January 01, 2023 - Crosson JC et al. 2007 "Variation in electronic prescribing implementation among twelve ambulatory practices."
Crosson JC, Isaacson N, Lancaster D, et al. Variation in electronic prescribing implementation among twelve ambulatory practices. J Gen Intern Med 2007;23(4):364-371.
January 01, 2008 - This sample included six of the eight nurses recorded at the
two previous times, and reports from an … This sample included 22 nurses from the previous T3 sample, as well as
the eight nurses recorded at … We used independent sample t-tests for difference of
means to assess the change in error rates pre and … When we compare T1 to T4,
independent sample t-tests show significant differences only at the p<0.20 … level, largely because
of the small sample size at T1.
June 02, 2010 - Mode: Sequential mixed-mode survey (email followed
by multiple mailings and telephone follow-up)
Sample … Limitations
Sample included only physicians who were signed up
with an e-prescribing vendor.
January 01, 2011 - A
random sample of approximately 450 study patients, stratified by age, sex, and BMI, was selected at … Both KPNW and OCHIN chart reviews were completed with a 10 percent sample validation, using
a practicing
August 06, 2024 - *
Sample Workflow for the TAPR-CPM App
*Assumes that patient already has access to the … Practice planning a taper using a sample patient (without the patient present).
August 06, 2024 - *
Sample Workflow for the TAPR-CPM App
*Assumes that patient already has access to the … Practice planning a taper using a sample patient (without the patient present).
January 01, 2010 - The chart review process involved a sample of roughly 450 patients at each site. … A 10 percent quality assurance sample was conducted to provide secondary review and to resolve discrepancies
January 01, 2023 - Campbell JR et al. 1989 "Computerized medical records and clinic function."
Campbell JR, Givner N, Seelig CB, et al. Computerized medical records and clinic function. MD Comput 1989;6(5):282-287.
"Formal studies of computerized information systems for ambulatory patients are…
January 01, 2010 - aims. ( Ongoing ** )
2010 Activities: The chart review was initiated during this period with a sample … The sample was stratified by patient condition: sickle cell, cystic fibrosis, or cancer.
January 01, 2017 - recommendation end points
Decision End
# of Patients # of Patients
sample … 9.8
R29 52 5 9.6
End Point
# of Patients # of Patients Sampled Percentage
December 01, 2006 - effectiveness and quality and on efficiency, utilization and costs Summary: Settings: convenience sample
January 01, 2021 - Limitations included lack of
comparison group, relatively small sample size, and susceptibility to self-report … Limitations
• Lack of comparison group, relatively small sample, susceptibility to self-report bias … Possibly variations in clinical process/COVID-19 restrictions and limitations
Small sample size. … One limitation of this study is that the sample size was small. … Limitations
A larger sample size including a more diverse population will be needed to validate the
January 01, 2011 - The project team will continue to sample in 20-case increments until they achieve saturation of information
January 01, 2015 - Study Design and Sample
The study used a longitudinal (nine months) mixed methods approach that employed … The
sample included full- time nurses, nurse managers, nurse super users, patient care associates, … I also
observed a purposeful sample of 9 non-super user clinicians who were selected because of their … Between March and May 2013, I
interviewed a purposeful sample of 8 super users and 16 non-super user … Study Design and Sample
C.2. Data Collection
C.2.a. Quantitative Arm (AIMS 1-3)
January 01, 2011 - A sample question is
shown in Figure 1, below. Each expert completed the survey anonymously. … was developed after two meetings with the STEPSTools
Working and Advisory Group (SWAG) and with a sample … We used 60% of the sample chosen at random as the training set, and the remaining 40% as the
test set … Any test cases that were not in
agreement with the sample prescription were flagged as discrepant. … Progress Report 5 R18 HS017216-03 Johnson, Kevin B., MD, MS
# total sample 79 test cases
January 01, 2010 - The patients in the sample population have special dental care needs
as a result of four chronic conditions … a total of 59,147 patients with one of
the four chronic conditions, vastly surpassing an expected sample
January 01, 2010 - intervention
and control patients on the safety and quality measures, potentially due to an insufficient sample … size
based on a decision to enlarge the intervention group (80 percent of sample versus 20 percent
March 01, 2009 - To attain valid,
robust results, consider using the input of a
trained statistician to determine sample
January 01, 2006 - Available Study Design: RCT Outcomes: impact on patient satisfaction Summary: Settings: convenience sample
January 01, 2011 - The project team will continue to sample in 20-case increments until they achieve saturation of