February 09, 2006 - Current Page Topic Timeline Jan. 1, 2005 Topic Initiated Feb. 9, 2006 Systematic Review Effectiveness of Noninvasive Diagnostic Tests for Breast Abnormalities
Systematic Review Archived February 9, 2006 Web Version [NLM Site] Download Main Document PDF 1.7 MB
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September 01, 2014 - Core-needle biopsy, which retrieves
a sample of tissue, and open surgical
procedures are the most frequently … stereotactic guidance,
ultrasound guidance, MRI guidance, other guidance,
or freehand), how the biopsy sample … Sixty study arms used vacuum-
assisted methods to obtain the biopsy sample; 80 used
automated methods … MRI-guided biopsies were
evaluated in only six studies with small sample sizes,
leading to substantial … average and high risk
of breast cancer
All biopsy methods Insufficient – Few studies provided within-sample
January 01, 2015 - The objective of our methods project was to use a diverse sample of medical
interventions to assess … Results of stratified analyses based on sample size, risk of bias, and magnitude of
effect estimates … First, the size of our sample was limited. … Second, how representative our sample is remains unclear. … Influence of trial sample size on
treatment effect estimates: meta-
epidemiological study.
September 01, 2012 - Studies should have a priori calculation of the
sample size needed for determination of the desired … Sample size not an issue, in
spite of the relatively low prevalence of PCDs,
because the cohorts would … Resource use likely to be moderate; sample
size would depend on number of respondents. … The feasibility of such studies generally does not depend on the desired
sample size. … Studies should have a priori calculation of
the sample size needed for determination of
the desired
August 31, 2017 - When there is a sufficient
sample of studies we examine
disorders separately. … that only
includes patients with one of these
presenting problems
against a sample that includes … “other” comparison as there
is not a sufficient sample of
homogenous “other interventions” to
examine … “other”
comparison as there is not a
sufficient sample of homogenous
“other interventions” to examine … “other”
comparison as there is not a
sufficient sample of homogenous
“other interventions” to examine
December 20, 2011 - Prior to performing the data extraction, a calibration exercise will be conducted using a random sample … The following will also be extracted: blood sample type for BNP measurement (plasma or serum) , assay … showing key study characteristics (i.e. population characteristics, BNP test features, study outcomes,sample … Study Attrition
Loss to follow-up (from sample to study population) is not associated with key … characteristics (i.e., the study data adequately represent the sample), sufficient to limit potential
August 01, 2012 - Followup times varied from 3 months to
13 years, with sample sizes of 40 to 399 patients. … of limitations in study design, including selection/
spectrum bias as well as (in one study) small sample … without
adjustments for potential confounders and as C in the other
five studies because of their small sample … performance of the SFLC assay varies depending
on the type and distribution of PCDs in the study
sample … Studies should have an
a priori calculation of the sample size needed to determine
the desired precision
August 13, 2012 - Sample sizes ranged from 55 to 1,001, and study duration ranged from 6 to 60 months.
April 26, 2012 - Two studies with limited sample sizes and using risperidone as an augmenting agent showed benefit with
April 01, 2012 - Similarly, studies where
the entire sample were subjects with a cerebrovascular
accident, dementias … Inadequate sample size was a factor in many studies. … Adequate sample
size was an issue in these studies. … The second trial evaluated
a dose escalation of fluoxetine in a small sample, and was
suggestive of … A second study, a pilot with small
sample size evaluating dose escalation, showed no effect.
September 02, 2016 - This spreadsheet will capture basic intervention, outcome,
study design, sample size, and whether results … they meet additional operational eligibility criteria used in the original
review (based on minimum sample … intake amounts of n-3 FA), we expect that the primary reason for exclusion
will be based on small sample … and study design) but
would not have been included in the original report (primarily due to small sample … We quantify such
impact as a potential increase in total study population sample size (>20%), a change
January 01, 2010 - Precision
Includes sample size, number of studies, and heterogeneity of effect sizes
Reporting bias
Extent … (II)
Precision is the degree of certainty surrounding a result and is determined by sample size, number … Few studies have sufficient sample sizes or duration to adequately assess uncommon or long-term harms … Criteria commonly used to screen OSs for inclusion in CERs:
Minimum duration of followup
Minimum sample … These criteria may include minimum duration of followup, minimum sample size, a defined threshold for
January 01, 2010 - Precision
Includes sample size, number of studies, and heterogeneity of effect sizes
Reporting bias
Extent … (II)
Precision is the degree of certainty surrounding a result and is determined by sample size, number … Few studies have sufficient sample sizes or duration to adequately assess uncommon or long-term harms … Criteria commonly used to screen OSs for inclusion in CERs:
Minimum duration of followup
Minimum sample … These criteria may include minimum duration of followup, minimum sample size, a defined threshold for
March 29, 2011 - selected this study size based on a previous review of therapies for children with ASD, which used a sample … A cutoff sample size of 20 provides a balance, allowing us to review and comment on adequate literature … In particular, the TEP noted that a sample size of 20 for studies of all types of interventions (e.g. … , medical, behavioral, etc.) takes into account the typically smaller sample sizes in the ASD literature … of publication, study location (e.g., country, city, state) and time period, population description, sample
April 01, 2010 - ...........................................................................................1
Study Sample … Study Sample
Study inclusion criteria differed somewhat between the sites, based on local
populations … At
JHH/SKCCC, after abstracting 148 medical records, we concluded that we had an
adequate sample to … To assess inter-rater reliability (IRR), all nurses at each site abstracted a sample of
records (5%, … nurse
abstraction to a physician investigator (SMD) gold standard abstraction for the 9 record
IRR sample
November 19, 2012 - was no apparent association with followup duration, but correlation values were lower with increasing sample
May 24, 2010 - Overall
Do performance measures vary with sample characteristics? … In addition, we will randomly select a 10 percent sample of abstracts determined to be eligible for inclusion … concealment, masking of the treatment status, intention to treat principles, and justification of the sample
March 01, 2021 - • TMTs searches appear less sensitive than UP searches in all but one project, but the small
sample … Again, the small sample size precludes
• TMTs neither affected search evaluation time … The target was set to
achieve as large a sample as possible within the project timeframe (1 year). … Because of the small sample size, the analysis
was limited to descriptive measures, including means, … Finally, the sample size of librarians was small and all had years of experience, so we were not
June 16, 2010 - Background and Objectives for the Systematic Review
Shekelle et al. 1 reviewed a sample … Sample size and extent of missing data will be extracted. … Patients: sampling, exclusion criteria, sample size, baseline characteristics, similarity of groups at … using the following rules:
We will use the most complete data sets (i.e., those with the largest sample
January 01, 2023 - Risk of bias of cannabis cohort studies
Author, Year Did the Study Attempt To Enroll All (or a Random Sample