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Showing results for "reasons".

    January 01, 2013 - There are many potential reasons to implement a fall prevention program. … While we offer general reasons and statistics in the box below, local reasons or cases may be more tangible … issues and reasons for change in advance. … Develop consensus on reasons a fall prevention program needs to go forward. … Based on this input, begin to clarify the shared reasons justifying change.
    January 01, 2013 - There are many potential reasons to implement a fall prevention program. … While we offer general reasons and statistics in the box below, local reasons or cases may be more tangible … issues and reasons for change in advance. … Develop consensus on reasons a fall prevention program needs to go forward. … Based on this input, begin to clarify the shared reasons justifying change.
    April 01, 2014 - ■ Among patients younger than 18 years, the most common reasons for admission to the hospital after … ■ The most common reasons for ED visits resulting in discharge were fever and otitis media (infants … ■ Pneumonia and other respiratory conditions were top-ranked reasons for admission to the same … ■ Septicemia and cardiac conditions were top reasons for admission to the same hospital after … The five most common reasons constituted about one-fourth of ED visits among patients aged 1–17 years
    December 04, 2016 - December 4, 2016 Structured override reasons for drug–drug interaction alerts in electronic … Cranky comments: detecting clinical decision support malfunctions through free-text override reasons … September 1, 2016 Differences of reasons for alert overrides on contraindicated co-prescriptions
    October 01, 2014 - Think about your reasons for quitting. 4. … Your reasons to quit: _____________________________________________________________________________
    September 01, 2008 - Think about your reasons for quitting. 4. BE PREPARED TO HANDLE “SLIPS.” … YOUR REASONS TO QUIT: YOUR QUIT DATE: 2. FRIENDS AND FAMILY WHO CAN HELP YOU: 3.
    March 07, 2017 - diagnosed, did a doctor or other health care professional at this cancer center talk with you about the reasons … diagnosed, did a doctor or other health care professional at this cancer center talk with you about the reasons
    January 07, 2011 - Does the comparative effectiveness vary when lesions are unresectable due to anatomic reasons compared … Important subgroups are based on the reasons that lesions are not resectable; that is, those whose disease … is not resectable due to anatomic reasons and those whose lesions are unresectable due to comorbid illness … Patients with unresectable tumors due to anatomic reasons (e.g. location of the tumor) may have different
    January 26, 2021 - health care providers by the setting of care (office, hospital outpatient, or emergency room) and the reasons … The percentage of ambulatory care visits that were for preventive reasons increased while the percentages
    January 01, 2009 - Note: Reasons based on principal diagnosis defined by Major Diagnostic Category (MDC). … Excluding pregnancy and childbirth, the largest sex differences in reasons for hospitalization were for … Note: Reasons based on principal diagnosis defined by Major Diagnostic Category (MDC). … Excluding pregnancy and childbirth, the largest sex differences in reasons for hospitalization were for … per 10,000 population) and respiratory system conditions (135 per 10,000 population) were other major reasons
    March 01, 2013 - national experts have called for improving ED care specifically for children.3 Understanding the reasons … ■ Injuries and poisoning and respiratory disorders were the most common reasons for ED visits … ■ Mood disorders and attention- deficit, conduct, and disruptive behavioral disorders were common reasons … for pediatric ED visits Figure 3 shows the reasons for all pediatric ED visits by body system, based … Injuries and poisoning (combined) and respiratory disorders were the most common reasons for all ED
    May 01, 2008 - years old) from the 23 states that provided ED data to HCUP in 2005.3 Information focusing on the reasons … Most common reasons for ED visits among children Table 2 presents the top ten reasons for ED visits … Injuries and respiratory infections were the most common reasons for pediatric ED visits. … In fact, six of the top ten reasons for pediatric ED visits were for injuries: superficial injuries … Respiratory conditions were the most common reasons that children were admitted to the hospital after
    January 01, 2012 - Exceptions (EXCEP) Definition: The valid reasons why patients who are included in the denominator … Patients may have Exceptions for medical reasons (e.g., patient has an egg allergy so they did not … receive flu vaccine); patient reasons (e.g., patient declined flu vaccine); or system reasons (e.g
    June 01, 2018 - unable to get or delayed in getting needed medical care who said it was due to financial or insurance reasons … unable to get or delayed in getting needed medical care who said it was due to financial or insurance reasons … unable to get or delayed in getting needed medical care who said it was due to financial or insurance reasons … unable to get or delayed in getting needed medical care who said it was due to financial or insurance reasons … get or delayed in getting needed prescription medicines who said it was due to financial or insurance reasons
    February 01, 2013 - Do not review and interpret the specific results to identify gaps or reasons for gaps. … The reasons for gap are categorized as: A. Insufficient or imprecise information B. … Also I think the list of reasons for developing a gap should be expanded. … The reasons for gap are categorized as: A. Insufficient or imprecise information B. … Likewise, Reasons A3 and A4 would not occur at same time as Reason A1.
    February 01, 2013 - Do not review and interpret the specific results to identify gaps or reasons for gaps. … The reasons for gap are categorized as: A. Insufficient or imprecise information B. … Also I think the list of reasons for developing a gap should be expanded. … The reasons for gap are categorized as: A. Insufficient or imprecise information B. … Likewise, Reasons A3 and A4 would not occur at same time as Reason A1.
    December 06, 2024 - The purpose of the CDSiC Innovation Center Charter is to highlight the reasons for establishing the Innovation … document, users can find information relating to: The vision and mission of the CDSiC The purpose and reasons
    December 06, 2024 - The CDS Standards and Regulatory Frameworks Workgroup Charter highlights the reasons for establishing … document, users can find information relating to: The vision and mission of the CDSiC The purpose and reasons
    December 06, 2024 - The purpose of the CDSiC Operations Center Charter is to highlight the reasons for establishing the Operations … This document includes information about:   The vision and mission of the CDSiC  The purpose and reasons
    January 01, 2011 - Reasons for Prioritizing Improvement in ADHD High Impact Topic Area An article in the Journal of … from the denominator of an individual measure that were used in this work group: • Medical reasons … Includes: - patient declined - social or religious reasons - other patient reasons • System … limitations - other reasons attributable to health care delivery system These measure exception … : modifier 1P • Patient reasons: modifier 2P • System reasons: modifier 3P Although this methodology