December 27, 2004 - Please check one (1) response for each question. … Please check only one (1) response per item. … Please check only one response per item.
January 01, 2012 - Key Words: care transitions; telehealth; interactive voice response
The authors of this report are … Optimal dosing would be a daily response to
the IVR system during the first seven days. … A randomized
controlled trial of an interactive voice response
telephone system and specialist nurse … Interactive voice response reminder effects on
preventive service utilization. … Interactive voice
response system (IVRS) in health care services.
April 01, 2003 - Several scenarios are provided, demonstrating the appropriate response regarding HIPAA and whether unauthorized
February 01, 1999 - tests that were actually ordered (51% control vs. 27% intervention)
69% of tests were cancelled in response
However, the relatively low rate of response to these alerts (31%) suggests that further refinements
January 01, 2010 - awareness of actionable test results as judged by providers, and whether appropriate actions are taken in response … The survey response rate was 62 percent and overall physician awareness of pending chemistry and hematology
January 01, 2010 - ahkrist@vcu.edu
e‐Coaching: Interactive Voice Response
(IVR)‐Enhanced Care … Possible Solutions
• Web‐based Care Transition Support
• Home Telemonitoring
• Interactive Voice Response … Evaluate the efficacy of a Care Transition Intervention (CTI)
model that uses an Interactive Voice Response … using IVR technology relate to
content development and programming
• e‐Coaching: Interactive Voice Response … 0.0001)
Focus Group Findings
Future Work
Slide Number 50
e-Coaching: Interactive Voice Response
January 01, 1996 - received a biweekly electronic mail message consisting of a computer-generated report summarizing his/her response
June 01, 2006 - Intervention: Using 6 mock patient profiles with known drug-drug interactions, investigators evaluated the response
January 01, 2007 - Thirty-two of 89 schools responded; 25 provided syllabi (36% response rate, 28% submission rate).
rate of errors in three ways: by preventing errors and adverse events, by facilitating a more rapid response
January 01, 2010 - awareness of actionable test results as judged by
providers, and whether appropriate actions are taken in response … The survey response rate was 62 percent and overall physician awareness of
pending chemistry and hematology
January 01, 2011 - health history as part of an integrated risk assessment module: 1)
a telephonic interactive voice response … One consists of patients who will complete their history through robocalls and
the integrated voice response
May 29, 2018 - indicate your level of agreement with each of the statements below by filling in the
corresponding response … indicate your level of agreement with each of the statements below by filling in the corresponding response
January 01, 2011 - Interactive voice response is linked to a patient EHR to monitor patients taking these medications by … control sites in New York where patients will receive generic automated telephone interactive voice response … The project tracked the percentage of calls that triggered an email response to the provider and, for
January 01, 2012 - Interactive voice response is linked to a patient EHR to monitor patients taking these medications by … two control sites in New York where patients received generic automated telephone interactive voice response … The project tracked the percentage of calls that triggered an email response to the provider and, for
June 01, 2010 - Google™ ads, Craig’s List, and so
How to create recruitment materials that generate a high response … Carefully consider the
intensity of exposure of patients and providers to the study intervention (dose-response … Bove’s study is also now using cellular telephones, which use an interactive voice
response system … If we do not receive a response from the
first contact, what is the best method of follow-up—use of … If there is no response, a call center member can reach out to
make a personal connection, explain
January 01, 2000 - disease data to health departments and can have a remarkable impact on public health surveillance and response
January 01, 2023 - patient data, include personal health records (PHRs), interactive patient portals, integrated voice response … hard copy of the list to the patient, leveraging patient-centered technology and interactive voice response
January 01, 2011 - Interactive voice response
is linked to a patient EHR to monitor patients taking these medications by … control sites in New York where patients will receive
generic automated telephone interactive voice response … The project tracked the percentage of calls that triggered an email response to the provider and,