June 26, 2018 - of vertebral fractures (9 trials [n = 23,690]; relative risks [RRs] from 0.32-0.64). … did not report higher AUCs than instruments measuring fewer risks. … no cases of atrial fibrillation. 114 , 115 A case-control study using a Danish registry reported a relative … The evidence for clinical risk assessments varies in the incorporation of BMD and number of risks. … Benefits and risks of raloxifene by vertebral fracture status.
January 01, 2002 - Risk assessment should include asking about the presence and severity of the following risk factors: … of cardiovascular risk than categorizations based simply on counting the numbers of risk factors (http … Although balance of benefits and harms is most favorable in high-risk people (5-year risk greater than … caused Major gastrointestinal bleeding events **** : 2-4 caused
* These estimates are based on a relative … Five-year risks of 1%, 3% and 5% are equivalent to 10-year risks of 2%, 6%, and 10%, respectively. **
July 11, 2005 - relation to height when compared with an acceptable weight standard, 8 and can be related to health risks … children. 15-21
There are several fair- to good-quality longitudinal studies that have examined the risks … Risks and consequences of childhood and adolescent obesity. … low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level in predicting adult dyslipidemia and other cardiovascular risks … Childhood risk factors for high adult blood pressure: the Muscatine Study.
July 01, 2005 - relation to height when compared with
an acceptable weight standard,8 and can be related to health risks … children.15-21
There are several fair- to good-quality longitudinal studies that have examined the
risks … Risks and consequences
of childhood and adolescent obesity. … low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level in
predicting adult dyslipidemia and other
cardiovascular risks … Childhood risk factors
for high adult blood pressure: the Muscatine
May 09, 2017 - “People who are treated for these small tumors are exposed to serious risks from surgery or
November 22, 2016 - “People who are treated for small or slow-growing tumors are exposed to risks from surgery or
September 01, 2002 - density testing to identify fracture risks, effectiveness
of treatment in reducing fracture risk, and … This was
comparable to the magnitude of the relative risks of
most of the other significant predictors … 3,723 participants
(dosage 10 to 40 mg/d; weighted relative risk, 0.51;
CI, 0.38-0.69). … by 70% (relative
risk, 1.7). … risk for hip fracture 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63
with treatment
Relative risk for vertebral 0.52
July 03, 2018 - Clinical Summary: Risk Assessment for Cardiovascular Disease With Nontraditional Risk Factors … Clinical Summary: Risk Assessment for Cardiovascular Disease With Nontraditional Risk Factors
Population … Grade: I (insufficient evidence)
Risk Assessment
Several traditional risk factors are associated … Risk factors can be combined in many w ays to
classify a person's risk for a CVD event. … CVD risk assessment in the United States has been generally based on the Framingham
Risk Score and the
August 20, 2019 - MD
IMPORTANCE Pathogenic mutations in breast cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1 and BRCA2
increase risks … In 8 RCTs (n = 54 651), tamoxifen (relative risk
[RR], 0.69 [95% CI, 0.59-0.84]; 4 trials), raloxifene … trials),
and aromatase inhibitors (RR, 0.45 [95% CI, 0.26-0.70]; 2 trials) were associated with lower
risks … Ovarian Cancer Research Group Netherlands; HR, hazard ratio; NA, not applicable;
NR, not reported; RR, relative … Cancer risks for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation
carriers: results from prospective analysis of
December 01, 2011 - (pooled relative risk, 0.88 [CI, 0.78 to 0.99]) in
older adults, but the effects differed according … to study setting:
institution (relative risk, 0.71 [CI, 0.57 to 0.89]) versus
community-dwelling (relative … (pooled relative risk,
1.03 [CI, 0.84 to 1.26]), with high heterogeneity across
studies (I2 � 60%; P … reduction among institutionalized elderly
persons (relative risk, 0.71 [CI, 0.57 to 0.89]). … fracture (relative risk, 1.02
[CI, 0.89 to 1.16]) (Figure 2).
March 31, 2016 - Does the predictive value of body mass index (BMI) for future mortality and health risks differ by specific … assessment of central adiposity increase the predictive value of BMI for future mortality and health risks … other weight-related measure (e.g., waist circumference)
Patients may or may not have additional risk
January 01, 1996 - cholesterol level. 17 , 23 , 37 Although the relative risk associated with high serum cholesterol declines … in determining whether expected benefits are likely to justify possible risks of treatment. … younger populations is of sufficient benefit to justify the inconvenience, costs, and possible risks … The risks and benefits of drug therapy in asymptomatic persons over 65 have not yet been determined. … Patients should receive information on the potential benefits, costs, and risks of long-term therapy
September 19, 2023 - factor. 34 Clinicians should also be aware of the risks of poor health outcomes for populations at … risk. … −1.58 days [95% CI, −8.10 to 4.94 days]), number of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy diagnoses (relative … of labor for any reason and for reasons related to hypertension or fetal distress. 1 , 38 , 41 , 42 Relative … risks for all these outcomes were close to or less than 1, with no statistically significant differences
June 04, 2024 - with their older patients about whether additional
interventions might be helpful to reduce their risk … Other risk factors include sensory problems, medications that may increase fall
risk, hazards at home … The Task Force found that providing multifactorial interventions to reduce the risk of falls may benefit … plan
of interventions developed to help address the individual’s specific risks. … “Healthcare professionals should discuss with their older patients who
are at increased risk whether
January 01, 2024 - This guide is meant to help you and your healthcare professional understand the benefits
and risks of … The good news is getting screened for breast cancer every other year
can reduce your risk of dying from … at birth who:
have no signs or symptoms of breast cancer
are 40 to 74 years old
are at an average risk … How else can I reduce my risk of breast cancer? … How does my family history and other risk factors affect when I should get breast cancer screening?
March 01, 2021 - The risks of false-positive screening results have been well described elsewhere 17 and range from emotional … However, these risks have rarely been specifically described for older adults, so we can only speculate … Mathieu and colleagues developed a decision aid outlining potential risks of breast cancer screening … In this study, clearly presenting the potential risks and benefits of mammography screening to 70-year-old … Colonoscopy in the elderly: low risk, high yield. Surg Endosc . 1995;9(5):505-8.
March 20, 2018 - adults over age 24 with fair skin types, the Task Force
recommends clinicians consider the individual’s risks … Exposure to ultraviolet radiation
(UV rays) during childhood and adolescence increases the risk of skin … with ivory or pale skin, light hair and eye color, freckles, or who sunburn easily—
are at a higher risk … Using tanning beds and having a history of previous skin cancer or
sunburns also increases a person’s risk … to counsel adults over the
age of 24, clinicians should talk with their adult patients about their risk
November 06, 2017 - adults over age 24 with fair skin, the Task Force
recommends clinicians consider the individual’s risks … Exposure to ultraviolet radiation
(UV rays) during childhood and adolescence increases the risk of skin … People with
fair skin, with freckles, and who sunburn easily are at a higher risk for skin cancer. … Other risk factors
include a history of sunburns, tanning bed use, and previous skin cancer. … to counsel adults over the age of 24, clinicians
should talk with their adult patients about their risk
April 22, 2004 - in a rowFewer than 3 days in a rowFewer than 3 days in a row
Brief Intervention including “risks … Brief Intervention including “risks Brief Intervention including “risks Brief Intervention including … “risks
associated with injecting” cardassociated with injecting” cardassociated with injecting” cardassociated … cocainecocainecocainecocaine
Your risk of experiencing these harms is:…. … RISKS OF INJECTING CARD – INFORMATION FOR
Using substances by injection increases the rUsing
May 14, 2021 - settings and may provide insight on promising training strategies to improve pain care and
reduce risks … • Updated information on benefits and risks of nonpharmacologic, nonopioid
pharmacologic, and opioid … Strategies to identify patient risks of prescription
opioid addiction when initiating opioids for pain … Annual Surveillance Report of Drug-Related
Risks and Outcomes. … The effectiveness and risks of long-term opioid
treatment of chronic pain.