
Total Results: 967 records

Showing results for "respond".

    June 15, 2010 - Given the large proportion of patients who do not respond adequately to SSRIs as first-line therapy, … We use the terms “failure to respond” or “non-responder” in this same context. … TF can encompass a number of subgroups of patients who do not adequately respond to interventions for … Although this review did not focus on subjects who had failed to respond, the eligible studies did show … that the rate at which children failed to respond to an initial trial of SSRIs varied from 31 to 64
    June 01, 2015 - Participants are required to respond to all parameters. … Patients with AS who did not respond to prior treatment with TNF therapies showed significant improvement … Up to 70% of patients with severe AS can develop spinal fusion, and up to 40% of patients do not respond … the phase III MEASURE 1 trial, patients (n=371) with active AS who were intolerant of or did not respond … Some patients’ symptoms do not respond adequately to NSAIDs, disease- modifying anti-rheumatic drugs
    January 01, 2013 - Mullins and Nina Wallerstein Slide 8 General Discussion and Questions from the Audience § We will respond … The webinar facilitator will share your question with the audience, and ask the speakers to respond … § We will do our best to respond to everyone, but our time may be limited. … Researchers respond to public action by providing information or inviting the public for consultations … The webinar facilitator will share your question with the audience, and ask the speakers to respond
    December 29, 2015 - Participants are required to respond to all parameters. … Some patients’ symptoms do not respond adequately to treatment with NSAIDs, conventional DMARDs such … Some patients’ symptoms do not respond adequately to NSAIDs, conventional DMARDs, or biologic DMARDs … Some patients with RA do not adequately respond to NSAIDs, conventional DMARDs such as methotrexate … In the phase III RA-BEACON trial, patients (n=527) with moderate-to-severe RA who did not respond to
    December 15, 2009 - rising MRSA disease and deaths among the chronically and critically ill, it is not known how best to respond
  6. Slide 1 (pdf file)
    May 18, 2012 - decision-makers to the deliberations • Demonstrate integration of deliberations into resulting documents • Respond
    January 01, 2024 - Prioritization Report for additional details.1 Overview of the Topic How healthcare organizations respond … organization, 2,3 clinicians’ ability to learn and adapt after their patients experience harm, and respond … process improvement (QAPI) plans, there are relatively few requirements about how organizations respond … synthesize the current literature on the effectiveness of programs used by healthcare organizations to respond … synthesize the current literature on the effectiveness of programs used by healthcare organizations to respond
    January 01, 2013 - and Nina Wallerstein Webinar Agenda Community Forum Community Forum Community Forum We will respond … The webinar facilitator will share your question with the audience, and ask the speakers to respond. … We will do our best to respond to everyone, but our time may be limited. … The webinar facilitator will share your question with the audience, and ask the speakers to respond.
    January 01, 2013 - target article; and Message boards, which provide a forum for discussions where participants can respond … discussion board where participants can develop and post their own ideas and topics and are free to respond … A “threaded discussion” allows a participant to respond directly to another participant’s comment, and
    January 01, 2009 - Patients benefit by improved allergic symptoms that do not respond to standard pharmacotherapy or allergen
    August 01, 2012 - 2012 No new data November 2011 5 experts agreed that the conclusion is still valid. 2 did not respond … 2012 No new data November 2011 5 experts agreed that the conclusion is still valid. 2 did not respond … November 2011 5 experts agreed that the conclusion is still valid. 2 did not respond. … November 2011 4 experts agreed that the conclusion is still valid. 2 did not respond. 1 said s/he … Studies of relevance that did not directly respond to a key question November 2011 A new case study
    December 01, 2017 - • FeNO results can predict which patients will respond to inhaled corticosteroid therapy. … • FeNO testing can identify patients who are more likely to respond to inhaled corticosteroids (SOE
  13. Kravitz_ECCS2012 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - research Slide 20: Clinical  Approaches • Talk less, listen more • When  in  doubt,  ask • Respond … Slide 23: Respond to Emotions • There are two sets of emotions to manage: o The patient’s o The prescriber
    January 01, 2009 - Patients benefit by improved allergic symptoms that do not respond to standard pharmacotherapy or allergen
  15. Goal Setting (pdf file)
    January 11, 2017 - decision-makers to the deliberations  Demonstrate integration of deliberations into resulting documents  Respond
    December 01, 2020 - Adult patients with fecal incontinence that occurs at least two times per week and does not respond to
  17. Appedixes A-D (pdf file)
    December 10, 2021 - Appedixes A-D A-1 Appendix A. Methods Appendix Search Strategies for Published Literature Table A-1. PubMed Search Strategy # Term 1 “emergency medical services”[tiab] OR EMS[tiab] OR (“emergency medical services”[mh] NOT (“emergency service, hospital”[mh] OR “advanced trauma life support care”[mh] OR “poiso…
    April 26, 2012 - comparative effectiveness review was undertaken to evaluate treatment strategies in patients who failed to respond
    November 13, 2014 - In turn, caregivers respond to the behavior through increased attention. … These interventions aim to: a) prevent the incidence of agitation and aggressive behaviors, b) respond … Effect (biologic/genetic, behavioral, reduced stress threshold, unmet needs) Objective (Prevent/ Respond … Effect (biologic/genetic, behavioral, reduced stress threshold, unmet needs) Objective (Prevent/ Respond … Effect (biologic/genetic, behavioral, reduced stress threshold, unmet needs) Objective (Prevent/ Respond
    December 01, 2010 - Please respond to the following statements regarding using the IFPMA Clinical Trials Portal to identify … Please respond to the following statements regarding using AHRQ GOLD: Strongly Disagree Disagree … University of North Carolina Yes Narrative Year: January 2004 1 18 Training of Hospital Staff to Respond

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