July 01, 2023 - Depending on the expected
volume of literature, the EPC team may opt to have a randomly selected 10% sample … will
decide whether it has enough time and resources to ask a second team member to
check a 10% sample … whether it has enough time and
resources to ask a second team member to check a randomly selected 10% sample
January 01, 2013 - this viewpoint is not universally accepted in the setting of CKD.2 Moreover,
taking a bone marrow sample … The sample size calculation becomes more tedious to do when the same
subject undergoes multiple tests … The sample size calculation becomes more tedious when the same subject
undergoes multiple tests, as … is important to control for these confounding factors in future research, which will
require large sample … Power and sample size calculation of
comparative diagnostic accuracy studies
with multiple correlated
May 08, 2023 - Depending on the expected volume of literature, the EPC team may opt to have
a randomly selected 10% sample … team will decide whether it has
enough time and resources to ask a second team member to check a 10% sample … whether
it has enough time and resources to ask a second team member to check a randomly
selected 10% sample
August 04, 2023 - A randomly selected 10%
sample of excluded citations will be checked by a second reviewer. … A second team member will check a 10% sample of
excluded citations to verify that important studies … A second team member will check
a randomly selected 10% sample of excluded full text citations to verify
August 01, 2023 - Depending on the expected volume of literature, the EPC team may opt to have a randomly selected 10% sample … team will decide whether it has enough time and resources to ask a second team member to check a 10% sample … If resources permit we will have a second team member check a randomly selected 10% sample of the articles
February 01, 2013 - We also applied the framework to a random sample of Cochrane systematic reviews from
2009 to 2011. … A3 – This reason should be selected if the sample sizes or event rates in the available
studies are … If there is only one available study, even if considered
large sample size, the consistency of results … A3 – This reason should be selected if the sample sizes or event rates in the available
studies are … A3 – This reason should be selected if the sample sizes or event rates in the available
studies are
January 01, 2019 - In this sample, the EPC approach to GRADE could not reliably predict the likelihood that individual bodies
December 01, 2019 - Participants, setting, and expected sample size: The study utilizes the following: a) >400,000 patients
December 01, 2019 - For KQ2, future research should concentrate on improving collection of adverse effects, calculating sample
August 01, 2019 - in Adults: A Systematic Review
Jun 05, 2024
Graphical Augmentations to Sample-Size-Based
May 14, 2020 - main text introduction
General TEP Reviewer #3 a) The excellent details about differences in the sample … the end of this paragraph:
‘Feasibility and ethical challenges with obtaining a large, contemporary
sample … 2020
& Affiliation
Comment Response
Methods Peer Reviewer #1 Why was sample … Sample size is implicitly
included in the rating of
strength of evidence—
measures of association for
May 04, 2017 - We presented the sample
sizes in the narrative
descriptions of the studies,
as well as in the evidence … Noting the total
sample size is not sufficient. … We reincluded all studies
that had been excluded
solely for small sample size,
with the exception … We reincluded all studies
that had been excluded
solely for small sample size,
with the exception … TEP Reviewer
Page 67 line 35-27: It appears that trial
sample size
May 04, 2017 - We presented the sample
sizes in the narrative
descriptions of the studies,
as well as in the evidence … Noting the total
sample size is not sufficient. … We reincluded all studies
that had been excluded
solely for small sample size,
with the exception … We reincluded all studies
that had been excluded
solely for small sample size,
with the exception … TEP Reviewer
Page 67 line 35-27: It appears that trial
sample size
November 01, 2010 - We will exclude RCT or CCT
with a sample size of less than 100 participants (total enrollment) and those … We believe
that studies with smaller sample sizes and/or shorter follow-up duration would have
extremely … We will exclude studies with a sample
size of less than 50 participants (total enrollment) and those … We will exclude studies with a sample size less than 50
participants (total enrollment across groups … We will randomly select a 10%
sample of all abstracts for repeat review by one of the physician project
June 01, 2010 - We then tested the model in the second half of the sample. … We examined the model by applying
it to a large sample of enrollees in 5 participating BCBS plans using … The final model had an ROC of 0.714
in the validation sample. … Comparison of the performance of different models in the validation sample (N=35,528)
Risk Model Based … Screening characteristics of the selected propensity model in the validation sample
Percentile of
June 01, 2010 - and results
• Abstraction of relevant outcomes from data presented in papers must be
• Sample … After reviewing a sample of relevant articles, the methods
lead and the content lead will design three … common elements (e.g., author,
publication year, study location, time period, population description, sample … use
established concepts 1) the quantity of evidence (e.g., numbers of studies, aggregate ending
December 01, 2019 - After reviewing a sample of relevant articles, the team will design the data collection form and test … of publication, study location (e.g., country, city, state) and time period, population description, sample … will use established concepts of the quantity of evidence (e.g., numbers of studies, aggregate ending sample
January 01, 2012 - Sample sizes ranged from three to 318 and included individuals of all ages, with most studies
focused … of wheeled mobility service delivery
Study Purpose Population Included
Study Design
Sample … Convenience sample
of 132 individuals
participating in the
National Veterans
Wheelchair Games in … Random sample of
mobility assistive
device users (rollators
and manual
wheelchairs) in
Sweden. … Convenience sample
of current patients of
Dystrophy Association
center in Charlotte,
December 04, 2015 - We do not have a minimum sample size for inclusion, nor do we have a minimum
threshold for extent of … The modified
form will be pilot tested using a sample of the original CER’s studies by all review team … For dichotomous outcomes, we will report
counts or proportions, and sample size, by study arm. … We will assess precision
(precise or imprecise) on the basis of sample size and, if size is adequate … Where there are at least ten studies having variable sample
sizes in a meta-analysis, we will analyze
August 12, 2016 - Some of the exclusions of
studies on the basis of sample size seem arbitrary: for example, studies of … We have added a small
section, under Minimum
Sample Sizes, to explain our
rationale and to state … In contrast, the minimum sample sizes for RCTs with lipid
and BP outcomes may direct your results in … The sample size was too
small (N<30) in each arm at
1 year followup. … All those that were
not included had already
been rejected (mostly based
on sample size, too-short