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    June 01, 2023 - important to assign responsibility for eliciting accounts in ways compatible with how patients and families respond … To encourage a healthcare system that can effectively learn from and respond to patient and family perspectives
    June 01, 2023 - important to assign responsibility for eliciting accounts in ways compatible with how patients and families respond … To encourage a healthcare system that can effectively learn from and respond to patient and family perspectives
    June 01, 2014 - and goals ■     Create a proactive plan of care □     Monitor, follow up, and respond … and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care □     Monitor, follow up, and respond … Assess needs and goals: 5, 6 Create a proactive plan of care: 7, 8 Monitor, follow up, and respond … 12, 24, 37 Create a proactive plan of care: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 41i Monitor, follow up, and respond … Assess needs and goals: 11, 13 Create a proactive plan of care: 31 Monitor, follow up, and respond
    January 01, 2024 - .................................... 12 4.1 Assessment Goal 1: Patients’ Ability to Comprehend and Respond … Patients were then asked to respond to each of PAIGE’s clarifying questions. … For some interactions, the moderator typed for the patient, so patients’ time to initiate and respond … PAIGE's clarifying questions requested necessary information to help me understand and respond to the … Assessment Results 4.1 Assessment Goal 1: Patients’ Ability to Comprehend and Respond to PAIGE 4.1.1
    June 01, 2014 - and goals     ■ Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … Across settings: E9 Assess needs and goals: D7, D9, E8, I1, I11-I14 Monitor, follow up, and respond … and goals   ■   Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … Across settings: E9 Assess needs and goals: D7, D9, E8, I1, I11-I14 Monitor, follow up, and respond … 2008. 1 Perspective: System Representative(s) Measure Item Mapping: Monitor, follow up, and respond
    June 01, 2014 - and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … Facilitate transitions: Across settings: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Monitor, follow up, and respond … and goals     ■ Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … and goals     ■ Create a proactive plan of care     □ Monitor, follow up, and respond … Assess needs and goals: 17, 20, 21 Create a proactive plan of care: 18 Monitor, follow up, and respond
  7. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    January 29, 2021 - anchored on a human factors approach to provide overarching direction to design systems and approaches to respond … The freely- available full text document will be updated appropriately as Italy continues to respond
    November 13, 2019 - The authors call for organizations and managers to encourage speaking up and to respond appropriately
  9. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    June 25, 2014 - complexity-science-challenge-complexity-health-care This article explores the science of how adaptive systems respond … replacing traditional methods of problem solving with ones that both foster respect for autonomy and respond
    August 01, 2014 - Final Progress Report: Communication to Prevent and Respond to Medical Injuries: WA State Collaborative … Progress Report 9-30-14; Gallagher TH, PI. 1 Title Page Title of Project: Communication to Prevent and Respond … Key components included 1) creating the HealthPact Forum; 2) communication training to prevent and respond … This supposition has been the guiding principle behind our project, “Communication to Prevent and Respond … to medical injuries; 2) To implement intensive communication training to prevent and respond to medical
  11. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 01, 2009 - As I said, high-risk physicians often respond, "I never had any notion that my risk was higher than … Of those who respond to the awareness intervention, the recidivism rate appears to be about 4%. … About half of this group respond to the more directive interventions. … I routinely respond, "You might be right." … RW: I want to see how you respond to push back.
    October 25, 2023 - clinicians ignore alarms, usually due to the majority being invalid or nonactionable , and thus fail to respond … or respond more slowly to actionable alerts.
    June 01, 2014 - and goals   □   Create a proactive plan of care   □   Monitor, follow up, and respond … 2m, 2n Create a proactive plan of care: Activity to Fulfill Needs: 11 Monitor, follow up, and respond … and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care □     Monitor, follow up, and respond … Assess needs and goals: 16 Create a proactive plan of care: 19, 27 Monitor, follow up, and respond … and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond
    June 01, 2014 - and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … Between health care professional(s) and patient/family: 18, 21, 35 Monitor, follow up, and respond … and goals ■     Create a proactive plan of care □     Monitor, follow up, and respond … Assess needs and goals: 14, 15, 17 Create a proactive plan of care: 28 Monitor, follow up, and respond
    June 01, 2014 - and goals     ■ Create a proactive plan of care     □ Monitor, follow up, and respond … Assess needs and goals: 10, 30, 33 Create a proactive plan of care: 28 Monitor, follow up, and respond … and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … goals □     Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … 1g Participants not specified: 1j Assess needs and goals: 1k Monitor, follow up, and respond
  16. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 01, 2004 - More broadly, clinicians need to recognize that "pneumonia" that does not respond to empiric antibiotic … Thus, patients who don't respond to regular antibiotics and have a radiographic pattern suggestive of … should be considered in patients who cannot provide a sputum sample.(8,9,10) In patients who do not respond … There should be a low threshold to initiate such treatment in patients who fail to respond to broad-spectrum … Causes to Consider When Pneumonia Does Not Respond to Several Days of Empiric Antibiotic Therapy Lung
    November 01, 2015 - TeamSTEPPS Primary Care Version Participant Handouts Directions: Take 2 or 3 minutes to respond
    June 01, 2014 - and goals     □ Create a proactive plan of care     ■ Monitor, follow up, and respond … and goals ■     Create a proactive plan of care ■     Monitor, follow up, and respond … 2d, I 7b, I 7c, S 33 Create a proactive plan of care: I 7a-d, I 8, I 19 Monitor, follow up, and respond … Across settings: B3, E6, E9 Assess needs and goals: D7, D9, E8, I1 Monitor, follow up, and respond … Across settings: B3, E6, E9 Assess needs and goals: D7, D9, E8, I1 Monitor, follow up, and respond
    June 01, 2014 - and goals ■     Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … not specified: RV6 Assess needs and goals: DT2, HPC1, SD1, SD2, RV7 Monitor, follow up, and respond … and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … Participants not specified: 18 Assess needs and goals: SD1, SD2 Monitor, follow up, and respond … care teams or settings: PK2 Assess needs and goals: DT2, SD1, SD2 Monitor, follow up, and respond
    September 01, 2019 - what the media thinks is interesting to their audience and be creative about "pitching" stories that respond … How do the providers or plans you rate respond to your efforts? … chance to review a piece related to your report for accuracy before it is finalized and be prepared to respond … How can you respond to negative coverage? Address the issue calmly. Provide the facts.