November 14, 2014 - See Appendix B for a sample literature search strategy. … often depends on the
minimal sample size you need. … Large
sample size requirements might lead you to exclude certain measures from consideration. … Appendix D offers an example to illustrate the importance of sample size. … Data Collection Plan (Including Power/Sample Size Calculation for Quantitative
January 01, 2010 - The project tested the triggers by comparing their positive predictive values (PPV) with a random sample … The project team decided to increase the sample size, which improved the analytic ability but lengthened
January 01, 2017 - was presented showing the
number annotations generated by human annotators on a stratified random sample … summarize this approach, we use annotation instances generated by human annotators from a
random sample … We did not attempt to
evaluate recall because this was a sample chosen to have relief statements and … Precision estimates for algorithmic identification of various concepts in a sample of
397 sentences … A sample of the latter group
reveals progress notes with similar content.
January 01, 2017 - user-
experience design sessions, and conducted comparative evaluations of these designs in 7
large-sample … proposed designs using (a) user-
experience design sessions, and (b) an iterative sequence of large-sample … proposed designs using (a) user-
experience design sessions, and (b) an iterative sequence of 7 large-sample
January 01, 2021 - #1: Identify desired portal features and functions through stakeholder
interviews with a nationwide sample … The initial sample size for patients was
168, and 152 (90%) endorsed access to patient portals, with … Of this
sample, 66% endorsed (occurred “Sometimes” or “Often) that secure messaging
replaced calling … One patient dropped out after randomization in both arms
leaving the analytic sample size of 15 for … However, the limited sample size prevents
firm conclusions until a larger trial is conducted.
January 01, 2023 - details
Quality Measures Practice Summary Description: This is a sample … Temple Telemedicine Research Center Monthly Hypertension Report Example Description: This is a sample
January 01, 2006 - As such, that the
age distribution differs from that of the random sample is not surprising. … , as well as provide a comparison of study participants to a random
sample of non-participants. … A comparison of study prescribers to a non-study prescriber random sample
within the same state and … derived from a sample of pharmacy transaction files only. … Lastly, sample sizes were too
small to evaluate individual classes of inappropriate medications.
January 01, 2023 - Implementation and data gathering were sequential to ensure a large sample size before (with paper records
January 01, 2011 - The first analysis, which has been completed, used the full sample size of all of the patients who
were … , which is currently in progress, is looking at the same endpoints as the
first analysis; however, sample
January 01, 2010 - The
project tested the triggers by comparing their positive predictive values (PPV) with a random sample … The project team decided to
increase the sample size, which improved the analytic ability but lengthened
January 01, 2022 - The study was
conducted using a retrospective patient sample receiving care at the Virginia Commonwealth … Our study was conducted using a patient sample receiving care at the Virginia Commonwealth
University … Of this sample, 520, 188, and 599
patients were diagnosed with breast, colorectal, and NSC lung cancer … The analytical sample included 217 breast cancer, 124
colorectal cancer, and 370 lung cancer patients … We split the analytical sample into a training (N=175) and a testing/hold-out set (N=536).
January 01, 2019 - Approximately 44% of
hospitals (n=157) in our sample had adopted a comprehensive EHR system in 2015/ … Percentages in “All” column may not align with
overall sample size due to missing data. … Sample sizes range from 6565 to 10495. … Table 3 shows how hospitals in the sample changed in their EHR adoption levels and surgical
mortality … Over 40% (n=93) of hospitals in the sample made major
progress in EHR system implementation, moving
July 21, 2014 - of culturally‐informed consumer
health IT applications for health information communication among a sample
January 01, 2017 - This assessment was piloted in a sample of medical st udents and items were
refined. … then leveraged that refined assessment framework to conduct a longitudinal st udy in a
sample … We then recruited a sample of 30 medical students
from the University of Pittsburgh. … For example, in the
student sample, the quantitative
acceptability items were generally rated
highly … These types of favorable and
constructive feedback were largely echoed in the resident physician sample
May 03, 2021 - Outcomes
Key Questions
Technical Expert Panel
Literature Search
Article Review
January 01, 2018 - Total sample size was 129,738 patients, including 30,692 portal users. (2
manuscripts5,6) … A demographically diverse sample of parents and adult caregivers was
recruited from an online panel … Empire State Poll samples within New York
State, and sampling weights are applied to produce a weighted sample … The Cornell National Social Survey sample across the continental United States,
using a simple random
January 01, 2011 - A random sample of approximately 450 study patients, stratified by age, sex, and BMI, was selected at … Both KPNW and OCHIN chart reviews were completed with a 10 percent sample validation, using a practicing
November 14, 2014 - Section 6
Section 6: Examples of Evaluation Measures
Section 6 includes tables that list sample … For example, what
is your sample of
physicians who
could be using the
system? … implementation
review of
financial logs,
time and
motion studies,
and workflow
analysis in
a sample … You could also
review a sample
of medical records
to determine the
percentage of
consultant notes … that are captured
electronically for a
sample of patients.
June 01, 2006 - Design: other predictive analysis Outcomes: impact on patient safety Summary: Settings: convenience sample
January 01, 2023 - Tool 5.1 Sample Workflow Diagrams ( PDF , 522 KB)
This tool provides example diagrams that you can … Tool 5.2 Sample Task Table
This tool is a set of three example workflow analysis tables, each representing