August 07, 2013 - Office-based physicians are responding to incentives and
assistance by adopting and using electronic health
August 7, 2013
Hsiao C-J, Jha AK, King J, et al. Office-based physicians are responding to incentives and assistance by
adopting and using electronic health records. Health Aff (Millwood). 2013;32(8…
September 07, 2011 - A review of educational strategies to improve nurses'
roles in recognizing and responding to deteriorating
September 7, 2011
Liaw SY, Scherpbier A, Klainin-Yobas P, et al. A review of educational strategies to improve nurses' roles
in recognizing and responding to deteriorating patients. Int Nurs Rev. 20…
December 24, 2008 - May 24, 2015
Training of Hospital Staff To Respond to a Mass Casualty Incident.
December 24, 2008 - May 24, 2015
Training of Hospital Staff To Respond to a Mass Casualty Incident.
December 24, 2008 - May 24, 2015
Training of Hospital Staff To Respond to a Mass Casualty Incident.
December 24, 2008 - May 24, 2015
Training of Hospital Staff To Respond to a Mass Casualty Incident.
December 24, 2008 - May 24, 2015
Training of Hospital Staff To Respond to a Mass Casualty Incident.
December 24, 2008 - May 24, 2015
Training of Hospital Staff To Respond to a Mass Casualty Incident.
December 24, 2008 - May 24, 2015
Training of Hospital Staff To Respond to a Mass Casualty Incident.
February 15, 2012 - May 1, 2019
Operative team communication during simulated emergencies: too busy to respond
December 24, 2008 - May 24, 2015
Training of Hospital Staff To Respond to a Mass Casualty Incident.
June 01, 2015 - CC: We absolutely have to be nimble enough that we can respond to emerging science in real time. … Now we have some
standing committees and we're able to respond in real time. … We have to be able to respond to those things in real time. … that report on our audit of safe practices is another example of
a way in which we've been able to respond
September 05, 2012 - September 7, 2016
Drug Shortages: FDA's Ability to Respond Should Be Strengthened.
March 29, 2017 - Paediatric early warning systems for detecting and
responding to clinical deterioration in children: a
systematic review.
March 29, 2017
Lambert V, Matthews A, MacDonell R, et al. Paediatric early warning systems for detecting and responding
to clinical deterioration in children: a systematic review. BMJ Open. 201…
October 12, 2016 - Recognising and responding to 'cutting corners' when
providing nursing care: a qualitative study.
October 12, 2016
Jones A, Johnstone M-J, Duke M. Recognising and responding to 'cutting corners' when providing nursing
care: a qualitative study. J Clin Nurs. 2016;25(15-16):2126-33. doi:10.1111/jocn.13352.
November 02, 2014 - He presents a categorization that includes an imperative to implement and follow safe practices, respond
March 24, 2011 - medical students had positive attitudes toward patient safety, but little knowledge of how to report or respond
January 07, 2015 - discussion of mistakes among colleagues, personalized rather than team responsibility, and how hospitals respond
January 16, 2010 - Situational awareness is the ability to perceive, understand, and respond to a situation.
February 22, 2010 - The authors outline a process for nurses to assess and respond to alarms in critical care environments