
Total Results: 634 records

Showing results for "respond".

    June 01, 2014 - needs and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals   □   Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals     □ Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … health care teams or settings: 2, 10, 12 Assess needs and goals: 4 Monitor, follow up, and respond
    June 01, 2014 - needs and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … Between health care professional(s) and patient/family: 18, 21, 35 Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals ■     Create a proactive plan of care □     Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care □     Monitor, follow up, and respond
    June 01, 2014 - needs and goals   □   Create a proactive plan of care   □   Monitor, follow up, and respond … 2m, 2n Create a proactive plan of care: Activity to Fulfill Needs: 11 Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care □     Monitor, follow up, and respond … Assess needs and goals: 16 Create a proactive plan of care: 19, 27 Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond
    September 01, 2019 - what the media thinks is interesting to their audience and be creative about "pitching" stories that respond … How do the providers or plans you rate respond to your efforts? … chance to review a piece related to your report for accuracy before it is finalized and be prepared to respond … How can you respond to negative coverage? Address the issue calmly. Provide the facts.
    September 01, 2023 - Selecting Phase 1 Winning Submissions Overall Approach (45 points) – Does the submission sufficiently respond … Responses to Phase 2 Questions (30 points) – Does the presentation sufficiently respond to the three
    June 01, 2014 - needs and goals       Create a proactive plan of care   □   Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … old bracket) Facilitate transitions: Across settings: 4.1a, 8.1 Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals ■     Create a proactive plan of care □     Monitor, follow up, and respond
    June 01, 2014 - needs and goals   □   Create a proactive plan of care   □   Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … professional(s) and patient/family: 9 Across health care teams or settings: 11 Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals ■     Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond
    June 01, 2014 - needs and goals       Create a proactive plan of care   ■   Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals ■     Create a proactive plan of care □     Monitor, follow up, and respond … Assess needs and goals: 1-3, 7 Create a proactive plan of care: 7, 12 Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals ■     Create a proactive plan of care ■     Monitor, follow up, and respond
    December 01, 2022 - these terms are understandable and salient, researchers found that potential users of public reports respond … Advantages of Categorizing by Quality Domain We know that consumers respond positively to these categories
    March 19, 2009 - the full support of the agency's Chief FOIA Officer to ensure that they have the tools they need to respond … Act Working Proactively and Prompdv Ope n government requires agencies to work proac tive ly and respond … When information not previously disclosed is requested, agencies should make it a priority to respond
    June 01, 2014 - needs and goals   □   Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals     □ Create a proactive plan of care     □ Monitor, follow up, and respond … Assess needs and goals: Q12 Create a proactive plan of care: Q15 Monitor, follow up, and respond
    June 01, 2014 - needs and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … transitions: Across settings: 24-26 Assess needs and goals: 15, 16 Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals     ■ Create a proactive plan of care     ■ Monitor, follow up, and respond
    April 03, 2018 - Respond to patients who are reluctant to bring in all their medicines If a patient says Respond My doctor
    June 01, 2014 - needs and goals □     Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals       Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals   □   Create a proactive plan of care       Monitor, follow up, and respond … needs and goals   □   Create a proactive plan of care   □   Monitor, follow up, and respond
    June 01, 2023 - element in I’M SAFE has a proven connection to impaired job performance and the ability to process and respond … energy can be gradual and harder to detect, but burnout has a direct relationship to one’s ability to respond
    December 03, 2015 - Office-Based Team I THINKING ABOUT YOUR PRIMARY CARE Oma-BASED TEAM Directions:: Take 2 or 3 minutes to respond
    June 01, 2021 - across a number of samples and settings, more than two- thirds of those who responded to Q1 went on to respond … typically use emails and letters (e.g., in advance of the telephone survey) to motivate people to respond … The CG-CAHPS Narrative Item Set represent an opportunity to encourage more patients to respond to the
    August 30, 2023 - How should team members respond to a “stop the line” request? 3.
    June 01, 2014 - authorized health care decisionmaker) and others to develop those goals and identify a course of action to respond … Monitor, Follow Up, and Respond to Change Antonelli: Care coordination function – manages/tracks tests … of Care includes community and nonclinical services as well as traditional health care services that respond
    November 01, 2018 - How did providers and plans, especially (but not only) the ones you measured, respond to the report? … How did purchasers respond to the report? How did they use it? With what results?

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