February 02, 2018 - use has been associated with lower costs, greater
independence, increased quality of life, decreased risk … Assessment of Methodological Risk of Bias of Individual Studies - We will evaluate the
risk of bias … The domains to be used for all KQs will be: the methodological limitations of the studies
(i.e., risk … of bias studies vs. estimates derived from studies
at low risk of bias; or 2) when all the available … studies (in a particular comparison) have high
or unclear risk of bias.
January 01, 2012 - related interests Pulmonary disease/asthma Current or Past Research Interests Comments: Other: Health risk
April 29, 2021 - 2016, and 2017 to 2018 N Y Y N Y N N
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)+A42 CDC Youth Risk … 1989 to 2017 Y Diabetes surveillance data are updated as new data are released from CDC’s Behavioral Risk … Survey (ACBS) https://www.cdc.gov/brfss/acbs/index.htm N N Y 2006 to 2017 N N N Y N Y Y Behavioral Risk … The Selected Metropolitan/Micropolitan Area Risk Trends of BRFSS (SMART BRFSS) uses BRFSS data to provide … The risk factor categories available are alcohol consumption, asthma, cholesterol awareness, colorectal
September 01, 2018 - Secondary & Primary Prevention of ASCVD
Resource title: AHA/ACCF Secondary Prevention and Risk
Protection of Human Subjects
The AHRQ Informed Consent and Authorization Toolkit for Minimal Risk
April 01, 2016 - Protection of Human Subjects
The AHRQ Informed Consent and Authorization Toolkit for Minimal Risk
January 01, 2011 - care and are designed to ensure health care continuity and avoid preventable poor outcomes among at risk … 2 (T2)
Adult with multiple chronic conditions
Trajectory 3 (T3)
Adults at end of life
At Risk … and Kaiser Permanente to test “real world” applications of research-based model of care among high risk … Jonas Center for Excellence
The TCM…
Focuses on transitions of high-risk
March 01, 2020 - Generate a list of patients at particular risk within the group. … Patients at risk could include:
Those who are not adhering to their medications.
October 01, 2017 - members in those testing areas are now responsible for the patients’ care and need to know they are at risk … The Unit Team comprises staff members who provide daily direct patient care by:
Conducting fall risk … Integrating communication regarding fall risk into regular communication, such as during shift handoffs … Creating visual cues or reminders, such as logos indicating elements of the fall risk care plan (like … Questions to consider with electronic records include:
What information about fall risk factors is
September 20, 2017 - members in those testing areas are now responsible for the patients’ care and need to know they are at risk … The Unit Team comprises staff members who provide daily direct patient care by:
· Conducting fall risk … Integrating communication regarding fall risk into regular communication, such as during shift handoffs … Creating visual cues or reminders, such as logos indicating elements of the fall risk care plan (like … Questions to consider with electronic records include:
· What information about fall risk factors is
January 01, 2008 - conjunction with a medical provider’s or pharmacist’s assessment of medications contributing to fall risk … (see Tool 3I, “Medication Fall Risk Scale and Evaluation Tools”) and a medical provider’s assessment … separate tool (Tool 3N, ‘Postfall Assessment, Clinical Review) covers how to assess and follow injury risk
June 01, 2021 - · I am concerned that the risks of prescribing another course of antibiotics outweigh the potential … I worry about allergic reactions, antibiotic resistance, and the risk of her getting an infection caused … I don’t want to risk hurting her with a medicine that she very likely does not need. … do not want to give her an antibiotic if she does not truly need it, because this could put her at risk … Her actions helped to reduce further risk to the resident.
January 01, 2012 - interests
Pulmonary disease/asthma*
Current or Past Research Interests Comments :
Other: Health risk
Management of fall risk among older adults in diverse primary care settings.
August 23, 2018 - for cardiovascular disease (e.g.,
statin use among those at risk): (check all that apply)
Practice … Learning Collaborative
demo_prog_mh_collab 1 = Yes 2 = No
Million Hearts: Cardiovascular Disease Risk … practice uses to improve cardiovascular preventive care (e.g., prescribing
aspirin for patients at risk … practice performance on cardiovascular disease prevention measures (such as aspirin for patients
at risk … CPCQ_rapid_cycles Using rapid cycling, piloting, pre-testing, or other vehicles for reducing the risk
January 01, 2014 - The team immediately placed a call to the risk management department, and they responded immediately … Distinguishes between human error (console), at-risk behavior (coach), reckless behavior (punish). … Risk of depression.
Risk of suicide. … Risk of depression.
Risk of suicide. … CANDOR will train risk managers, organization leaders in approaching these difficult discussions.
June 01, 2014 - Hypertension (BP ≥ 140/90 mm Hg) affects 33% of
all U.S. adults age 20 and older
• Leading modifiable risk … mmHg
• PPV = True Positives
(True Positives + False Positives)
Number of At-Risk … Limitations
• Algorithms likely did not identify a significant
number of individuals at-risk … readings, which may have
been inaccurate – need to standardize
• Conducting AOBP reading on all at-risk … How can HIT resources be used, within the FQHC
setting, to reach uninsured children and those at risk
July 01, 2018 - Toolkit introduces Just Culture principles, which emphasize shared accountability and attitudes towards risk
September 01, 2018 - Protection of Human Subjects
The AHRQ Informed Consent and Authorization Toolkit for Minimal Risk
August 07, 2012 - Support Staff (e.g., Technicians, Ward Clerks, Nurse’s Aides)
Staff from Safety, Quality, or Risk