January 16, 2025 - What clinical risk assessment tools or guidance can be used to help primary care clinicians identify … individuals at higher risk for STIs? … Studies limited to populations requiring specialized healthcare or interventions to address STI health risks … reduction or risk avoidance, which can feasibly be implemented in or referred from primary care. … measures of infection, attitude, knowledge, ability, or self-efficacy, including:
Knowledge of risks
December 10, 2011 - (pooled relative risk, 0.88 [CI, 0.78 to 0.99]) in older adults, but the effects differed according … to study setting: institution (relative risk, 0.71 [CI, 0.57 to 0.89]) versus community-dwelling (relative … (pooled relative risk, 1.03 [CI, 0.84 to 1.26]), with high heterogeneity across studies ( I 2 = 60% … reduction among institutionalized elderly persons (relative risk, 0.71 [CI, 0.57 to 0.89]). … fracture (relative risk, 1.02 [CI, 0.89 to 1.16]) ( Figure 2 ).
October 01, 2012 - The analytic framework shows older adults at risk being screened for early detection of the target condition … decreased health-related quality of life and functioning; potential use of proxy decisionmakers; weighing risks … and benefits of screening and treatment and accounting for patient preferences; increased risk of adverse
May 08, 2012 - 10 to 24 years who have fair skin about minimizing their exposure to ultraviolet radiation to reduce risk … assess the balance of benefits and harms of counseling adults older than age 24 years about minimizing risks
February 17, 2022 - What are current practices for a) identifying children at risk of maltreatment, b) referring children … are at risk of child maltreatment? … Does the reported validity and reliability (of risk assessment tools) differ by race and ethnicity? … behaviors
KQ 2: Any harms that result as an effect of interventions (e.g., stigma, labeling, legal risks … , risks of further harm to the child, or dissolution of families), or worsening of outcomes listed for
May 06, 2002 - The relative risk reduction was similar across all age groups and all risk levels. … was concentrated in women ages 50 and older; the relative risks for women younger than age 50 were smaller … for recruitment into the study. 40
Given a constant relative risk reduction across breast cancer risk … and the relative risk by which the baseline risk is multiplied for tamoxifen users. … ‡HR, hazard ratio, the estimate of relative risk at a given time.
May 06, 2002 - The relative risk reduction was similar across all age groups and all risk levels. … was concentrated in women ages 50 and older; the relative risks for women younger than age 50 were smaller … for recruitment into the study. 40
Given a constant relative risk reduction across breast cancer risk … and the relative risk by which the baseline risk is multiplied for tamoxifen users. … ‡HR, hazard ratio, the estimate of relative risk at a given time.
February 09, 2023 - risk of abuse and neglect? … and negative predictive values, positive and negative likelihood ratios, diagnostic odds ratios, and relative … risks for future abuse
KQ 3: Psychosocial harms, including labeling and stigma; false-positive and … and negative predictive values, positive and negative likelihood ratios, diagnostic odds ratios, and relative … risks for future abuse
KQ 3: Psychosocial harms, including labeling and stigma; false-positive and
September 04, 2012 - FORCE RECOMMENDATION
Population Asymptomatic women without known genetic mutations that increase risk … nonpolyposis colon cancer), or a family history of ovarian
cancer are at increased risk for ovarian … Women with an increased-risk family history should be considered for genetic counseling to further evaluate … their potential risks. … “Increased-
risk family history” generally means having 2 or more first- or second-degree relatives with
January 22, 2009 - ” Statement:
Insufficient Evidence
No recommendation due to insufficient evidence
Risk … Assessment
Skin cancer risks: family history of skin cancer, considerable history of sun exposure … and sunburn
Groups at increased risk for melanoma:
▪ fair-skinned men and women over the age of … Features associated with increased risk for malignancy include: asymmetry, border irregularity, color
October 15, 2009 - significant
relative risks that ranged from 1.36 to 1.90. … factors in asymptomatic persons (1300 to 16 000 men and women who showed a relative risk of 1.19 to … In summary, although the 8 included studies consistently reported statistically significant relative … risks for coronary events with increasing CAC scores, no study uniformly met all 3 of the following conditions … risk variables (including diabetes), the summary estimate of relative risk for incident CHD was 1.58
October 15, 2009 - significant
relative risks that ranged from 1.36 to 1.90. … factors in asymptomatic persons (1300 to 16 000 men and women who showed a relative risk of 1.19 to … In summary, although the 8 included studies consistently reported statistically significant relative … risks for coronary events with increasing CAC scores, no study uniformly met all 3 of the following conditions … risk variables (including diabetes), the summary estimate of relative risk for incident CHD was 1.58
July 01, 1994 - Using the relative risks reported
by Kerlikowske and colleagues (16), we can estimate that
a family … Calculated from relative risk
estimates and ovarian cancer incidence data from the SEER (Surveillance … associated
with contraceptive pill use; both found similar relative
risks of approximately 0.65 associated … ; both
studies found a relative risk of approximately 0.5 after 5
years of use.
3.11 Parity has also … 50% (that is, a
relative risk of 0.5) for any pregnancy, with decreasing
risk associated with an increasing
December 08, 2003 - in the relative risk for CHD events of 1.7 to 4.0. … after adjustment for other CHD risk factors (relative risks 1.7 to
3.2). … Risks
for CHD Mortality
(95% CI)
Relative Risk Adjusted
for the Following
Pedoe … Risks
for CHD Mortality
(95% CI)
Relative Risk Adjusted
for the Following
Kahn et … Risks
for CHD Mortality
(95% CI)
Relative Risk Adjusted
for the Following
January 01, 1996 - Cigarette smoking markedly increases the risk for bladder cancer (relative risk among smokers vs. nonsmokers … chemicals used in dye, leather, and tire and rubber industries has also been associated with increased risks … diagnostic workups for false-positive test results and will be subjected to the costs, discomforts, and risks … cancer (or other urologic cancers), and whether the benefits are sufficient to justify the costs and risks … A review and biological risk assessment of sodium saccharin.
April 23, 2013 - Grade: A
Risk Assessment
Men who have sex with men and active injection drug users are at very … high risk for new HIV infection. … Behavioral risk factors for HIV infection include:
Having unprotected vaginal or anal intercourse … is on a continuum, and
individuals may not be aware of their sexual partners’ risk factors for HIV … However, appropriately timed interventions in HIV-positive persons can reduce risks for
clinical progression
April 01, 2009 - A patient’s 10-year risk for CHD is determined based
on age, gender, and conventional CHD risk factors … A variety of electronic or on-line risk calculators
that use risk scoring algorithms derived from the … The added value
of novel risk factors (e.g., CRP, homocysteine) above
and beyond conventional risk … careful discussion with the patient
about the risks and benefits of screening. … y If so, consider screening for this patient but only after
a discussion of the risks and benefits.
August 29, 2023 - intervention, there were no group differences between intervention and control groups (3.9% vs. 3.5%; relative … yielded inconsistent results. 1 In one trial, there were no differences reported in physical abuse (relative … risk, 1.45 [95% CI, 0.58 to 3.62]) or neglect (relative risk, 2.79 [95% CI, 0.98 to 7.91) between the … , risks of further harm to the child, dissolution of families, or worsening inequities. 1 Two trials … or legal risks related to Child Protective Services) and to engagement in preventive interventions (
September 28, 2021 - Aspirin use was significantly associated with lower
risk of preeclampsia (pooled relative risk [RR], … Pooled estimates of the relative risks of health outcomes associ-
ated with aspirin use were generated … Pooled
analysis, No. of
studies (No.
Pooled RR,
model (95% CI)b I2, % τ2
Relative … risk, range ARD
Relative risk,
median (IQR) ARD (range)
Perinatal mortality 15 (15 527) 11 (13 860 … ), or fetal intracranial bleeding (P = .34), and
the relative risks in the increased-risk population
August 02, 2018 - What patient characteristics or risk behaviors (e.g., substance use or STI history) are important for … identifying persons at higher risk for STIs who may benefit from targeted interventions? … Studies limited to populations requiring specialized health care or interventions to address STI health risks … reduction or risk avoidance, that can feasibly be implemented in or referred from primary care. … measures of infection, attitude, knowledge, ability, or self-efficacy, including:
Knowledge of risks