December 01, 2019 - comparative effectiveness review was undertaken to evaluate treatment strategies in patients who failed to respond
September 01, 2020 - In parallel with these technological changes, registries have been adapted to respond to the emergence
January 01, 2013 - differences may have been related to the
longer trial duration as subjects were
randomized after failure to respond … depression but none
of the recommendations were for patients
with this diagnosis who had failed to respond … US 221 adults Augmentation
/ dose
dose to 5 mg/
day for those
who did not
respond … differences may have been related to the
longer trial duration as subjects were
randomized after failure to respond …
of the recommendations were for patients
with this diagnosis who had failed to
June 20, 2013 - decision tools or other methods
for predicting which patients with low back pain are more likely to respond
January 01, 2024 - Skip to main content
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
Contact Us
Effective Health Care Program
Powered by the Evidence-based Practice Centers
October 01, 2020 - Purpose
The healthcare field is struggling with urgent questions about how to respond
June 01, 2015 - Participants are
required to respond to all parameters. … treatment may not provide adequate relief in about half
of patients who initially try it, patients who do respond
November 01, 2017 - Furthermore, as many as 50% of patients who receive evidence-based treatment, drop-out prematurely or do not respond
August 09, 2012 - ERCD 6 38 B
Research on how patients understand risk, how they respond to different
ways of framing … Research on how patients understand risk, how they respond to different ways of framing
risk, and how … Research on how patients understand risk, how they
respond to different ways of framing risk, and how … Research on how health system administrators & liability
companies understand risk, how they respond … Research on how HEALTH SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS & LIABILITY
COMPANIES understand risk, how they respond
March 14, 2013 - arthritis but arthritis flared after
treatment discontinuation and
psoriatic skin lesions did not respond … Findings
Sevcic, 201125 Cohort, open observational
study of etanercept and
adalimumab(if failed to
respond … to etanercept)
72 JIA, <18 years old,
failed to respond or did
not tolerate MTX
Disease activity … Cohort, parents and data
from the arthritis and
biologicals in children-
49 JIA, failed to respond … criteria
after 3 months of
etanercept treatment
Evaluate response 15 months 34 patients did not respond
March 14, 2013 - arthritis but arthritis flared after
treatment discontinuation and
psoriatic skin lesions did not respond … Findings
Sevcic, 201125 Cohort, open observational
study of etanercept and
adalimumab(if failed to
respond … to etanercept)
72 JIA, <18 years old,
failed to respond or did
not tolerate MTX
Disease activity … Cohort, parents and data
from the arthritis and
biologicals in children-
49 JIA, failed to respond … criteria
after 3 months of
etanercept treatment
Evaluate response 15 months 34 patients did not respond
April 01, 2020 - to identify the optimal methods, techniques, and technologies to strengthen our nation's capacity to respond
July 01, 2019 - Skip to main content
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
Contact Us
Effective Health Care Program
Powered by the Evidence-based Practice Centers
September 01, 2011 - challenging because it is a rare condition that includes
multiple categories, which could potentially respond … definition of JIA (e.g., JRA, JCA) may have
led to the inclusion in studies of individuals who
may respond … Randomized discontinuation trials
have helped to define the risk of flare in patients who
respond to
September 02, 2013 - It allows all interested parties to comment on a particular topic, but the number of topics they can respond
September 02, 2013 - It allows all interested parties to comment on a particular topic, but the number of topics they can respond
September 01, 2013 - Second, because some older
adults are not able to respond on their own behalf, investigators must often … Proxy Respondents
Cognitive impairment or physical disability may attenuate older adults’ ability to respond … between self and proxy report then becomes an important issue; the “proxy as
an agent” (if “X” could respond … overestimating the
health of a cohort because the most severely affected will often not be able to respond
February 01, 2021 - AHRQ reserves the right not to respond to comments that are hostile or inappropriate.
April 01, 2012 - Participants are required to respond to all
parameters. … population has asthma and about 5% to15% of
these patients have severe, persistent asthma that does not respond … optimistic about its potential to offer an option for some patients with severe asthma that
does not respond … U.S. has asthma, and 5%
to 15% of patients with asthma have severe, persistent asthma that does not respond … modality BT may provide effective treatment for some patients with severe asthma that does not
December 01, 2019 - This will help us learn how different groups may respond differently to the same intervention, and help