March 08, 2004 - Adequate response rate.
Diagnostic testing procedures applied equally to each group. … A "yes" response to any question is considered positive for partner violence.
… A "yes" response on any question is considered positive for partner violence.
… A "yes" response to any question is considered positive for partner violence.
… "A response of "no" to items 6, 8, 13, and 15 and a response of "yes" to all other score in the abused
July 01, 2017 - Procedure Manual Appendix IV. Roles and Responsibilities of USPSTF Members Serving as a Topic Lead
Each topic team ( Secti…
July 01, 2017 - Procedure Manual Appendix IV. Roles and Responsibilities of USPSTF Members Serving as a Topic Lead
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Each topic team ( Section 1.9 ) includes the AHRQ Medical Officer, a Task F…
June 01, 2012 - Sensitivity: 96 (90–100);
Specificity: 75 (59–91)
NR NR Fairࠠ
�2 positive response Sensitivity: … 89 (81–98);
Specificity: 100
�3 positive response Sensitivity: 64 (50–78);
Specificity: 100
�1 positive … response Sensitivity: 95 (90–99.8);
Specificity: 37 (29–44)
PPV: 42; NPV: 94 NR Fair‡
�2 positive … response Sensitivity: 85 (77–93);
Specificity: 54 (46–62)
PPV: 48; NPV: 88
�3 positive response Sensitivity … is considered a positive screen
CTQ-SF (51) 28-item, 5-point
Likert scale
Positive response if any
December 02, 2021 - virus; KQ=key question; PCR=polymerase chain reaction; RCT=randomized, controlled trial
Response … In response to comments, the USPSTF revised its terminology related to simultaneous serologic testing
June 17, 2021 - Response to Public Comment … In response to public comments, the USPSTF revised the KQs to clarify intentions and expanded the eligibility
April 15, 2013 - A rapid-response outpatient model for reducing hospitalization rates among suicidal adolescents. … 1: 20.2
Response 2: 7.9
Response 3: 3.3
Response 1: 100 (NR)
Response 2: 91.7 (76.1–100.0 … )
Response 3: 83.3 (62.2–100.0)
Response 1: 81.0 (78.5–83.5)
Response 2: 93.1 (91.5–94.7) … Response 3: 97.7 (69.8–98.6)
Response 1: 5.9 (2.6–9.2)
Response 2: 13.9(6.3–21.5)
Response … 3: 30.3(14.6–46.0)
Response 1: 100 (NR)
Response 2: 99.8
Response 3: 99.8
December 21, 2023 - Response to Public Comment … In response, the Research Plan was revised by editing the analytic framework for clarity and to separate
May 02, 2014 - Response to Public Comment
The draft research plan for this topic was posted for public comment … In response to public comments, a key question on how benefits and harms vary according to statin therapy
August 30, 2018 - Response to Public Comment … In response, the USPSTF decided to limit the focus of the current review to the prevention of illicit
June 23, 2016 - Response to Public Comment … In response to comments, the USPSTF revised the key question regarding harms to remove indication of
October 19, 2017 - Response to Public Comment … In response to public comment, the USPSTF defined mild cognitive impairment and clarified the specific
December 17, 2015 - Languages other than English; publications available only as a conference abstract
Response … In response to comments, the USPSTF changed the title of the topic to “Vision Screening in Children Ages
May 02, 2014 - Response to Public Comment … In response to public comments, a key question on how benefits and harms vary according to statin therapy
January 16, 2019 - use, opioid misuse, and opioid use disorder in primary care settings is essential to an effective
April 01, 2009 - Across the 9 SSRI trials, response rates among treat-
ment and placebo groups varied considerably. … Of the
patients in treatment groups, 36% to 69% met response
criteria at postintervention follow-up, … We
calculated that the pooled absolute risk difference (RD)
in the response rate between treatment and … Nine of the 10 psychotherapy trials found that treated
patients had higher short-term response rates … Baseline response rates among
placebo-treated patients were quite variable across the
trials, and some
July 01, 2017 - incorporating decision modeling, considering the extent of the prior USPSTF recommendation, public response
July 01, 2017 - incorporating decision modeling, considering the extent of the prior USPSTF recommendation, public response
November 01, 2013 - health behavior change and health improvement (i.e., minimum duration, minimum level of change, change/response
October 07, 2013 - to USPSTF criteria
Poor quality, as defined by design-specific USPSTF criteria
Response … The USPSTF reviewed and considered all comments received and made changes to the Research Plan in response