
Total Results: 2,523 records

Showing results for "response".

    January 01, 2024 - Results: The percentage of survey respondents who chose the most positive score for a given item’s response … Bar Charts: A graphical distribution of survey results that shows the top, bottom, and middle response
    October 15, 2007 - Please check the ONE response that most accurately describes the pharmacy today, using the following … 35 Appendix 2: Health Literacy Assessment Tour Guide (continued) Comments: Please check the ONE response … Please check the ONE response that most accurately describes the pharmacy today, using the following
    June 01, 2023 - Patients and family caregivers also may need to explain actions they have taken in response to a medical … Task: In response, my cardiologist recommended that I increase the dosage of the medication I take for
    August 22, 2018 - effort. 2 NOTE: For check all that apply survey items (indicated with variable names ending in **), see response … In these cases, surveys should be programmed such that each response category for a check all that apply … has been under the current ownerships for less than one year, please indicate that by checking that response … not answer Prac_ACO_join_medicaid, then you can remove “Already contracting with a Medicaid ACO” as a response … not answer Prac_ACO_join_medicare, then you can remove “Already contracting with a Medicare ACO” as a response
    October 01, 2018 - So we get that open-ended response. … We have lower response rates, a very strong neighborhood identity and the staff is unionized. … So one within ambulatory care, our response rates are generally quite low. … They’re about the same as emergency department response rates, and they’re even different for us with … I’ve gotten, you know, up to a full typed page response.
    September 01, 2015 - And we haven’t identified anyone who gives an inappropriate response to that question. … One is there’s really no difference in response rate. … The point is that the response rate was about the same. … The top box response is the most positive response. … But the response rate was higher by mail.
    May 01, 2021 - adding the responses to MH3, MH4, and MH6 and dividing by the number of items for which there was a response … counseling items (MH3 and MH4) by adding responses and dividing by the number of items for which there was a response
    May 01, 2021 - adding the responses to MH3, MH4, and MH6 and dividing by the number of items for which there was a response … counseling items (MH3 and MH4) by adding responses and dividing by the number of items for which there was a response
    August 01, 2022 - 200 KB) Tool: System-Focused Event Investigation and Analysis Guide ( PDF , 670 KB) Module 5: Response … and Disclosure Response and Disclosure Facilitator Notes ( PowerPoint , 2 MB) Tool: Communication
    July 01, 2022 - Results See the percentage of survey respondents who chose the most positive score for a given item’s response … Bar Charts View a graphical distribution of survey results that shows the top, bottom, and middle response
    June 01, 2023 - In response, AHRQ awarded 10 grants to establish Diagnostic Safety Centers of Excellence. … characterize diagnostic processes among patients who experience inpatient deaths, ICU transfers, or rapid-response
    October 01, 2013 - UNDERSTANDABILITY Item # Item Response Options Rating Topic: Content 1 The material makes its purpose … 4 Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool for Printable Materials (PEMAT-P) Item # Item Response … : ____________________ (Total Points / Total Possible Points)  100 ACTIONABILITY Item # Item Response
    July 01, 2023 - Time limited (e.g., Code Team, Disaster Response Team, Rapid Response Team). … as for a Code Team, or they may be responsible for a broad category of situations, such as disaster response
    November 12, 2020 - In response to a polling question about the level of financial and operational uncertainties programs … In response they created some women’s-only sessions that worked well. … the number of patient visits helped Matt’s administrative team make rapid staffing adjustments in response
    January 01, 2023 - Good 23% Good 8% Fair 2% Poor Notes: 1) Percentages indicate the database average percent response … for each response option; 2) The percent positive displayed might not equal the sum of the separate … response option percentages due to rounding; 3) All five percentages might not add to 100 percent due
    March 07, 2019 - And I would just highlight the importance of your response rate. … As you're administering the survey, you really want a response rate of around 60 to 80 percent. … A response rate's critical to having meaningful data to be able to interpret how your team is responding … Response rates of less than 60 percent? … that 60 to 80 percent response rate. 18 AHRQ Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture Uses Raise
    March 01, 2016 - Submit weekly reports to sponsor detailing survey progress and response rates. … Calculate response rates. Review analysis program instructions. Modify program, as needed.
    November 06, 2020 - were to: (1) provide agency updates related to diagnostic improvement research as well as COVID-19 response … The initiative has been going on for a few months with a very strong response, and the hope is that
    July 01, 2018 - Return to Contents   Slide 17 Team Intervention Crisis Response Team Do you have a team? … Who is your crisis response team? How is your team summoned? … Psych Response Teams. Administration. Risk Managers. EVERYONE who is part of the team. … Decrease in reaction time (quicker response).
    January 01, 2013 - For questions and composites based on 4-point response scales (i.e., "always", "usually", "sometimes … ", "never"), the bottom segment combines the two lowest response categories (i.e., "sometimes" and " … following: • “Top Box” Scores: Displays the percentage of respondents reporting the most positive response … charts: Displays a graphical distribution of survey results that show the top, bottom, and middle response … Composites and Rating Items for 5.0 Version of CAHPS Health Plan Survey Question Text Response Option

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