January 01, 2008 - Title Page
Grant Final Report
Grant ID: 5UC1HS015124-03
EMS Based TIPI-IS Cardiac Care QI/Error
Reduction System
Inclusive dates: 09/30/04 - 03/31/08
Principal Investigator:
Harry P. Selker, MD, MSPH
Team members:
Denise Daudelin, RN, MPH *
Manlik Kwong, BS *
William Lane, BS *
January 01, 2018 - Improving Healthcare Quality with User-Centered Patient Portals - Final Report
1. …
February 23, 2021 - Telemedicine for Pediatric Primary Care: Satisfaction Survey
Telemedicine for Pediatric Primary Care: Satisfaction
University of Rochester; Rochester, New York
This is a questionnaire designed to be completed by caregivers in an urgent care, emergency
department, or ambulatory car…
January 01, 2016 - Patients who provided data more frequently were those who did not
respond to treatment and did not have … staff time to print/download reports; clinician
time to review reports; staff and clinician time to respond … staff time to print/download reports; clinician time
to review reports; staff and clinician time to respond
July 01, 2021 - AHRQ National Web Conference on Opportunities for Digital Healthcare: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic - Q&As
AHRQ National Web Conference on Opportunities for Digital Heal…
December 01, 2012 - Executive Summary
Partnership, and
Teamwork in
Health IT
Findings From the Transforming
Healthcare Quality Through
IT Grants
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Advancing Excellence in Health Care www.ahrq.gov
Final RepoRt
Sustainability, Partnerships, and Team…
January 01, 2005 - Zheng K et al. 2005 "Understanding technology adoption in clinical care: clinician adoption behavior of a point-of-care reminder system."
Zheng K, Padman R, Johnson MP, et al. Understanding technology adoption in clinical care: clinician adoption behavior of a point-of-care reminder system. …
January 01, 2024 - Mobile Patient-Reported Outcomes for Value and Effectiveness (mPROVE) - Final Report
Title: Mobile Patient-Reported Outcomes for Value and Effectiveness (mPROVE)
Principal Investigator: Jane Jih, MD, MPH, MAS
Prior Principal Investigat…
January 01, 2003 - Kobb R et al. 2003 "Enhancing elder chronic care through technology and care coordination: report from a pilot."
Kobb R, Hoffman N, Lodge R, et al. Enhancing elder chronic care through technology and care coordination: report from a pilot. Telemed J E Health 2003;9(2):189-195.
January 21, 2009 - goals
• Apply measurement protocol to each intervention
• Share results with all key stakeholders, respond
January 01, 2008 - Ou MH et al. 2008 "Evaluation of TELEDERM for dermatological services in rural and remote areas."
Ou MH, West GA, Lazarescu M, et al. Evaluation of TELEDERM for dermatological services in rural and remote areas. Artif Intell Med 2008;44(1):27-40.
"Objective: This paper descr…
January 01, 2015 - gaps in transition care, but trials show that
increased patient monitoring without the capacity to respond … understand patients’ self-care needs, and the
structured guidance to help them know when and how to respond … bipolar
disorder, schizophrenia, active alcohol or drug problems, and those who were not able to
October 01, 2005 - EHRs in Massachusetts: Who has them and how are they using them?
© 2006 Steven R. Simon, MD All Rights Reserved
Statewide Implementation of
Electronic Health Records
EHRs in Massachusetts:
Who has them and how are
they using them?
Supported by the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
© 2006 Steven R. …
January 01, 2015 - awareness of chronic asthma symptoms, improving self-efficacy and providing cues to action (skills to
March 30, 2015 - Health-E-Access Telemedicine Interview Guide
Health E-Access Telemedicine Interview Guide
University of Rochester, Rochester NY
This is an interview guide designed to be conducted with physicians in an ambulatory setting.
The tool includes questions to assess user’s perceptions of telehealth…
January 01, 2004 - Chumbler N et al. 2004 "The association of home-telehealth use and care coordination with improvement of functional and cognitive functioning in frail elderly men."
Chumbler N, Mann W, Wu S, et al. The association of home-telehealth use and care coordination with improvement of functional an…
January 01, 2004 - Barnett GO et al. 2004 "Overcoming information overload: an information system for the primary care physician."
Barnett GO, Barry MJ, Robb-Nicholson C, et al. Overcoming information overload: an information system for the primary care physician. Stud Health Technol Inform 2004;107 Pt 1:273-2…
August 29, 2013 - Patient Centered Medical Home
Do providers respond well to
performance feedback? … No PCMH Recognition
Patient Centered Medical Home
Do providers respond well to performance feedback
January 01, 2009 - • Pharmacy staff should be trained and supervised
to look for, and respond to, alerts that an e-Rx … Prescribers
should be able to electronically respond to these
queries and the information exchanged
January 01, 2018 - Collaborative Patient Portals: Computer-based Agents and Patients' Understanding of Numeric Health Information - Final Report
Collaborative Patient Portals: Computer-based Agents
and Patients’ Understanding of Numeric Health Information