March 01, 2015 - How do you respond to those critiques?
July 08, 2022 - SPOTLIGHT CASE
A Case of Mistaken Capacity: Why A Thorough Psychosocial History Can Improve Care.
Citation Text:
Pasao K, Kashkouli P. A Case of Mistaken Capacity: Why A Thorough Psychosocial History Can Improve Care.. PSNet [internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Hea…
February 24, 2022 - imposed significant challenges on federal and state agencies to provide
timely guidance, and on NHs to respond … NHs were prepared to
respond to COVID-19. … The curriculum was continually refined as the pandemic evolved to
incorporate new evidence and respond
March 27, 2024 - spoke to them about the risks of cybersecurity to patient safety and how organizations can prepare and respond
August 01, 2009 - How should nurses and the systems in which they operate respond?
September 01, 2016 - Can you tick off some of the concerns you have heard and how you respond to
November 01, 2006 - She was conscious yet unable to respond for the first 24 hours.
March 01, 2006 - Consider the possibility that the wrong gas (or no gas) is being administered when a patient does not respond
November 29, 2023 - All participants were more likely to respond positively to the accommodating tone, but the impact of
January 01, 2023 - being used more frequently; these
devices can trend and visually display continuous data, identify and respond
December 01, 2016 - Educate all staff in patient care settings how to identify and respond to patients with suicidal ideation
April 01, 2015 - If patients fail to respond to 24 hours of conservative management or have already been optimized, prioritization
September 23, 2024 - This would allow the multidisciplinary clinical team to better respond to patient data and improve total
August 27, 2012 - many SNFs depend on the higher payment rates for post-acute patients for financial solvency, they must respond
August 21, 2016 - While falling asleep, he was noted to have eye-rolling and he did not respond to his name, shaking his
March 27, 2024 - Psychotic symptoms, even if attributable to SLE, can still respond to antipsychotic treatment but such
January 01, 2024 - s vomiting had not subsided, she developed fecal incontinence, and she appeared alert but would not respond
February 01, 2023 - potassium was tracked in this study, other electrolytes, such as calcium and magnesium, are likely to respond
August 01, 2005 - It is a continuing puzzle that health care does not respond to economic and research indicators the same
July 24, 2013 - Policies heavily slanted toward safety goals will likely change over time in response to feedback to respond