July 01, 2001 - 1996, the percentage of visits that took place in outpatient
hospital settings and emergency rooms … As a portion of all ambulatory care visits
by blacks, emergency rooms visits fell from … of ambulatory care visits
occurring in hospital outpatient departments and emergency rooms … The percentage of ambulatory care visits that took place in emergency
rooms also declined … The proportion
of visits that took place in emergency rooms did not change significantly
January 01, 2001 - Percent of Children <18 who had a doctor's office or clinic visit (excluding emergency rooms) in the … Percent of Children <18 who had a doctor's office or clinic visit (excluding emergency rooms) in the
June 08, 2021 - medical providers seen in office-based settings or clinics, hospital outpatient departments, emergency rooms
June 08, 2021 - medical providers seen in office-based settings or clinics, hospital outpatient departments, emergency rooms
June 08, 2021 - medical providers seen in office-based settings or clinics, hospital outpatient departments, emergency rooms
June 08, 2021 - medical providers seen in office-based settings or clinics, hospital outpatient departments, emergency rooms
November 05, 2014 - to ambulatory care provided in office-based settings, hospital outpatient departments, and emergency rooms
July 12, 2016 - to ambulatory care provided in office-based settings, hospital outpatient departments, and emergency rooms
January 26, 2021 - 1987 to 1996, the percentage of visits that took place in outpatient hospital settings and emergency rooms
August 27, 2001 - medical providers seen in office-based settings or clinics, hospital outpatient
departments, emergency rooms
August 27, 2001 - medical providers seen in office-based settings or clinics, hospital outpatient
departments, emergency rooms
August 27, 2001 - medical providers seen in office-based settings or clinics, hospital outpatient
departments, emergency rooms
August 27, 2001 - medical providers seen in office-based settings or clinics, hospital outpatient
departments, emergency rooms
July 01, 2001 - 1987 to 1996, the percentage of visits that took place
in outpatient hospital settings and emergency rooms … The percentage of ambulatory care visits that
took place in emergency rooms also declined more for
poor … ; in 1996, only 5 percent of
ambulatory care visits among the poor were in
emergency rooms. … It should be
noted, however, that the proportion of ambulatory care
visits to emergency rooms was much … The proportion of visits that took place in
emergency rooms did not change significantly from
1987 to
seen in office-based settings or clinics, hospital outpatient
departments, emergency rooms
seen in office-based settings or clinics, hospital outpatient
departments, emergency rooms
January 01, 2000 - i.e.,
services by office-based medical providers, hospital outpatient departments, and
emergency rooms
June 08, 2021 - medical providers seen in office-based settings or clinics, hospital outpatient departments, emergency rooms
June 08, 2021 - 443 2.0 43 85 260 1.9 4.0 6.4 2.4 4.8
aExpenses for visits to medical providers seen in emergency rooms
June 08, 2021 - Poor 443 2.0 43 85 260 1.9 4.0 6.4 2.4 4.8
aExpenses for visits to medical providers seen in emergency rooms