April 01, 2008 - SureScripts LLC
E University Hospitals Health System
Section III – Evaluation
1. … standards on
workflow and practice cultures.
1 6
SECTION III … Since RxFill is a “push” message from the pharmacy to the prescriber, pharmacy
software systems are critical … To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System.
April 01, 2008 - SureScripts LLC
E University Hospitals Health System
Section III – Evaluation
1. … standards on
workflow and practice cultures.
1 6
SECTION III … Since RxFill is a “push” message from the pharmacy to the prescriber, pharmacy
software systems are critical … To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System.
January 01, 2006 - Appendix A- Parts I, II,
and III include SureScripts Implementation and Certification Guide, EDIFACT … These documents are critical to understand how
specific aim 1 was achieved.
Scope … Baseline surveys (shown in Appendix C-III) included a clinician
survey, a non-clinician survey and a … Usually, the drug might have an existing, safer alternative or that a preferable
medication might be
January 01, 2020 - iii
This project was funded as an Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations … your pharmacy management system should help you manage
information flow to create more efficient and safer … judgment as to the level of detail used—too much
detail is overwhelming, but too little detail may miss critical … It is critical to
engage in a dialogue with high-volume e-prescribers. … Implementing E-Prescribing
To be successful, e-prescribing must be a community-based effort involving a critical
January 01, 2017 - U19HS021093)
Our center sought to improve patient safety by developing tools for safer … of limits based on
(i) mixed-effects logistic regression models, (ii) Poisson Distributions, and (iii … validated experimental designs and statistical
frameworks for making the types of inferences that are critical
December 01, 2011 - iii
This project was funded as an Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations … The critical incident technique. Psychol Bull
1954;51(4):327-59. … To err is human:
building a safer health system. Washington, DC: National
Academy Press; 2000. … For any specific problems or successes in the process, the interviewer can use the critical
incidents … For any specific problems or successes in the process, the interviewer can use the critical
February 01, 2010 - Managed care organizations: Findings on cost and value for e-prescribing....................14
iii … Summary of findings
Physicians who used
the PDA provided
safer prescriptions as
judged by clinicians … entry and medication errors in a
prescribing system with integrated decision support in pediatric critical … Computerized physician order entry and medication errors
in a pediatric critical care unit.
December 01, 2017 - .......................................................................................... 36
iii … Data characteristics and availability are critical: A 2014 study uncovered barriers to
implementing … Safer and more appropriate
opioid prescribing: a large healthcare system's comprehensive approach.