September 14, 2016 - (Please click one response per item)
6. … (please click one response)
10. Who helped you enroll? (Please click all that apply)
11. … (Please click one response per item)
general satisfaction
Not at all A little Somewhat Very much
January 01, 2020 - Visual-based Integrated
Patient Profile View
Patient demographics Profile of outcome response to prescribed … Population
Predictive outcome
for selected
Patient demographics Profile of outcome response … Exploratory Data Analysis
Trend in Emergency Visit in response to Drugs (by gender)
Male … In response to new medication, female population has
higher incidence of emergency visits in early
January 01, 2010 - Methods: Randomized clinical trial of an interactive voice response follow-up tool including
153 families … PhaST uses research-based assessment procedures administered
using interactive voice response (IVR) … Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Computer System
Traditional methods of clinical follow-up are nearly … PhaST is an interactive voice response (IVR) computer system
designed to monitor children and adolescents … Analysis of PhaST Screen Response Data
Next we looked at the psychometric properties of the PhaST
January 01, 1996 - Evaluation Method: Measure of physicians response and action to alerts.
January 01, 2000 - Evaluation Method: Measure of trends of allergy alerting and user response to allergy alerts.
January 01, 1991 - dose by applying Bayesian forecasting techniques to a mathematical model of the dynamic pharmacologic response
December 09, 1976 - Evaluation Method: Measure of physicians' response to reminders.
June 01, 1993 - Evaluation Method: Measures of theophylline response, length of hospital stay, and costs.
January 01, 2002 - packages were interactive in that patients entered information to which the computer made an appropriate response
June 02, 2010 - the US
Strata: regular use (n=1,540) and low use (n=460)
Field period: April – September 2009
Response … Possible that non-response bias exists.
January 01, 2008 - cessation of treatment, completion of treatment and sustained
viral response. … Two hundred
thirty one patients have completed treatment with a Sustained Viral Response. … Of 299 subjects now off treatment,
15.7% did not have a response and treatment was stopped, 9.4% had … Response from the partner sites continues to be positive. … Virological
response and safety outcomes in therapy-naive patients
treated for chronic hepatitis C
April 01, 1993 - Evaluation Method: Measures of warfarin response Description: The three computerized systems used were
January 01, 2011 - In response, the team developed a script to help nurses explain telemedicine to parents more efficiently … Yet among mothers without telemedicine experience, most had a somewhat negative response to the "convenience
June 01, 2005 - In a survey (43% response rate) physicians rated the EHR resulted in improvements in quality, access,
February 01, 2006 - process, the nutrition support team roles were redesigned to include more hospital staff Barriers: MD response
Design: A cross-sectional national telephone survey with a response rate of 70%.
January 01, 2012 - user satisfaction, awareness of actionable test results, and whether appropriate actions are taken in response
September 14, 2016 - (Please check one response per Item) Never
Less than
Once per
Month Monthly Weekly Daily
To receive … (Please check one response per item)
Not at all
A little bit
May 23, 2013 - Action, and Vetting and Resolution tabs permitted participants to select “Other” and write their
January 01, 2011 - includes an active real-time feedback and alerting system for patients and their parents to prompt early response … For patients without Internet access, an interactive voice response system will be used.