August 03, 2020 - practice guidelines
• Finance and
• Federal regulations
• HIPAA compliance
• QA, QI, risk
August 24, 2012 - Key hospital departments, such as risk management, quality improvement, and infection prevention, that
February 18, 2016 - result from a validated developmental
screening tool that indicates the patient
tests positive for risk
February 19, 2016 - result from a validated developmental
screening tool that indicates the patient
tests positive for risk
February 16, 2016 - result from a validated developmental
screening tool that indicates the patient
tests positive for risk
October 01, 2012 - were authorized to buy
this more costly product because it saves valuable nurse time and reduces the risk … What can we do to reduce the risk of it from recurring with
different caregivers? … How will we know the risk was reduced? With whom should we share the
March 01, 2015 - ”
• Adopt strategies to ensure long-term success and mitigate the risk of “change fatigue.” … When practices try to engage in too many complex QI efforts concurrently, they run the risk
of experiencing … support and feedback through regular meetings,
data monitoring, and other strategies to mitigate the risk
July 24, 2019 - These include: the development of progressive dental disease and greater risk of costly dental,
infectious … States or plans could also focus on high-risk populations, administering the tool via case
January 01, 2007 - and safety in health care and is rooted in more than three decades of research in
high-stress, high-risk … When in doubt regarding whether to use a case, consult Risk Management.
January 01, 2007 - and safety in health care and is rooted in more than three decades of research in
high-stress, high-risk … When in doubt regarding whether to use a case, consult Risk Management.
January 01, 2007 - and safety in health care and is rooted in more than three decades of research in
high-stress, high-risk … When in doubt regarding whether to use a case, consult Risk Management.
December 01, 2005 - Communication
‹#› of 39
When a team member is temporarily or permanently relieved of duty, there is a risk … It also allows for them to talk about fall-risk precautions and isolation precautions.
February 09, 2006 - People are vulnerable to make errors when they're under stress and are in high risk situations, and when … She became concerned and uncomfortable that the patient's safety may be at risk.
February 01, 2002 - widely adopt-
ed definition that states that a child with a special health
care need 1) has or is at risk … Finally, because it in-
cludes the concept of being ‘‘at risk’’ for a condition, the
MCHB definition
January 01, 2024 - Two of the three pilot site clinics cared for older adult populations, some of which
were high risk … with multiple or specific chronic conditions, would receive more
benefit in terms of reducing their risk
December 01, 2017 - important and answering those questions what happen, why did it happen, what can you do to reduce the risk … that it would happen again, how will you go that that risk has been reduced and where will you share
January 01, 2014 - important and answering those questions what happen, why did it happen, what can you do to reduce the risk … that it would happen again, how will you go that that risk has been reduced and where will you share
January 01, 2024 - If findings continue to pinpoint the busy or chaotic environment as a risk factor for stress and
error … Women physicians and their patients remain at higher risk for as yet undocumented side
effects of stress
April 01, 2022 - be a joint decision, arrived at by a team member raising the issue of awareness of the catheter and risk … discussions of indications and evaluate if an alternative device may be more effective and provide less risk
January 01, 2012 - The diversity of services calls for robust care
coordination; without it, there is great risk of diffused … The natural history of
chronic illnesses common to complex patients includes increased risk of acute … CCA is paid risk-
adjusted capitation rates from Medicare and Medicaid for those who enroll in its SCO … $61 per month for tier 4; this payment increases
proportionately based on a patient’s supplemental risk … Some primary care advocates have proposed that risk-adjusted capitated payments for primary care, when