June 01, 2012 - Losing
weight can reduce the risk for illness and early death and improve overall health. … The higher your BMI, the higher your risk for certain diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure … This can help screen for
possible health risks that develop when a person is overweight or obese. … If most of your fat is around your waist rather than around
your hips, you are at higher risk for heart … Even
modest weight loss can reduce health risks in people who are obese.
May 19, 2022 - What are current practices for a) identifying children at risk of maltreatment, b) referring children … are at risk of child maltreatment? … Does the reported validity and reliability (of risk assessment tools) differ by race and ethnicity? … behaviors
KQ 2: Any harms that result as an effect of interventions (e.g., stigma, labeling, legal risks … , risks of further harm to the child, dissolution of families, or worsening of inequities) or worsening
May 19, 2022 - What are current practices for a) identifying children at risk of maltreatment, b) referring children … are at risk of child maltreatment? … Does the reported validity and reliability (of risk assessment tools) differ by race and ethnicity? … behaviors
KQ 2: Any harms that result as an effect of interventions (e.g., stigma, labeling, legal risks … , risks of further harm to the child, dissolution of families, or worsening of inequities) or worsening
April 11, 2018 - Grade: D
Risk Assessment
Low bone mass, older age, and history of falls are major risk factors … Other risks factors for low
bone mass and fractures include female sex, smoking, use of glucocorticoids … Absolute fracture risk is very low in premenopausal w omen compared w ith postmenopausal
w omen. … recommends exercise interventions to prevent falls in community-dw elling older adults at increased risk … recommends screening for osteoporosis in
w omen 65 years or older and in younger w omen at increased risk
September 01, 2021 - for definition of high risk.
To whom does this recommendation apply? … for definition of high risk.
What’s new? … It is strengthened by new
evidence from additional trials demonstrating reduced risks of perinatal mortality … Assess Risk. … Pregnant persons are at high risk for preeclampsia if they have 1 or more of the following
risk factors
October 07, 2008 - The risks and benefits of these screening methods vary.
May 15, 2012 - management of identified risks to prevent falls. … Multifactorial risk assessment with comprehensive management of identified risks has at least a small … assessment with comprehensive management of identified risks have at least a small benefit in preventing … of identified risks has a small net benefit in preventing falls in older adults. … for falling after 12 months compared with usual care (pooled relative risk [RR], 0.89 [95% CI, 0.76
August 16, 2023 - We
further describe opportunities for further refinements to directly address potential risks of bias … Because the PCE was not developed with a competing risks model,47 and Black
Americans suffer … Prognostic models with competing risks:
methods and application to coronary risk prediction. … Signaling questions to identify risks of bias in race-aware clinical prediction models
PROBAST … Signaling questions to identify risks of bias in race-aware clinical prediction models
August 01, 2012 - con-
junction with comprehensive management of identified
risks to prevent falls in community-dwelling … assessment with comprehensive management of identified
risks to prevent falls. … Multifactorial risk assessment with comprehensive
management of identified risks has at least a small … -
ment of identified risks has a small net benefit in prevent-
ing falls in older adults. … for falling after 12
months compared with usual care (pooled relative risk
[RR], 0.89 [95% CI, 0.76
January 01, 1996 - potential benefits of early detection of neural tube defects must be weighed against the potential risks … The most important risks include those to the fetus from amniocentesis, the psychological effects on … The risks of amniocentesis include miscarriage, puncture of the fetus, bleeding, infection, and possibly … of recurrence of neural tube defects from 3.5% to 1.0%, for a relative risk of 0.28 (95% confidence … Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening: benefits, risks, and costs.
September 01, 2013 - After a formal breast
cancer risk assessment, women at increased risk
should talk with their health … risk for harms from the medications. (2) Women
who are not at increased risk for breast cancer
should … developing the disease, the Task Force
encourages her to talk about her risks with a health care professional … This risk increases with age. Tamoxifen also may increase the risk of cataracts. … Here are the Task Force’s final recommendations on using tamoxifen or raloxifene to reduce the risks
January 01, 1996 - suggesting that lower-dose therapy is as effective as higher dose regimens in reducing cardiovascular risks … while reducing the risk of side effects. … Association has recently stated that the use of aspirin seems prudent in middle-aged and older men whose risks … of ischemic cardiovascular events have been balanced against the potential risks associated with prolonged … aspirin therapy is considered, physicians and patients should understand the potential benefits and risks
July 23, 2024 - Primary Care Interventions to Prevent Child Maltreatment
The USPSTF sought evidence linking validated risk … Due to inaccuracies in risk assessment, racial and ethnic biases in reporting and diagnoses, and potential … “The process of identification of participants eligible for the
intervention, when paired with ‘at-risk … ’ terminology, may
cause harms from stigma, labeling, legal risks, and family
separation and dissolution … .”1
What types of high-quality standards could be
developed to validate risk assessment tools in
September 01, 2013 - After a formal breast
cancer risk assessment, women at increased risk
should talk with their health … risk for harms from the medications. (2) Women
who are not at increased risk for breast cancer
should … developing the disease, the Task Force
encourages her to talk about her risks with a health care professional … This risk increases with age. Tamoxifen also may increase the risk of cataracts. … Here are the Task Force’s final recommendations on using tamoxifen or raloxifene to reduce the risks
April 20, 2023 - risk of caregiver abuse and neglect? … and negative predictive values, positive and negative likelihood ratios, diagnostic odds ratios, and relative … risks for future abuse
KQ 3: Psychosocial harms that result from screening, including labeling and … and negative predictive values, positive and negative likelihood ratios, diagnostic odds ratios, and relative … risks for future abuse
KQ 3: Psychosocial harms that result from screening, including labeling and
March 19, 2024 - intervention, there were no group differences between intervention and control groups (3.9% vs 3.5%; relative … yielded inconsistent results. 1 In 1 trial, there were no differences reported in physical abuse (relative … risk, 1.45 [95% CI, 0.58-3.62]) or neglect (relative risk, 2.79 [95% CI, 0.98-7.91) between the intervention … “disadvantaged families” to prevent child maltreatment and recommends against screening, citing the risks … or legal risks related to Child Protective Services) and to engagement in preventive interventions (
June 11, 2024 - predicted by FRAX alone and by BMD alone are similar, but both are less accurate than risks predicted … thresholds at the individual level to account for additional risks (e.g., fall risk) that are not considered … The pooled relative risk (RR) for the effect of screening on hip fractures was 0.83 (95% CI, 0.73 to … Relative risk estimates were imprecise and confidence intervals were wide in all these studies. 1 One … Development of prognostic nomograms for individualizing 5-year and 10-year fracture risks.
July 01, 2002 - The
relative risk reduction was similar across all age
groups and all risk levels. … was concentrated in women aged 50
and older; the relative risks for women younger than
age 50 were smaller … Considerations of Risk of
Developing Breast Cancer
The relative risk reduction for estrogen receptor … for recruitment into the study.40
Given a constant relative risk reduction across
breast cancer risk … and the relative risk by which the
baseline risk is multiplied for tamoxifen users.
May 01, 2012 - (2) An in-depth exam to assess risk for falls is
not necessary for all older adults but may be … increased risk for... … An in-depth exam is effective only
when it includes a plan to help reduce the risks for falls, including … assessment in conjunction
with comprehensive management of identified risks to prevent
falls in community-dwelling … Talk with your health care professional
about your risk for falls.
December 01, 2010 - The patient population undergoing risk evaluation is adults aged 65 years and older; the subpopulation … for key question 4 (How are high-risk older adults identified for primary care fall interventions?) … is adults who are considered at high risk for falling. … KQ4: How are high-risk older adults identified for primary care fall interventions? … mobility, strength, medication review, cognitive impairment, orthostatic hypotension, and environmental risks