December 01, 2017 - There are many reasons why residents fall. These reasons are called fall risk factors.
October 01, 2014 - Number of full denials based on reasons other than exemptions:
(Total): … Number of appeals closed for other reasons: 0
C. (1) Reasons for denial on Appeal—Number of … 0
Exemption 8: 0
Exemption 9: 0
C. (2) Reasons … for denial on Appeal—Reasons other than exemptions:
a. … Appeal based solely on denial of request for expedited processing
C. (3) Reasons for denial on Appeal—Other
October 01, 2014 - Number of full denials based on reasons other than exemptions:
(Total): … Number of appeals closed for other reasons: 0
C. (1) Reasons for denial on appeal—Number of … 0
Exemption 8: 0
Exemption 9: 0
C. (2) Reasons … for denial on Appeal—Reasons other than exemptions:
a. … Appeal based solely on denial of request for expedited processing
C. (3) Reasons for denial on Appeal—Other
January 29, 2021 - phone call) to schedule clinic appointment
• Reminders include educational materials that explain reasons … phone call)
depending on patient preference
• Reminders include educational materials that explain reasons
December 01, 2017 - guidelines
They agree on a list of acceptable indications for UC use that are clearly identified
Reasons … The 3 R’s: Recheck, Revise, Review
Recheck: reasons for guideline noncompliance; identify opportunities
July 01, 2021 - Cirrhosis Patients, Caregivers Report Reasons for Declining Test of Health Information Technology App … Cirrhosis Patients, Caregivers Report Reasons for Declining Test of Health Information Technology App … reduce hospital readmissions, with caregiver reluctance and perceived burden being reported as major reasons
May 18, 2021 - Use a “last 10 patients” chart audit to:
Identify "missed opportunities" for care and possible reasons … You can conduct one-on-one interviews about the reasons the care was missed or
pose your questions
July 01, 2023 - What were the reasons for or causes of the failure? … In the first table below, identify all the reasons you think your project could have failed on your unit … In the second table below, identify all the reasons you think your project succeeded.
July 01, 2023 - AHRQ grantees' presentations on different qualitative methods used in their primary care research, the reasons
January 29, 2021 - to discuss scheduling a clinic visit
• Care manager provides educational materials which explain
reasons … mail, phone call) to schedule TCD screening
• Reminders include educational materials which explain
January 01, 2012 - Exceptions
Definition: The valid reasons why patients
who are included in the denominator … Patients may have Exceptions for medical
reasons (e.g., patient has an egg allergy so they
did not … receive flu vaccine); patient reasons
(e.g., patient declined flu vaccine); or system
reasons (e.g
February 01, 2017 - Premortem
Sustainability and the Premortem
Slide 12: Problem Statement
Projects fail for many reasons … Slide 17: Premortem Exercise
Step 2:
Generate the reasons for this failure to sustain improvements … Spend 10 minutes recording the reasons that could cause this failure. … Slide 19: Premortem Exercise
Step 4:
Prioritize your list of potential reasons for failure.
October 01, 2016 - Question: What are some reasons that a person may have dark urine? … Possible reasons for dark-colored urine: The color of urine comes from a pigment called urochrome. … Question: What are some reasons that a person may have foul-smelling urine? … Question: What are some reasons that people may have positive results with a urinalysis? … Possible reasons for positive results of a urinalysis:
It’s not easy to get a clean catch or midstream
October 01, 2016 - Question: What are some reasons that a person may have dark urine? … Possible reasons for dark-colored urine: The color of urine comes from a pigment called urochrome. … Question: What are some reasons that a person may have foul-smelling urine? … Question: What are some reasons that people may have positive results with a urinalysis? … Possible reasons for positive results of a urinalysis:
It’s not easy to get a clean catch or midstream
Shared decision making
Doctor talked about reasons … Care
Shared decision making
Doctor talked about reasons
Shared decision making
Doctor talked about reasons … Care
Shared decision making
Doctor talked about reasons
Shared decision making
Doctor talked about reasons … Care
Shared decision making
Doctor talked about reasons
Shared decision making
Doctor talked about reasons … Care
Shared decision making
Doctor talked about reasons
September 01, 2023 - Organizational Safety Culture Related to Diagnosis
Many personal and philosophical reasons
October 01, 2016 - — Question: What are some reasons that a person without an indwelling catheter may have
a change … — Possible reasons for a change in mental status: Dehydration; being tired; medication side
effects … — Question: What are some reasons that a person may have dark urine? … — Question: What are some reasons that a person may have foul-smelling urine? … — Question: What are some reasons that people may have positive results with
a urinalysis?