January 01, 1993 - Litzelman DK et al. 1993 "Requiring physicians to respond to computerized reminders improves their compliance … Requiring physicians to respond to computerized reminders improves their compliance with preventative … Conclusions: Requiring physicians to respond to computer-generated reminders improved their compliance
June 01, 1993 - Requiring physicians to respond to computerized reminders improves their compliance with preventive care
January 01, 2017 - Scope: Expand the PPRNet research team to respond to appropriate funding announcements (FOA). … Our original intent was to respond to
AHRQ “rapid-cycle” funding announcements limited to funded centers … Aim 1: Expand our team of investigators across the MUSC campus to improve our readiness to
respond … a few days, sufficient feedback generally was received to clearly indicate whether we
should respond … Our bias has always been not to respond unless we think that PPRNet will
be competitive for the
February 01, 1976 - Use of a computer to detect and respond to clinical events: its effect on clinician behavior
May 27, 2015 - Please note that my doctor prefers all renewals to be sent electronically to the computer in order to respond … If you send a fax a renewal request, my doctor will respond electronically.
January 01, 2023 - Improve readiness to respond to a broad scope of rapid-cycle funding announcements planned by AHRQ. … The original intent had been to improve the network’s ability to respond to AHRQ’s rapid-cycle funding
January 01, 2023 - system and found that increased information availability enabled providers to identify problems and respond
September 01, 2008 - reminders
Clinician Role
Initiate decision support request
Reference information and guidance
Respond … to decision support
Reactive alerts and reminders
Both or either initiate or respond
Documentation … used
CDS Challenges
Integration into workflow
Time to digest information and respond
January 01, 2023 - The feedback you capture from benchmarking can be used to:
ask the vendor to respond to the negative
January 01, 2023 - The feedback you capture from usability testing can be used to:
ask the vendor to respond to the
January 01, 2023 - This means that our physicians will be able to respond electronically to refill authorization requests
January 01, 2023 - system and found that increased information availability enabled providers to identify problems and respond
November 19, 2008 - consistently and reliably review subject
data and alerts
■ Development of appropriate algorithms to respond … cause harm)
■ Clinicians want or need to know the data
■ Clinicians can identify when and how to
respond … ”
□ Medical-legal concerns about responsibility
for data - where and how to document
□ Educate to respond … (not just file)
□ Educate to respond appropriately
■ Comfort with adjusting medications over the
November 19, 2008 - consistently and reliably review subject
data and alerts
■ Development of appropriate algorithms to respond … cause harm)
■ Clinicians want or need to know the data
■ Clinicians can identify when and how to
respond … ”
□ Medical-legal concerns about responsibility
for data - where and how to document
□ Educate to respond … (not just file)
□ Educate to respond appropriately
■ Comfort with adjusting medications over the
January 01, 2008 - other IT in place
Electronic medical records (EMR)
Workflow-Related Findings
"When asked to respond
January 01, 2022 - Estimating the number of patients who will respond to the targeted text messaging is crucial data for … Participants will be asked to respond to
questions and comment on other participants’ responses. … The telephone surveys provide an “insurance
policy” if patients do not respond in significant numbers … o Patients opted out at rate of 22% (n=109)
o The majority of patients did not respond
o Overall, hemoglobin … • And 24 patients who did not respond to text messages.
May 15, 2010 - Medical Diagnoses:
Enter any past date for ‘Date of Diagnosis’
Check any 2 and respond to resulting … Medication Questions:
Respond to all ‘Medication Questions’.
May 27, 2015 - This means that our physicians will be able to respond electronically to refill authorization requests
January 01, 2010 - Emergency Medical Service Responders Use Health IT to Improve Cardiac Care
January 01, 2001 - Years of study: 1997-1998 Study Design: A randomized control trial Outcomes: Time for physicians to respond