 - The main objective of a stratified sample is to ensure that
the sample is representative of the target … (universe) ÷ Ns(sample)
where Ws(universe) was the ED universe weight, and Ns(universe) and Ns(sample … A larger sample would be cumbersome for data users given that a 20% sample
contains over 28 million … The HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) uses the same
stratified sample design, so techniques appropriate … Sample (NEDS)
Nationwide sample drawn from the
HCUP SID and SEDD, stratified and
weighted to be
January 01, 2016 - However, beginning with 2012 data, the NIS is a sample of discharges from all HCUP hospitals. … For trend analyses that involve both the 2012 National Inpatient Sample and earlier years, you would … However, beginning with 2012 data, the NIS is a sample of discharges from all HCUP hospitals. … and the NIS sample weights will not be appropriate at the State level. … Moreover, the NIS is composed of all discharges from a sample of hospitals (a cluster sample).
January 01, 2017 - The Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS)
The NEDS is built using a 20 percent stratified sample … Draw a sample of
ED visits from all
EDs in HCUP data
The NEDS includes all ED visits from a sample … The redesigned NIS changed from a sample of
hospitals to a sample of discharges. … The redesigned NIS
changed from a sample of hospitals to a sample of inpatient discharges. … universe and sample, respectively.
March 16, 2001 - Sample Weights
Sample weights were developed for the KID to obtain representative national estimates … sample. … All KID and NIS statistics used sample weights and accounted for the sample design using the SUDAAN … discharges from a sample of all
discharges. … Census Bureau, Washington, DC. 20233
KID Data
KID Sample Design
Sample Weights
September 01, 2008 - Beginning in 1994:
The Nationwide Inpatient Sample is sorted by SEQ. … SEQ is only included in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, not the State Inpatient Databases. … SEQ_SID is included in both the Nationwide Inpatient Sample and the State Inpatient Databases. … SEQ_SID is identical for discharges present in both the Nationwide Inpatient Sample and State Inpatient … From 1988-1993:
Both the Nationwide Inpatient Sample and the State Inpatient Databases are sorted by
November 01, 2015 - The main objective of a stratified sample is to ensure that the sample is
representative of the target … (universe) ÷ Ns(sample)
where Ws(universe) was the ED universe weight, and Ns(universe) and Ns(sample … A larger sample would be cumbersome for data users given that a 20% sample
contains over 25 million … The HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) uses the same
stratified sample design, so techniques appropriate … Sample (NEDS)
Nationwide sample drawn from the
HCUP SID and SEDD, stratified and
weighted to be
January 01, 2007 - The main objective of a stratified sample is to ensure that
the sample is representative of the target … (universe) ÷ Ns(sample)
where Ws(universe) was the ED universe weight, and Ns(universe) and Ns(sample … A larger sample would be cumbersome for data users given that a 20% sample
contains over 25 million … The HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) uses
the same stratified sample design, so techniques appropriate … Sample (NEDS)
Nationwide sample drawn from the
HCUP SID and SEDD, stratified and
weighted to be
January 01, 2016 - HCUP National Inpatient Sample (NIS)
The National Inpatient Sample (NIS) is part of the … is now a sample of discharge records from all
HCUP-participating hospitals, rather than a sample of … Rather than first drawing a sample of hospitals and then keeping all discharges
from that sample, in … Rather than first drawing a sample of hospitals and then keeping all discharges from that
sample, in … The new systematic sample is a self-weighted sample design similar to simple random
sampling, but it
November 01, 2015 - HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS)
The Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) is part of … Moreover, the NIS is composed of all discharges from a sample of hospitals (a cluster sample). … Final Hospital Sample
In Appendix I, we present three figures describing the final hospital sample. … number for the total sample. … and Ns(sample) were
the number of community hospitals within stratum s in the universe and sample,
January 01, 1997 - HCUP KID (01/28/02) 4 Comparative Analysis
KID Sample Design
The KID is a stratified probability sample … Sample Weights
Sample weights were developed for the KID to obtain representative national estimates … sample. … All KID and NIS statistics used sample weights and accounted for the sample design using the SUDAAN
microcomputer … The pediatric NHDS is less than 4 percent
the size of the KID sample, and as a result the number of sample