September 30, 2018 - randomized control trial, we are not able to publish any data
during the study period to prevent the risk
February 02, 2010 - the handover, based on the acronym CUSS (“I’m Concerned” “I’m
Uncomfortable” “I think Safety is at risk
October 22, 2019 - Thus, masking of the medium-
priority Cardiac alarm is a higher risk at this volume.
January 01, 2024 - randomized control trial, we are not able to publish any data
during the study period to prevent the risk
January 01, 2024 - Thus, masking of the medium-
priority Cardiac alarm is a higher risk at this volume.
January 01, 2024 - hospital and health system’s
response and resolution teams (e.g., unit leaders, hospital leaders, risk
July 22, 2015 - Community health worker
program serving high-risk
enrollees in Medicaid managed
care while helping
January 01, 2016 - that have come together pursuant to a joint powers agreement to contract for
Medicaid and bear full risk
July 22, 2015 - Community health worker
program serving high-risk
enrollees in Medicaid managed
care while helping
January 01, 2024 - the handover, based on the acronym CUSS (“I’m Concerned” “I’m
Uncomfortable” “I think Safety is at risk
January 01, 2018 - Social risk factors and performance under Medicare’s Value-Based
Purchasing Programs: a report required
January 28, 2011 - outcomes for patients
• Reduced errors and adverse events
• Increased patient loyalty
• Reduced risk … identify and monitor measures tied to these initiatives
(e.g., outcomes, experiences of care, and risk
January 01, 2022 - Social Risk Factors and Performance Under Medicare’s Value-
Based Purchasing Programs: a Report Required
September 01, 2015 - management
• Planned care
• Action plans with patients
• Self-management support
• Care coordination
• Risk
January 17, 2014 - over the age of 20 years with SCD; patients with higher pain rates
(episodes/year) have an increased risk
February 01, 2011 - relies heavily on SBT for pilot training and evaluation, particularly for simulating
critical high-risk
December 01, 2017 - get it out, or better yet, not put in at all, then it's even better for the patient to reduce that risk
April 01, 2008 - Advising patients about patient safety:
Current initiatives risk shifting responsibility.
August 12, 2014 - get it out, or better yet, not put in at all, then it’s even better for the patient to reduce that risk
January 01, 2017 - across the board for every single measure, all three of these groups we thought we were going to
be at risk