July 27, 2023 - Evidence Map on Home and Community Based Services
Evidence-based Practice Center Technical Brief Protocol
Project Title: Evidence Map on Home and Community Based Services
I. Background and Objectives
One in four adults in the United States live with some form of disability that impacts their
July 01, 2023 - released a Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for
Pain to promote more effective and safe
July 26, 2016 - VCE is a safe and accurate means of diagnosing celiac disease in adults who wish to avoid biopsy, although
November 01, 2016 - ��Current research does not show that
opioids work or are safe in the long
term (longer than 4 months
July 01, 2016 - VCE is a safe and accurate means of diagnosing celiac disease
in adults who wish to avoid biopsy, although
November 01, 2019 - Systems Addressing Frail Elders (SAFE) Care: Description of
Successful Partnerships Across Hospitals … subcommittee that
focuses on patients with LOS more than 10 days, are ready for discharge, and do
not have a safe … Systems Addressing Frail Elders (SAFE) Care:
Description of Successful Partnerships Across Hospitals … Short Stay EVAR is Safe and Cost Effective.
March 14, 2013 - results, 1 study
including 72 patients on etanercept or
adalimumab8 that found them to be
effective, safe … and found that in 22 patients
with enthesitis-related arthritis, TNF-
blockers seemed effective and safe … Anakinra: A safe and effective first-line
treatment in systemic onset juvenile
idiopathic arthritis
March 14, 2013 - results, 1 study
including 72 patients on etanercept or
adalimumab8 that found them to be
effective, safe … and found that in 22 patients
with enthesitis-related arthritis, TNF-
blockers seemed effective and safe … Anakinra: A safe and effective first-line
treatment in systemic onset juvenile
idiopathic arthritis
June 11, 2014 - OR undiagnos* AND adverse effect* OR adverse event* OR harm* OR bleeding OR perforat* OR danger* OR safe … endoscop* OR misdiagnos* OR undiagnos*) AND ts=(adverse OR harm* OR danger* OR bleed* OR perforat* OR OR safe
January 01, 2010 - The
Skoner article’s objective is to determine a safe and effective
maintenance dose, by comparing … this particular article, Skoner had 2 groups in the ITT; the purpose
of their article was to find a safe
August 01, 2022 - Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation: A Safe,
Effective, and Convenient Early Breast Cancer Treatment … It is critical that these patients are offered the most effective, safe, evidence-based, and
December 14, 2017 - The FDA has different goals (reasonable
assurance that the device is safe and
effective for its intended … These results suggest that for a wide range of patients with
severe asthma BT is both effective and safe … Boston Scientific
Discussion Conclusions
AHRQ notes, that “while BT appears safe
May 27, 2016 - describe what the responsibilities are for a nursing
home to determine what would be included in a safe … as to how patient centered care relates to safety, other
than the possibility that it facilitates a safe … in
important to monitor the quality of these facilities and assure that
facilities are proving a safe … hand hygiene, the use
of personal protective equipment when there is a risk of body fluid
exposure, safe … Providing person centered safe care in a
more homelike environment is a real challenge.
April 06, 2020 - that vaccines included in the immunization schedule recommended for adults in the United States are safe … included in the immunization schedules recommended for children and adolescents in the United States are safe … KQ 3: What is the evidence that vaccines recommended for pregnant women in the United States are safe
June 01, 2013 - potential to
offer a bridge to the challenge of accessing fundamental services at lower costs and under safe … It is intended to help develop rural
communities’ “capacity for safe and effective treatment of chronic
August 10, 2010 - evidence from studies of school-age children with ADHD, identifying psychostimulants as an effective and safe
October 01, 2007 - do not provide the information that the clinical
community and the public need to ensure effective, safe
January 01, 2012 - corticosteroids in low to medium doses, and the manufacturer claims that this
combination therapy was safe … disrupt
current care models and the way patients with UC are treated, should the treatment be proven safe … Trichuris suis seems to be safe and possibly
effective in the treatment of inflammatory bowel
December 08, 2014 - regional lymph nodes or in ipsilateral
supraclavicular nodes, all of which can be encompassed in a safe … Given our publication date criterion of 2000 and later, we
believe it is safe to assume that CT performed
January 01, 2020 - Dronabinol Is a Safe Long-Term
Treatment Option for Neuropathic Pain
Patients. … Dronabinol Is a Safe Long-Term
Treatment Option for Neuropathic Pain
Patients. … Cannabinoids
for the treatment of neuropathic pain: Are
they safe and effective?