December 01, 2017 - • Use safe and effective methods for discontinuing opioids (e.g., tapering, making
appropriate referrals … therapies addressing the biopsychosocial-spiritual needs of the patient (as above)
should be employed as safe … Responsible, Safe, and Effective Prescription of Opioids for Chronic
Non-Cancer Pain: American Society … "Evaluation of the acceptability and usability of a decision support
system to encourage safe and effective
January 01, 2015 - Using Electronic Health Records and Clinical Decision Support to Provide Guidance on
Occupational Factors which Impact Diabetes: A Final Knowledge Resource Report
Revised and resubmitted December 4, 2015
The Diabetes subject matter expert (SME) group
Convened by the Association of Occupational and Environmenta…
January 01, 2021 - Quality (AHRQ) develops
the knowledge, tools, and data needed by
researchers and clinicians to advance safe … • Person-First Safe Living in a Pandemic.
January 01, 2018 - Copyright Complaint Form: The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) creates a
safe harbor for online … A service provider invokes the
safe harbor by complying with a notice-and-takedown process whereby the
January 01, 2022 - Quality (AHRQ) develops the
knowledge, tools, and data needed by researchers and clinicians to advance safe
January 01, 2017 - Work Group feedback) to ensure recommendations were provided only when clinically
appropriate and safe
June 16, 2020 - Some pregnant women may believe it is safe
to drink in the second or third trimester, and alcohol screening … Some pregnant
women may believe it is safe to drink in the second or third trimester, and alcohol screening
June 16, 2020 - Some pregnant women may believe it is safe
to drink in the second or third trimester, and alcohol screening … Some pregnant
women may believe it is safe to drink in the second or third trimester, and alcohol screening
June 22, 2020 - Some pregnant women may believe it is safe
to drink in the second or third trimester, and alcohol screening … Some pregnant women may believe it
is safe to drink in the second or third trimester, and alcohol screening
June 22, 2020 - Some pregnant women may believe it is safe
to drink in the second or third trimester, and alcohol screening … Some pregnant women may believe it
is safe to drink in the second or third trimester, and alcohol screening
January 01, 2019 - resources created by the CDS Connect project resonate with the
community and serve their needs to deliver safe