November 19, 2008 - Integrated into the
Clinical Workflow
Assessment, Risk
Therapeutic Response
January 01, 2013 - study offers further validation of the non-
critical alerts previously identified to
understand user response
January 01, 2014 - override.
Of 1,423 physicians invited, 342 consented to parKcipate for an
overall response
September 14, 2016 - Please check only one response per item.
September 01, 2011 - : groups unbalanced with respect to patient covariates
Principal Endpoint
Sustained viral response … completion of
Treatment Outcomes
SAE = significant adverse event
SVR = sustained viral response … Response choices from 0=strongly negative impact, 4=no impact, 5=somewhat
positive, 7=strongly positive … impact
N=51, survey response rate 70%, 2010
Use of ECHO to Disseminate Innovations
September 30, 2008 - of 4
addition, the Principal Investigator may disclose your PHI, without prior notice to
you, in response
January 01, 2007 - A response (either positive or
negative) for each medication was considered valid if it correlated with … For each data reporter (parent,
nurse, physician), the overall response was considered valid if the … and treatment did show that ParentLink may influence improvements in
providers’ recognition of and response
January 01, 2009 - Portal users were surveyed using an acceptance and use of technology survey; response was positive across
July 01, 2011 - In response, the researchers chose to ask patients
directly using a health risk assessment completed … content were evaluated in three
phases of usability tests with 24 patients; content was modified in response
January 01, 2011 - Embedded in the email was a structured response for the patient to complete and send back to the
clinic … The scheduler interface was altogether revised in response to feedback.
Figure … incorporation of novel patient
decision support features into the UHR; 2) refinement of the UHR in response … ,
whether after hours consultation was needed, use of email to contact the clinic, and the clinic
response … The range of response choices
included patients preferring extremely independent decision making (e.g
January 01, 2017 - which allows screening to be successful as long as
appropriate intervention and follow-up occurs in response … non-adherent high-risk patients
2.1 Study Design
The impact of the intervention was tested by comparing response … healthcare providers
3.1 Study Design
The impact of the intervention was tested by comparing response … We
postulate that the response could have been even higher if a second reminder was sent
or a phone
January 01, 2009 - Portal users were surveyed using an acceptance
and use of technology survey; response was positive across
January 01, 2009 - One type is technical, modifying the software in response to user feedback about functioning,
January 01, 2012 - An Interactive Health Communication Program For Young Urban Adults with Asthma - 2012
Project Name
An Interactive Health Communication Program For Young Urban Adults With Asthma
Principal Investigator
Baptist, Alan
Regents of the University of Michigan
June 01, 2011 - [If response is no, ask: What would you have needed that you didn’t have?] … [If response is yes, ask: What form did this support take?] … [If response is yes, ask: Can you tell me about them? … [If response offered ask: Why do you feel that this is essential?] … [If response offered ask, Why would you change that?]
January 01, 2008 - invasive procedures are not
performed when the patient has anticoagulants in his/her system, Rapid Response … much anymore.”
7 Issues were identified a “top issues” by the number of times they surfaced in response … A category could be mentioned in response to
one, two, or all three of these prompting questions. … For 2005, the table includes for the nursing units all categories
that were mentioned in response to … Both the IHI and AHRQ safety surveys placed a good
deal of emphasis on an institution’s response to
January 01, 2010 - Impact of Office-Based E-Prescribing on Prescribing Processes and Outcomes - 2010
Project Name
Impact of Office-Based E-Prescribing on Prescribing Processes and Outcomes
Principal Investigator
Fischer, Michael
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Funding Mechanis…
September 29, 2008 - clinical case management -- either by a nurse at the SVH call center or through an automated voice response
by both errors of omission (such as failing to obtain appropriate follow-up data about a patient’s response
January 01, 2012 - institutional review board approval was obtained, staff were hired and trained, and the interactive voice response