
Total Results: 1,276 records

Showing results for "responses".

    January 01, 2018 - Individuals under age 65 were classified in the following three insurance categories, based on household responses … age 65 and older were classified into the following three insurance categories, based on household responses
    March 01, 2006 - Hypertensive adults were also identified through responses to a general question that asks whether a … Individuals under age 65 were classified in the following three insurance categories, based on household responses
    November 01, 2015 - Responses of "never" and "sometimes" were combined to measure the difficulty in access to the specialists … Individuals under age 65 were classified in the following three insurance categories based on household responses
    February 01, 2017 - Individuals under age 65 were classified in the following three insurance categories, based on household responses … age 65 and older were classified into the following three insurance categories, based on household responses
    November 30, 2022 - Long Description for Figure 4-3 Figure 4-3: Response rate by contact mode and interview number Figure 4-3 is a vertical bar chart depicting the SDOH response rate by contact mode and interview number: SMS+Email: total response rate = 79.3%* Email only: total response rate = 66.2%* SMS only: total resp…
    February 24, 2023 - digits of the ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes are released in the Medical Conditions PUF. 4 ambiguous responses … 1996–2017: This section identified specific physical and mental health conditions from verbatim text responses … As a result, the condition responses cannot be used to estimate true medical condition prevalence. … Responses to these priority condition questions are recorded in the Full-Year Consolidated PUF. … These responses were then coded into various ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes. 19 Starting in Panel 12, when
    February 24, 2023 - The list also allowed respondents to help clarify ambiguous responses in real time (e.g., does … identified specific physical and mental health conditions from verbatim text responses … As a result, the condition responses cannot be used to estimate true medical condition prevalence … Responses to these priority condition questions are recorded in the Full-Year Consolidated … These responses were then coded into various ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes.
    November 13, 2020 - Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insurance Component Response Rates   Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services More Back …
    November 13, 2020 - Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insurance Component Response Rates   Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services More Back …
    January 01, 2010 - respondent payment level on data quality using the following metrics: two survey estimates based on responses … rounds of data collection item nonresponse rates, or more specifically the proportion of eligible responses … component of the analysis helped assess whether the higher respondent payment yields differential responses
    January 01, 2010 - respondent payment level on data quality using the following metrics: two survey estimates based on responses … rounds of data collection item nonresponse rates, or more specifically the proportion of eligible responses … component of the analysis helped assess whether the higher respondent payment yields differential responses
    December 01, 1998 - cardiovascular disease, and congestive heart failure. d Excludes less than 2 percent missing data. e ResponsesResponses were limited to “yes” or “no.” … For both the summary measures and measures of individual behavior problems, responses indicating that … Positive responses for “understood” and “usually understood” were classified as no problem; “sometimes … Responses for both variables were collapsed into four mutually exclusive categories: no problem, problem
    December 01, 2000 - Hard boundary categories were used based on responses to a series of unfolding … , 1995 poverty thresholds were used for sample persons with responses … in Round 2 and 1996 values were used for those with responses in Round 3. … Responses for bladder and bowel control were collapsed into three categories: no … report, facilities were assigned to mutually exclusive categories based on their responses
    March 01, 2008 - estimates derived from individuals that are considered full year respondents (individuals with responses
    March 01, 2008 - national estimates derived from individuals that are considered full year respondents (individuals with responses
    January 01, 2019 - national estimates derived from individuals that are considered full-year respondents (individuals with responses
    January 01, 2019 - estimates derived from individuals that are considered full-year respondents (individuals with responses
    January 01, 2020 - The confidentiality of your responses to this survey is protected by Section 944(c).
    January 01, 2018 - Individuals under age 65 were classified in the following three insurance categories, based on household responses … age 65 and older were classified into the following three insurance categories, based on household responses
    January 01, 2018 - Individuals under age 65 were classified in the following three insurance categories, based on household responses … age 65 and older were classified into the following three insurance categories, based on household responses

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