Health literacy
Provider talked to patient about reasons
October 01, 2014 - whenever results for specific measures fall outside the norm, staff at Banner facilities investigate the reasons
January 01, 2024 - Status, Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Elderly, Men's Health
Vogel JA , Rising KL , Jones J Reasons … In this study, the investigators conducted a qualitative metasynthesis on reasons patients sought care … The investigators concluded that reasons included: (1) urgency of the medical condition, (2) barriers … Reasons patients choose the emergency department over primary care: a qualitative metasynthesis.
May 01, 2021 - The reasons people offer for not getting the vaccine may be different
than their real reasons. … At a basic level, there are two reasons people don’t get the COVID-19
vaccine. … Listen for the reasons CNAs are choosing
to be vaccinated. … The reasons given by those that are NOT getting vaccine about why
The reasons given by those that are … Reasons why nurses decline influenza vaccination: A
qualitative study.
June 01, 2017 - 2014
People unable to get or delayed in getting needed medical care due to financial or insurance reasons … -2014
People unable to get or delayed in getting needed dental care due to financial or insurance reasons … People unable to get or delayed in getting needed prescription medicines due to financial or insurance reasons … 2014
People unable to get or delayed in getting needed medical care due to financial or insurance reasons … People unable to get or delayed in getting needed prescription medicines due to financial or insurance reasons
January 01, 2016 - There must be documentation in the medical record as to reasons for selecting a specific vessel.
February 06, 2025 - Topics include reasons for emergency room visits among adults and children and transfers to other health
July 01, 2023 - In a punitive culture that does not strive to understand potential underlying reasons for at-risk behaviors … When designing procedures, be sure to eliminate reasons for at-risk behavior and reinforce incentives … Employees should know the correct procedures and grasp the underlying reasons for those procedures so
December 01, 2017 - The Falls Management Program: A Quality Improvement Initiative for Nursing Facilities
Appendix B7: Wheelchair Seating Assessment (Text Description)
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Table of Contents
The Falls Management Program: A Quality Improvement Initiative for Nursing Facilities
Chapter 1. Introductio…
January 01, 2016 - There must be documentation in the medical record as to reasons for selecting a specific vessel.
October 01, 2018 - Study Analyzes Reasons Public-Sector Health Premiums Are Higher Than Those in Private Sector . … Study Analyzes Reasons Public-Sector Health Premiums Are Higher Than Those in Private Sector
June 01, 2021 - Describe reasons to send urine for testing for a UTI.
AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic … women or in men
If an antibiotic does not work, rather than try “better” antibiotics, consider other reasons
May 01, 2019 - Effects of postacute settings on readmission rates and reasons for readmission following total knee arthroplasty
January 01, 2006 - Quality Indicators
How to Improve Hospital Quality and Safety
Tool C.3 Slide ‹#›
Consider adding other reasons … time
Volume and cost of events
Ability to change
The next several slides give more detail on these reasons
November 26, 2023 - Topics include reasons for emergency room visits among adults and children and transfers to other health
August 01, 2021 - Care manager provides educational materials which explain reasons for/value of preventive care including … Reminders include educational materials which explain reasons for/value of preventive care including … Reminders include educational materials that explain reasons for/value of preventive care including TCD
September 01, 2017 - The report allows clinicians to identify common reasons for transfer to the ED and potential root causes … For the residents who appear on the report, which reasons for transfer are cited most often? … The report helps clinicians understand the most common reasons for transfer and discharge diagnoses for … Reasons for transfer follows
Mental/psychiatric/neurological symptoms
Cardiac/circulatory symptoms
May 22, 2014 - • Talking about medication decisions (Adult only) (3 items)
- Provider talked to patient about reasons … patient might want to take a
- Provider talked to patient about reasons patient might not … Patient started or stopped a medicine (Screening item)
PCMH7 Provider talked to patient about reasons … medication
PCMH8 Provider talked to patient about reasons
Health Plan
Children with chronic conditions
Your care from specialists in the last 6 months