January 01, 2011 - e-Pharmacovigilance system will interface with patients either by a Web-based portal or an interactive voice response … This project will assess, describe, and characterize physician-level variations in response to computerized
August 01, 2011 - Interactive voice response
is linked to a patient EHR to actively monitor patients taking these medications … The
response rate for followup calls was 70 percent for patients actively taking the targeted medications … Project 1: The project is tracking the percentage of calls that trigger an e-mail response to the provider
October 01, 2005 - large and small practices
1-page mailed survey sent to the attention of office
practice managers
46% response … Simon, MD All Rights Reserved
Overall Response Rate: 71%
Respondents Non-
Primary Care … (No title)
Implementation - Future Plans
Barriers to Implementation
Physician Survey
Overall Response
August 06, 2024 - Response options are on a 5-point scale (No pain = 1; Very severe pain = 5). … Response options are on a 5-point scale measuring magnitude (Not at all = 1; Very much = 5) or frequency
August 06, 2024 - Response options are on a 5-point scale (No pain = 1; Very severe pain = 5). … Response options are on a 5-point scale measuring magnitude (Not at all = 1; Very much = 5) or frequency
January 01, 2011 - the evidence-base
on the most appropriate initial treatment strategies for maintaining a favorable response … Thus, supplementing clinical guidelines with data on treatment
response from patients sharing similar
September 14, 2016 - Response Definition: OK=OKHealthfinder.com MP=Medical provider PB=Phone book FF=Friends and/or … Response Definition: SD=Strongly Disagree D=Disagree N=Neutral A=Agree SA=Strongly Agree
January 01, 1996 - Information Act (FOIA) mandate publicly accessible "electronic reading rooms" that include agency FOIA response
January 01, 2023 - Safer Pediatric Primary Care
This project evaluated whether an interactive voice response
February 01, 2012 - A new model for primary care – specialty care collaboration
• Individualized review and response … Reviewer response to referring provider window ...................................................... … In response, the GI Division Chief Dr. … and/or inserting a standardized "boilerplate" response. … Reviewer response to referring provider window
Figure 20.
January 01, 2006 - Summary: Settings: probability sample of Florida primary care and specialist physicians, with a 28% response
March 30, 2015 - #___ No Problem
(Any response among #12 – #17 that is red indicates a “Problem”)
19. … Not at all satisfied Very Satisfied
If response is greater than 4, ask:
23. … #___ No Problem
(Any response among #25 – #30 that is red indicates a “Problem”)
32. … Not at all satisfied Very Satisfied
If response is greater than 4, ask:
36. … #___ No Problem
(Any response among #49 – #54 that is red indicates a “Problem”)
January 01, 2023 - The project was effective at creating alerts in response to elevated blood pressure so that those results … value in the kiosks, but expressed frustration over the number of follow-up calls they received in response
January 01, 2001 - Results: Median time for PCP response to the electronic message regarding the patient's depression diagnosis … Time [before the] response for usual care physicians was intermediate and did not differ significantly
January 01, 2011 - family health history as part of an integrated risk assessment module: 1) a telephonic interactive voice response … One consists of patients who will complete their history through robocalls and the integrated voice response
This second priority can be accomplished through allowing sufficient response time to accommodate the
January 01, 2018 - The response rate for the interruptive alert was 1.7%, and a median of
14 alerts were triggered per … adoption as percent of hospitalizations in the CDS cohort that resulted in an alert that had a
response … Adoption was measured as number and the
percentage of interruptive alerts that had any response. … p-value
Number of hospitalizations that received the
CDS 822 387 435
Hospitalizations with any response … Although the issue of alert fatigue is commonly measured by response rate, we believe a better
January 01, 2011 - e-Pharmacovigilance system will interface with patients either by
a Web-based portal or an interactive voice response … This project
will assess, describe, and characterize physician-level variations in response to computerized
January 01, 2011 - In this phase
patient outcome data, including response to treatment, medication adherence and adverse … CDNA can be interfaced with a human or with an interactive voice response (IVR) system. … A total of 27 physicians responded to the physician satisfaction
survey for an overall response rate … feedback reports
36 7 43
Number of respondents to
Satisfaction Survey
20 7 27
Response rate … Patient
Satisfaction with interactive voice response follow-up calls.
January 01, 2000 - issues
comparison groups
Instrument development
Sampling methodology
probability of selection
size, response … eliminate bias)
Everyone has a non-zero chance to be selected
Stratification and over sampling
Target response … Self-administered questionnaire (SAQ)
Mail, Web
Telephone interviews
Tips on increasing response