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    February 03, 2014 - For all cases, we analyzed unadjusted relative risks based on the number of events and nonevents. … The pooled unadjusted relative risk was 0.98 (95% CI, 0.91 to 1.04). … RR = relative risk. Return to Table of Contents Figure 2. … RR = relative risk. Return to Table of Contents Figure 3. … RR = relative risk. Return to Table of Contents Appendix Table 1.
    July 01, 2012 - A global index of risks and benefits, including the primary outcomes as well as stroke, PE, colorectal … incidence of overall urinary incontinence was in- creased for women in the WHI estrogen plus progestin (relativerisk, 1.39 [CI, 1.27 to 1.52]) (30) and estrogen- only (relative risk, 1.53 [CI, 1.37 to 1.71]) (30) … For thromboembolic disease, use of estrogen plus progestin increased the risks associated with older … Risks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women: principal results From
    November 08, 2021 - Racism has a wide-ranging influence on people’s health, shaping everything from the types of health risks … prioritizing topics that are likely to advance health equity, exploring the effects of race and racism in risk
    March 15, 2009 - therapy should consider the overall risks for coronary heart disease and gastrointestinal bleeding. … Women The net benefit of aspirin depends on the initial risks for stroke and gastrointestinal bleeding … Shared decision making should be encouraged with women for whom the potential benefits and risks for … The WHS reported benefit with aspirin use in stroke reduction (relative risk [RR], 0.83 [95% CI, 0.69 … is sufficiently high for the benefits to outweigh the risks associated with treatment (a 10-year risk
    March 15, 2009 - therapy should consider the overall risks for coronary heart disease and gastrointestinal bleeding. … Women The net benefit of aspirin depends on the initial risks for stroke and gastrointestinal bleeding … Shared decision making should be encouraged with women for whom the potential benefits and risks for … The WHS reported benefit with aspirin use in stroke reduction (relative risk [RR], 0.83 [95% CI, 0.69 … is sufficiently high for the benefits to outweigh the risks associated with treatment (a 10-year risk
    September 24, 2012 - “Clinicians can help men and women to prevent alcohol-related health risks, so we recommend screening
    March 19, 2024 - intervention, there were no group differences between intervention and control groups (3.9% vs 3.5%; relative … yielded inconsistent results. 1 In 1 trial, there were no differences reported in physical abuse (relativerisk, 1.45 [95% CI, 0.58-3.62]) or neglect (relative risk, 2.79 [95% CI, 0.98-7.91) between the intervention … “disadvantaged families” to prevent child maltreatment and recommends against screening, citing the risks … or legal risks related to Child Protective Services) and to engagement in preventive interventions (
    September 26, 2024 - disease risk assessment without these risk markers? … What are other risk markers used in enhanced cardiovascular disease risk assessment and what is their … How do 10-year risk scores compare between the two models? … integrated discrimination improvement), calibration (e.g., agreement between observed and predicted risks … ), and decision curve analysis KQs 3, 5: Serious adverse events from risk factor assessment or risk
    April 25, 2024 - multivariate cardiovascular disease risk assessment without these risk markers? … What are other risk markers used in enhanced cardiovascular disease risk assessment and what is their … assessment: Base model risk assessment (e.g., PREVENT, PCE, FRS) + CAC score Base model risk assessment … integrated discrimination improvement), calibration (e.g., agreement between observed and predicted risks … ), and decision curve analysis KQs 3, 5: Serious adverse events from risk factor assessment or risk
    September 15, 2005 - should be considered for genetic counseling to further evaluate their potential risks. … cancer in women without previous breast cancer. 38 , 39 A meta-analysis of these trials showed a relative … Four studies of prophylactic oophorectomy reported reduced risks for ovarian and breast cancer, 46-49 … Breast and ovarian cancer risks due to inherited mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 . … The lifetime risks of breast cancer in Ashkenazi Jewish carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations.
    September 15, 2005 - should be considered for genetic counseling to further evaluate their potential risks. … cancer in women without previous breast cancer. 38 , 39 A meta-analysis of these trials showed a relative … Four studies of prophylactic oophorectomy reported reduced risks for ovarian and breast cancer, 46-49 … Breast and ovarian cancer risks due to inherited mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 . … The lifetime risks of breast cancer in Ashkenazi Jewish carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations.
    June 01, 2020 - tools (eg, the 8-item ASSIST [Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test]) that assess risks … • The PRO (Prenatal Risk Overview) for pregnant people.
    June 01, 2023 - Clinicians should be aware of the risk factors, signs, and symptoms of anxiety, listen to any patient … comorbid conditions, and life events to determine if additional screening of patients at increased risk … Ongoing assessment of risks that may develop during pregnancy and the postpartum period is also a reasonable … However, there are some factors that increase risk. … • Women and Black individuals are also at risk.
    November 05, 2013 - critical gap in the evidence, and more research is needed so we can better understand the benefits and risks
    August 09, 2016 - the absence of evidence, health care professionals should continue to take each patient’s individual risks
    October 15, 2012 - the lowest effective dose and for the shortest duration of use consistent with treatment goals and risks … The risks for cholecystitis and cholelithiasis are both statistically significantly increased with the … for developing and dying of breast cancer, whereas estrogen alone seems to slightly reduce these risks … or without oral medroxyprogesterone acetate, 2.5 mg/d) and notes that the estimates of the absolute risks … Health risks and benefits 3 years after stopping randomized treatment with estrogen and progestin.
    August 25, 2016 - The figure illustrates the overarching question: Does screening for current, past, or increased risk … and negative predictive values, positive and negative likelihood ratios, diagnostic odds ratios, and relativerisks for future abuse KQ 3: Psychosocial harms, including labeling and stigma; false-positive and … and negative predictive values, positive and negative likelihood ratios, diagnostic odds ratios, and relativerisks for future abuse KQ 3: Psychosocial harms, including labeling and stigma; false-positive and
    March 19, 2024 - yielded inconsistent results.1 In 1 trial, there were no differences re- ported in physical abuse (relativerisk, 1.45 [95% CI, 0.58-3.62]) or neglect (relative risk, 2.79 [95% CI, 0.98-7.91) between the inter … , risks of further harm to the child, dissolution of families, or worsening inequities.1,21 Two trials … legal risks related to Child Protective Services) and to engagement in preventive interventions (eg, … disadvantaged families” to prevent child maltreat- ment and recommends against screening, citing the risks
    January 01, 1996 - Although MRA seems to be quite sensitive and spares patients the risks of conventional angiography, it … symptomatic patients, chronic aspirin therapy may not provide sufficient benefits to justify the documented risks … ACAS study, the risks of surgery for asymptomatic carotid artery disease may outweigh the benefits. … Routine screening will also subject some patients without significant carotid disease to the risks of … Asymptomatic carotid bruit and risk of stroke: the Framingham study.
    June 26, 2018 - of vertebral fractures (9 trials [n = 23,690]; relative risks [RRs] from 0.32-0.64). … did not report higher AUCs than instruments measuring fewer risks. … no cases of atrial fibrillation. 114 , 115 A case-control study using a Danish registry reported a relative … The evidence for clinical risk assessments varies in the incorporation of BMD and number of risks. … Benefits and risks of raloxifene by vertebral fracture status.

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