January 01, 2023 - Clinical Workflow
Guiding the Safe and Effective Integration of Ambient Digital Scribes into Primary Care
This study will develop a prototype guide for the safe and effective integration of ambient digital scribes into primary care, providing insights into how this…
January 01, 2012 - EHR Use and Care Coordination - Final Report
Grant Final Report
Grant ID: 1R36HS021082
EHR Use and Care Coordination
Inclusive project dates: 09/01/11 - 12/31/12
Principal Investigator:
Ilana Graetz, PhD
Performing Organization:
University of California, Berkeley
Federal Pr…
January 01, 2007 - Santa Cruz County, CA Diabetes Mellitus Registry
Grant Final Report
Grant ID: 1 UC1 HS015362-01
Santa Cruz County, CA Diabetes
Mellitus Registry
Inclusive dates: 09/30/04 - 12/31/07
Principal Investigator:
Eleanor Littman, RN, MSN, Executive Director, Health Improvement Partnership of San…
February 01, 2015 - Certification criteria: The EHR must be able to query
another entity for outside records and respond … • At the direction of the record-holding institution, respond
with a list of the patient’s releasable … Certification criteria: The EHR must be able to query another entity for
outside records and respond … • At the direction of the record-holding institution, respond with a list
of the patient’s releasable … overload from too many notifications, and did not
think they necessarily could—or should—create or respond
January 01, 2023 - Meaningful Drug Interaction Alerts – Final Report
Title Page
Title of Project: Meaningful Drug Interaction Alerts
Principal Investigator: Daniel C Malone, PhD, FAMCP
Other Team Members:
Sheila Gephart, RN, PhD
January 01, 2019 - Health IT-Supported Process for Preventing and Managing Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) - Final Report
Final Report to AHRQ for Project on:
“Health IT-Supported Process for Prev…
September 13, 2016 - Clinician Survey on Quality Improvement, Best Practice Guidelines and Information Technology
Clinician Survey on Quality Improvement,
Best Practice Guidelines and Information Technology
Rural Health Information, Technology Cooperative, Davenport WA
This is a questionnaire designed to be completed by physicians,
January 01, 2020 - Because
prescribers respond electronically to these requests, pharmacy staff members need to make fewer … How to manage the pending queue if the prescriber does not respond to a refill request
electronically … Prescribers can respond to an electronic refill request in one of four ways: (a) an approval
(which … He or she should, for
example, talk to patients, respond to requests, and communicate with doctor’s … In this case, the prescriber can only respond electronically with a new
January 01, 2023 - This information is for reference purposes only. It was current when produced and may now be outdated. Archive material is no longer maintained, and some links may not work. Persons with disabilities having difficulty accessing this information should contact us at: https://digital.ahrq.gov/contact-us . Let us know th…
January 01, 2019 - Clinical Decisionmaking
Personalized Clinical Decision Support to Improve Participation in Hospital at Home
This research will examine the acceptability and usability of a shared decision making tool that incorp…
January 01, 2023 - Toward an Optimal Patient Safety Information System
Project Final Report ( PDF , 127.15 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily represent the views of AHRQ. N…
January 01, 2024 - Unlikely to initiate a visit, but willing to respond to an at-home assessment
The team found that people
January 01, 2024 - Surveillance enables public health officials to identify and quickly respond to infectious disease outbreaks
January 01, 2011 - Another suggestion was informing the recruitment site that it needs to respond
immediately or would … the study would not be able to compensate the
recruitment site for its participation if it did not respond
September 01, 2010 - Participants who did not respond were sent a reminder 2 weeks after the first mailing and encouraged … Again, participants who did not respond were sent a reminder 2 weeks after the first mailing and encouraged … India is launching an ECHO effort to respond to disproportionately high rates of HIV/AIDS.
September 01, 2010 - Participants who did not respond were sent a reminder 2 weeks after the first mailing and encouraged … Again, participants who did not respond were sent a reminder 2 weeks after the first mailing and encouraged … India is launching an ECHO effort to respond to disproportionately high rates of HIV/AIDS.
September 01, 2012 - • Rapid prototyping and testing can also help you
respond to changes as they emerge in the market … After launching a product, respond to customers:
• Provide incentives, such as coupons, to
purchase … However, customers may not respond as
positively to changes in health IT devices because
they may no
September 01, 2012 - • Rapid prototyping and testing can also help you
respond to changes as they emerge in the market … After launching a product, respond to customers:
• Provide incentives, such as coupons, to
purchase … However, customers may not respond as
positively to changes in health IT devices because
they may no
January 01, 2012 - regarding warning signs and symptoms indicative of a worsening
condition and instructions on how to respond
January 01, 2012 - Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) 2012 - 2012
Project Name
Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) 2012
Principal Investigator
Pratt, Wanda
University of Washington
Funding Mechanism
PAR: HS09-231: Small Grant Program for…