
Total Results: 818 records

Showing results for "respond".

    July 19, 2021 - Nursing informatics knowledge and competencies: a national survey of nursing education programs in the United States An online survey of deans/directors of 266 baccalaureate and higher nursing programs in the U.S. was developed by informatics expert nurses. Participants (1) identified nursing informatics (NI)…
    January 01, 2011 - and could leave voice messages that were recorded as MP3 files for the research staff to hear and respond … system was designed to be used by individuals with computer access as well as individuals who could respond … trained nurses, pharmacists or physician assistants with physician backup for patients who do not respond
    November 19, 2008 - machine rings, computer beeps, or phone rings, someone is on the other end of that transmission to respond … appropriately, computer triage, call center, but if the clinicians are not prepared to act upon, respond … You need a neck mechanism for that, to monitor the data and respond appropriately. … We need appropriate algorithms and there's a lot of debate, how to respond in a way that includes outcomes … ID number, that number was subsequently verified, given access to the system, responded, asked to respond
    November 19, 2008 - machine rings, computer beeps, or phone rings, someone is on the other end of that transmission to respond … appropriately, computer triage, call center, but if the clinicians are not prepared to act upon, respond … You need a neck mechanism for that, to monitor the data and respond appropriately. … We need appropriate algorithms and there's a lot of debate, how to respond in a way that includes outcomes … ID number, that number was subsequently verified, given access to the system, responded, asked to respond
    January 01, 2019 - NLP to Improve Accuracy and Quality of Dictated Medical Documents - Final Report AHRQ Grant Final Progress Report Title of Project: NLP to Improve Accuracy and Quality of Dictated Medical Documents Principal In…
    January 01, 2014 - to use the system; survey responders may have been systematically different from those who did not respond
    January 01, 2009 - Creating Online NICU Networks to Educate, Consult, and Team (Project CONNECT) Grant Final Report Grant ID: 1UC1HS016147 Creating Online NICU Networks to Educate, Consult, and Team (Project CONNECT) Inclusive Dates: 10/01/05 - 09/30/09 Principal Investigator: Valerie Rachal, RN, PhD Team…
    January 01, 2017 - systems are a valuable tool for improving safety and quality of care, and understanding how physicians respond … Physicians can choose to accept or override most medication CDS alerts, and understanding how physicians respond
    January 01, 2008 - Implementation of Health Improvement Collaboration in Cherokee County, Oklahoma Grant Final Report Grant ID: 1UC1HS016131 Implementation of Health Improvement Collaboration in Cherokee County, Oklahoma Inclusive Dates: 10/01/05 - 09/30/08 Principal Investigator: Mark Jones, MS, MBA Pe…
    January 01, 2023 - Christensen T et al. 2008 "Instant availability of patient records, but diminished availability of patient information: a multi-method study of GP's use of electronic patient records." Reference Christensen T, Grimsmo A. Instant availability of patient records, but diminished availability of patient i…
    January 01, 2011 - 1 Original Project Title Patient-Centered Online Disease Management Using a Personal Health Record System Principal Investigator Paul C. Tang, MD, MS, 1, 2 Team Members Nancy L. Brown, PhD,1 J Marc Overhage, MD,3 Bahar Aghighi, MD1 Albert S. Chan, MD, 1 Martin P. Entwistle, ChB,1 Siu L. Hui, PhD,…
    January 01, 2023 - The same assistant can monitor when providers respond to ensure that patient questions are answered in … information is transmitted to care managers and health-risk management professionals, who can then respond
    January 01, 2008 - Tulare District Hospital Rural Health EMR Consortium Grant Final Report Grant ID: 5UC1HS015096-03 REVISED Tulare District Hospital Rural Health EMR Consortium Inclusive dates: 09/30/04 - 09/29/08 Principal Investigator: Rod Davison, Tulare District Hospital, Director of Information Syste…
    A medical home for children with insulin-dependent diabetes: comanagement by primary and subspecialty physicians--convergence and divergence of opinions The purpose of this work was to examine pediatricians' and endocrinologists' views about management for routine preventive and acute care, diabetes specific …
    January 01, 2007 - Pharmacy informatics syllabi in doctor of pharmacy programs in the US This paper assesses pharmacy informatics education, identifies current competencies, and develops a foundational set of recommendations for pharmacy informatics syllabi in doctor of pharmacy programs in the US. Accredited pharmacy programs …
    June 03, 2010 - AHRQ Presentation Template Abt Associates Inc. Qualitative Methods: A Primer for Use in Health IT Gabriella Newes-Adeyi, MPH, PhD Senior Associate Domestic Health Division June 3, 2010 Value to the Customer  Value: Learn about different qualitative methods Example: In-depth interviews, focus groups, docu…
    January 01, 2010 - continues to evaluate the level of adoption of the UHR in the study clinics in order to identify and respond
    January 01, 2022 - Dissemination and Implementation of QT Risk Clinical Decision Support - Final Report Title Page Title of Project: Dissemination and Implementation of QT Risk Clinical Decision Support. Principal Investigator: Daniel C Malone, PhD, FAM…
    Factors related to physicians' adoption of electronic prescribing: results from a national survey Authors:  Pizzi, L. T., Suh, D. C., Barone, J., Nash, D. B. Journal:  Am J Med Qual Publication Date:  2005 Jan-Feb Volume:  20 Issue:  1 Pages:  22-32 HIT Description:  Electronic prescribing  Purpose of S…
    Readiness for the Patient-Centered Medical Home: structural capabilities of Massachusetts primary care practices The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH), a popular model for primary care reorganization, includes several structural capabilities intended to enhance quality of care. The extent to which differen…

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