October 19, 2016 - And how exactly does this
connect with safer or less safe practicing and
practices. … safety in a comprehensive manner consider re-
framing the "medication safety" dialogue to focus on
"safe … settings.html
CDC's Guide to Infection Prevention in Outpatient
Settings: Minimum Expectations for Safe … (APhA)
Methods Please consider expanding the pharmacists' role in
medication safety to include safe … To
assure safe practice in ambulatory care, minimal
education and training recommendations along with
February 01, 2006 - Layout 1
Breast cancer is the second most common
malignancy in women. The American
Cancer Society estimated that in the United
States in 2005, 212,930 women would be
newly diagnosed as having breast cancer
and there would be 40,870 deaths due to
this disease. Because early breast cancer is
asymptomatic, th…
December 01, 2015 - in November 2015, Inge and colleagues reported that bariatric surgery in
adolescents was generally safe … , Aminian and colleagues reported that metabolic surgery in
patients with lower BMI was generally safe … in November 2015, Inge and colleagues reported that bariatric surgery in adolescents was
generally safe … If outcomes are shown to be better than a
best medical approach and surgery is safe (as it is at present … New Cleveland Clinic study shows bariatric
surgery is safe option for managing type 2
diabetes in
January 01, 2024 - disclosure of any unanticipated
outcomes to patients and families.15
• The National Quality Forum’s Safe … NATIONAL QUALITY FORM-Safe Practices for Better Healthcare.
October 01, 2011 - medication use in preschoolers,
primarily immediate release MPH, suggest that it is
efficacious and safe … Atomoxetine is both safe and effective for ADHD
symptoms over 12 to 18 months among children and
for … When lack of clinical certainty exists and the
intervention is relatively quick and safe, a doctor may … 0.44)
study, MPH (e.g., shortacting, immediate
release MPH) is both efficacious and generally
safe … An important strength of research in the past decade is
evidence for effective and safe medications
December 01, 2014 - Both patient and clinician
acceptance has the potential to be high if the intervention proves to be safe … anticipated
moderate acceptance by both patients and clinicians if the intervention proves to be safe … Key Expert Comments: Experts cited the need for safe and effective pharmacologic agents
for treating … The panel voted 8-1 in favor that the device is safe when used as
designed and 4-5 against on the issue … However, several experts
commented that available data are insufficient to determine whether Maestro is safe
September 03, 2019 - antipsychotics SPECIFICALLY for
the prevention and treatment of delirium”, “in general,
antipsychotics are safe … Overall Since the jury is still out regarding antipsychotics, and this
review suggests that they indeed safe … We are not as confident as the reviewer that these
medications are “safe.” … know the dose range of antipsychotics
being given, to demonstrate that antipsychotics are
usually safe
September 03, 2019 - antipsychotics SPECIFICALLY for
the prevention and treatment of delirium”, “in general,
antipsychotics are safe … Overall Since the jury is still out regarding antipsychotics, and this
review suggests that they indeed safe … We are not as confident as the reviewer that these
medications are “safe.” … know the dose range of antipsychotics
being given, to demonstrate that antipsychotics are
usually safe
September 03, 2019 - antipsychotics SPECIFICALLY for
the prevention and treatment of delirium”, “in general,
antipsychotics are safe … Overall Since the jury is still out regarding antipsychotics, and this
review suggests that they indeed safe … We are not as confident as the reviewer that these
medications are “safe.” … know the dose range of antipsychotics
being given, to demonstrate that antipsychotics are
usually safe
January 01, 2016 - topics (including
the disease process, treatment options, nutritional
management, physical activity, safe
April 24, 2015 - dutasteride is another option for LUTS/BPH and BPE. 7 Systematic reviews demonstrate that 5-ARIs are safe … (safe or safety).ti,ab.
side effec*.ti,ab. … (safe or safety).ti,ab.
side effec*.ti,ab.
June 01, 2014 - eight Japanese boys with ASDs, aged 10–14 years old, also
provided preliminary evidence supporting safe … Long-term administration of intranasal oxytocin is
a safe and promising therapy for early adolescent
January 01, 2009 - LBC is a safe
procedure and is associated with the same level of patient discomfort as the Pap test, … RCTs have demonstrated that BCS plus
adjuvant radiotherapy is a safe and effective alternative to mastectomy
April 20, 2015 - Change Score or Followup Score? An Empirical Evaluation of the Impact of Choice of Mean Difference Estimates
White Paper
April 20, 2015
November 01, 2022 - Sharp safe devices lead to
the decrease in risk related to contaminated sharps injuries. … Congress and required sharps safe devices this is what lead
to a decrease in contaminated sharps injuries
February 19, 2010 - incidence of intracranial hemorrhage seen (p = 0.001). 18 In addition, two observational studies, the Safe … Thrombolysis with alteplase for acute ischaemic stroke in the Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in
March 01, 2018 - House dust mite sublingual
immunotherapy is safe in patients with mild-to-moderate,
persistent asthma … Specific immunotherapy with high
dose SO standardized grass allergen tablets was safe and well
February 19, 2010 - incidence of intracranial hemorrhage seen (p=0.001).18 In addition, two observational studies,
the Safe … Thrombolysis
with alteplase for acute ischaemic stroke in the Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in
November 01, 2020 - The
paucity of evidence emphasizes the need for further primary research to identify effective
and safe