encouraging a culture of safety as well as providing feedback and assistance to effectively minimize patient risk … feedback to participants in a patient safety evaluation system
The term "safety" refers to reducing risk … healthcare organizations can collect, aggregate, and analyze data, thus identifying and reducing the risks
April 23, 2019 - encouraging a culture of safety as well as providing feedback and assistance to effectively minimize patient risk … feedback to participants in a patient safety evaluation system
The term "safety" refers to reducing risk … healthcare organizations can collect, aggregate, and analyze data, thus identifying and reducing the risks … voluntarily reported by providers and provide feedback aimed at promoting learning and minimizing patient risk
August 01, 2022 - ACA defines an 'eligible hospital' as a "hospital that the Secretary determines has a high rate of risk-adjusted … subsection, the term 'eligible hospital' means a hospital that the Secretary determines has a high rate of risk-adjusted … Risk adjustment. … —The Secretary shall utilize appropriate risk-adjustment measures to determine eligible hospitals.
August 01, 2021 - encouraging a culture of safety and of providing feedback and assistance to effectively minimize patient risk … the purpose of providing direct feedback and assistance to providers to effectively minimize patient risk
voluntarily reported by providers and provide feedback aimed at promoting learning and minimizing patient risk
voluntarily reported by providers and provide feedback aimed at promoting learning and minimizing patient risk
October 14, 2009 - PSO Number: P0078 Components of Parent Org(s):
Community Hospital Alternative for Risk
December 22, 2010 - Medical Center (AMC) PSO
PSO Number: P0103 Components of Parent Org(s):
April 01, 2023 - feedback to participants in a patient safety evaluation system
The term "safety" refers to reducing risk … healthcare organizations can collect, aggregate, and analyze data, thus identifying and reducing the risks … Safety Act and Rule provide protections that are designed to allay fears of providers of increased risk … For hospitals with high risk-adjusted readmission rates for certain conditions, the Affordable Care Act … the purpose of providing direct feedback and assistance to providers to effectively minimize patient risk
January 01, 2022 - • How does the PSO provide feedback and
assistance that may be used by providers to
minimize risk … Sample Self-Assessment Questions
10 Section 3.106(b)
assessments of
security risks … and controls
to establish if
Does the PSO conduct periodic assessments of its security risks and … Did all such risk assessment meet prevailing industry standards or practices? … Has the PSO established a schedule for periodic risk analyses?
January 01, 2022 - • How does the PSO provide feedback and
assistance that may be used by providers to
minimize risk … Sample Self-Assessment Questions
10 Section 3.106(b)
assessments of
security risks … and controls
to establish if
Does the PSO conduct periodic assessments of its security risks and … Did all such risk assessment meet prevailing industry standards or practices? … Has the PSO established a schedule for periodic risk analyses?
September 01, 2009 - periodic risk assessments subsequently (Table 2, Row #9). … Security Assessment
9 Section 3.106(b)(4)(i)
Periodic assessments of security risks
and controls … Did the PSO conduct a risk assessment before
developing its security standards? … Did any such
risk assessment meet prevailing industry
standards or practices? … Has the PSO established a schedule for periodic
risk analyses?
May 24, 2016 - so
that the PSO can aggregate it with other rare events from other
reporting providers to identify risks … examples of such information not eligible to
become PSWP:
► Information prepared for "internal risk … has not expired (e.g., regulator
requirement; time frame to maintain medical record
information, risk
February 15, 2022 - encouraging a culture of safety and of providing
feedback and assistance to effectively minimize patient risk … the purpose of providing direct feedback
and assistance to providers to effectively minimize patient risk … encouraging a culture of safety and of providing feedback and assistance to effectively minimize patient risk … the purpose of providing direct feedback and assistance to providers to effectively minimize patient risk
January 01, 2019 - encourage a culture of safety and provide
feedback and assistance to effectively minimize patient risk
July 01, 2021 - to encourage a culture of safety and provide
feedback and assistance to effectively minimize patient risk
February 15, 2022 - encouraging a culture of safety and of providing feedback and
assistance to effectively minimize patient risk … the purpose of providing direct feedback and
assistance to providers to effectively minimize patient risk … encouraging a culture of safety and of providing feedback and assistance to effectively minimize patient risk … the purpose of providing direct feedback and assistance to providers to effectively minimize patient risk
January 01, 2020 - Procedure
PSO Activities
PSO Activities
• Monthly, department specific, annual Comprehensive Risk … team-and-human-factors-improve-safety
Committed to Quality and Safety
By leveraging techniques from high-risk
January 01, 2020 - Upon request from the hospital’s risk management department, the nurse prepares
a written statement
January 01, 2010 - 26
Mott Background
• Shared resources with University of Michigan Health System
► Risk