January 01, 2023 - Asan, Onur
Providers’ assessment of a novel interactive health information technology in a pediatric intensive care unit.
Asan O, Holden RJ, Flynn KE, et al. Providers’ assessment of a novel interactive health information technology in a pediatric intensive care unit.…
September 29, 2009 - Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center Connects Hospital, Clinics Through EMRs
Imagine the following scenario: a patient experiencing shortness of breath and difficulty breathing visits a primary care provider and is prescribed one medication. The following week, the patient visits a cardiovascular specialist for h…
January 01, 2007 - Unertl KM et al. 2007 "Variation in use of informatics tools among providers in a diabetes clinic."
Unertl KM, Weinger M, Johnson K. Variation in use of informatics tools among providers in a diabetes clinic. AMIA Annu Symp Proc; 2007: AMIA; 2007. p. 756-760.
"A go…
January 01, 2023 - Kroth, Philip
Association of electronic health record design and use factors with clinician stress and burnout.
Kroth PJ, Morioka-Douglas N, Veres S, Babbott S, Poplau S, Qeadan F, ParshallC, Corrigan K, Linzer M. Association of electronic health record design and use…
January 01, 2023 - Analysis
A systems theoretic process analysis of the medication use process in the operating room.
Samost-Williams A, Nanji KC. A systems theoretic process analysis of the medication use process in the operating room. Anesthesiology. 2020 Aug;133(2):332-341. doi: 10.1…
April 13, 2012 - 7_StakeholderMeetingChecklist
Tool 7. Stakeholder Meeting Checklist
Tool 7. Stakeholder Meeting Checklist
Laptop Extra batteries
Tape recorder Debriefing form
Tapes (90 min) Watch or clock
Microphone Speak…
April 26, 2013 - 7_StakeholderMeetingChecklist
Tool 7. Stakeholder Meeting Checklist
Tool 7. Stakeholder Meeting Checklist
Laptop Extra batteries
Tape recorder Debriefing form
Tapes (90 min) Watch or clock
Microphone Speaker phone
Table tents Conference line
Magic markers White board and marker…
January 01, 2017 - Other studies use video-recording through cameras in examination rooms. … We instrumented exam rooms for activity capture.
4.4 Participants
32 physicians and 234 patients … environments, specifically: outpatient settings during
well defined point of care encounters in exam rooms … Some rooms, particularly at UCSD, were
described as being patient unfriendly requiring physicians to … demonstrated the ability to capture and analyze clinical activities during outpatient visits in exam rooms
January 01, 2023 - Perception and Use of a Patient Care Window to Improve Care and Family Engagement
Project Final Report ( PDF , 993.68 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily …
January 01, 2008 - Interviews were held in private conference rooms and offices. … In rooms where the computer is near one bed of a multi-bed room, the nurses
must ask questions of the … As discussed above, many staff are not
using the terminal in patients’ rooms due to privacy concerns
January 01, 2019 - Simulations of
the clinical encounters were performed in clinic rooms or meeting rooms adjacent to clinical … rooms.
January 01, 2018 - required
activities (e.g. foot exams)
• Computer slowdowns
• Scanned info lost
• No printers in rooms … help with data input)
• Customizable EMRs
• Increase connect time with
patients (e.g. printers in
rooms … Printers in exam rooms 1 2 3 4
j. Coding and billing assigned to others 1 2 3 4
October 02, 2014 - Improving Sickle Cell Transitions, Focus Group Moderator Guide: Patients
Improving Sickle Cell Transitions, Focus Group Moderator Guide: Patients
The Lewin Group, Inc., Falls Church Virginia
This is a focus group guide designed to be to be conducted with patients across a health care
system. The tool includes …
June 17, 2005 - Microsoft PowerPoint - Timeline at a glance - high level snapshot on the progress.ppt
Volunteer eHealth Initiative
Board Meeting
June 13, 2005
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
• Review and accept minutes from 5/9/05 meeting
• Old Business
State planning grant status
State sub-contract status
Executive direct…
January 01, 1992 - Computer assisted design of a theophylline dosing regimen in acute bronchospasm: serum concentrations and clinical outcome
Authors: Verner D, Seligmann H, Platt S, Dany S, Almog S, Zulty L, Halkin H, Ezra D Journal: Eur J Clin Pharmacol Publication Date: 1992 Volume: 43 Issue: 1 Pages: 29-33 HIT Descr…
May 15, 2006 - INCOMING!--A web tracking application for PACU and post-surgical patients
Authors: Meyer, M. A., Sokal, S. M., Sandberg, W., Chang, Y., Daily, B., Berger, D. L. Journal: J Surg Res Publication Date: 2006 May 15 Volume: 132 Issue: 2 Pages: 153-8 HIT Description: Decision support More info... Purpose…
January 01, 2023 - A Community-Shared Clinical Abstract to Improve Care
Project Final Report ( PDF , 98.16 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily represent the views of AHRQ. N…
January 01, 2016 - analysis of patient pain data; Golden Sheet for pain procedure ordering; turn-
around measurement for ED rooms … Medical Center’s Emergency Department (BUMC ED)
for timely placement of patients in exam/treatment rooms
January 01, 2023 - Veteran Affairs Medical Center
A Longitudinal Machine Learning Approach Providing Clinicians Timely Detection to Prevent Military Suicide
This research will develop and validate a clinician-facing longitudinal risk-prediction tool using self-reported data from US m…
January 01, 2007 - of e-Prescribing Implementation:
Second Round of Data
Silver Lake Paper Desktop computer in exam rooms … Prescriber: desktop computer in office;
Staff: desktops at common work stations
Desktop computer in exam rooms … Prescriber: personal wireless laptops;
Staff: desktops at common work stations
Desktop computer in exam rooms … have
been offset by time spent in other activities at the paper-based site (restocking examination
rooms … important that fears were not realized, that patients found that having computers
in the examination rooms