July 01, 2004 - The yearly response rate has averaged 78 percent for in-scope sample units. … of 42,000 establishments was selected for the 2002 survey, prior to accounting for losses due to non-response
December 01, 2004 - The data set contains a sample of 39,165 persons with a response rate of about 65 percent. … The response categories included Always, Nearly Always, Sometimes, Seldom, Never, or Never drives or
July 01, 2008 - Introduction While many employers have cut back their health insurance benefits in response to rising … The yearly response rate has averaged 78 percent for in-scope sample units.
July 01, 2008 - Crimmel, MS
While many employers have cut back their health insurance benefits
in response … The yearly response rate has averaged 78
percent for in-scope sample units.
March 01, 2012 - The response rate for the private sector was 82.7 percent of the remaining in-scope sample units. … state and local governments, a sample of approximately 3,100 governmental units was selected with a response
March 01, 2012 - The response rate for the private-sector was 82.7 percent of the remaining in-scope sample units. … state and local governments, a sample of approximately 3,100 governmental units was selected with a response
February 01, 2012 - The response rate for the private sector was 82.7 percent of the remaining in-scope sample units. … For the state and local governments, about 3,100 units were selected for the sample and the response
February 01, 2012 - The
response rate for the private sector was 82.7 percent of the remaining in-scope sample units. … For the state and local governments, about 3,100 units were selected for the sample and
the response
February 01, 2012 - The response rate for the private sector was 82.7 percent of the remaining in-scope sample units. … For the state and local governments, about 3,100 units were selected for the sample and the response
July 01, 2012 - The response rate for the private sector was 82.7 percent of the remaining in-scope sample units. … For the state and local governments, about 3,100 units were selected for the sample and the response
March 01, 2012 - The response rate for the private sector was 82.7 percent of the remaining in-scope sample units. … state and local governments, a sample of approximately 3,100 governmental units was selected with a response
March 01, 2012 - The response rate for the private-sector was 82.7 percent of the remaining in-scope sample units. … state and local governments, a sample of approximately 3,100 governmental units was selected with a response
July 01, 2012 - The response rate for the private sector was 82.7 percent of the remaining in-scope sample units. … For the state and local governments, about 3,100 units were selected for the sample and the response
July 01, 2012 - The response rate for the private sector was 82.7 percent of
the remaining in-scope sample units. … For the state and local governments, about 3,100 units were selected for
the sample and the response
March 20, 2006 - The yearly
response rate has averaged 78 percent for in-scope sample units. … 42,000 establishments was
selected for the 2001 survey, prior to accounting for losses due to non-response
June 01, 2015 - The response rate for the private sector was 74.6 percent of the remaining in-scope sample units. … State and local governments, a sample of approximately 3,100 governmental units was selected with a response
June 01, 2006 - Zawacki, PhD
In response to the rapid rise in health care costs and health
insurance … The yearly response rate has averaged 78 percent for in-
scope sample units.
January 01, 2010 - The data set contains a sample of 39,165 persons with a response rate of about 65 percent. … The response categories included Always, Nearly Always, Sometimes, Seldom, Never, or Never drives or
January 01, 2006 - The MEPS-HC data set contains a sample of 37,418 persons with a response rate of about 65 percent for … The response categories included twice a year or more, once a year, less than once a year, never go to … dentist, refused response, and don't know.
October 01, 2007 - of questions about the frequency of
health care visits in the past 12 months, and the following 9 response … estimates using 2
different “average” values --the lower bound and midpoint of the NHIS question response … MEPS estimates of means and totals by applying the lower bound and
midpoint of the NHIS question response