
Total Results: 125 records

Showing results for "responses".

    January 01, 2020 - Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).²  Adjusts questions #1 - #3 by expanding the number of responses … Evaluation of NIDA Quick Screen responses, if present ©2020 THE MITRE CORPORATION. … Evidence of NIDA Quick Screen responses ©2020 THE MITRE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. … Determining which version of the Patient Decision Aid CDS content to display, based on evidence of patient responses …  Sandbox hosts synthetic data  Alcohol screening instruments display to screen and capture user responses
    January 01, 2022 - AAFP further collected feedback from pilot users using two methods: deidentifying responses to written … • 18 post-use assessment responses (9 clinician; 9 researcher). … , 18 post-use assessment responses, and qualitative data from 6 think-aloud sessions, which resulted … Overview of Researcher Participant Responses Nine researchers participated. … Overview of Researcher Participant Responses Appendix D.
    June 16, 2020 - The USAUDIT further adjusts questions #1 through #3 by expanding the number of responses and modifying … FHIR provides a Questionnaire resource that allows interrelated questions and responses to be defined … The responses to the USAUDIT-C can be seen within the QuestionnaireResponse resource, under the data … If write-back capability is supported by the FHIR Server, then the patient responses to the alcohol … This decision was made to avoid potentially influencing alcohol screening responses.
    June 16, 2020 - The USAUDIT further adjusts questions #1 through #3 by expanding the number of responses and modifying … FHIR provides a Questionnaire resource that allows interrelated questions and responses to be defined … The responses to the USAUDIT-C can be seen within the QuestionnaireResponse resource, under the data … If write-back capability is supported by the FHIR Server, then the patient responses to the alcohol … This decision was made to avoid potentially influencing alcohol screening responses.
    June 22, 2020 - The USAUDIT further adjusts questions #1 through #3 by expanding the number of responses and modifying … As such, responses to questions #1, #2 and #3, and the wording of question #3 varies between the U.S … FHIR provides a Questionnaire resource that allows interrelated questions and responses to be defined … If write-back capability is supported by the FHIR Server, then the patient responses to the alcohol … This decision was made to avoid potentially influencing alcohol screening responses.
    June 22, 2020 - The USAUDIT further adjusts questions #1 through #3 by expanding the number of responses and modifying … As such, responses to questions #1, #2 and #3, and the wording of question #3 varies between the U.S … FHIR provides a Questionnaire resource that allows interrelated questions and responses to be defined … If write-back capability is supported by the FHIR Server, then the patient responses to the alcohol … This decision was made to avoid potentially influencing alcohol screening responses.
    January 01, 2021 - medical residents correctly classified only 41% (5.7/14) of 14 drug pairs2 • Mean number of correct responses … • Can lead to inappropriate responses: 87.3% of high-priority alerts were overridden in a 1-year sample
    February 08, 2012 - There was a strong interest in a CDS intervention Based on the EHR data and survey responses … overweight (Lipid) 26.0% Hyperlipidemia – obese (Lipid) 53.2% Diabetes (Glucose) 36.4% We had 112 survey responses
    February 01, 2018 - patient about each job feature individually, but could pose a comprehensive question and gather ‘yes’ responses … about each job feature individually, but could pose a comprehensive question and gather ‘yes’ responses
    May 24, 2023 - intensity rating § Wong Baker FACES scale: 0-5 rating – Multi-dimensional assessments § PEG – include responses … Provides an opportunity to identify errors in the patient record § May shed new light on how assessment responses
    September 21, 2018 - intensity rating ▪ Wong Baker FACES scale: 0-5 rating – Multi-dimensional assessments ▪ PEG – include responses … Provides an opportunity to identify errors in the patient record ▪ May shed new light on how assessment responses
    September 21, 2018 - intensity rating ▪ Wong Baker FACES scale: 0-5 rating – Multi-dimensional assessments ▪ PEG – include responses … Provides an opportunity to identify errors in the patient record ▪ May shed new light on how assessment responses
    December 01, 2018 - approach was not taken for the STarT Back Screening Tool, since that has nine questions, a nd responses … Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms [SNOMED-CT]) are available to express goal-related questions and responses … Screen flicker Passed Page will not cause screen flicker Scripts Passed No inaccessible scripts Timed responses … Passed Page does not require timed responses Navigation links Passed Navigation links are not repetitive
    January 01, 2022 - MITRE ensured the confidentiality of interviewee responses by further expanding the pool of potential … Responses were aggregated by question prior to delivery to AHRQ. … Coding began with an analysis of the exact responses, “source language” from interviewees, followed … In addition to a confidence rating, responses were also rated with a “measure of importance” ranging
    September 19, 2022 - AHRQ CEDAR Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct I. Our Pledge In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, rega…
    September 14, 2021 - Osteoporosis Patient Handout Adapted from "Osteoporosis: 12 Myths of Osteoporosis", Osteoporosis Canada - Fracture Liaison Service. Most reactions to osteoporosis/bone medicine are rare and minor. If you notice any reactions, let your health care provider know. There are options for treatment that may work better fo…
    October 17, 2018 - CAMH_Template_Long_Instructions Prepared for: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CMS Alliance to Modernize Healthcare Federally Funded Research and Development Center Anthrax Clinical Decision Support Project Task Order No. 200-2016-F-89363 Adapting Emergency Preparedness and Response Guidelines t…
    January 01, 2017 - primary and additional use case scenarios, recommendations and actions that may be provided, as well as responses
    December 01, 2020 - November 2020 CDS Connect Work Group Call November 2020 CDS Connect Work Group Call Agenda Schedule Topic 3:00 - 3:02 Roll Call, Michelle Lenox (MITRE) 3:02 - 3:05 Review of the Agenda, Maria Michaels (CDC) 3:05 - 3:50 Lessons Learned: Blockchain to Support Trust (EunoChains) 3:50 - 3:55 What's New with CDS C…
    February 15, 2018 - Guide to the Healthy Weight Care Assistant 1. Introduction The Healthy Weight Care Assistant (HWCA) was developed to assist pediatricians in providing evidence-based care to children with overweight or obese body habitus who were at risk for developing complications of obesity. The goal was that by early identification…

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