February 01, 2025 - Collecting valid data is essential groundwork for conducting research that will identify the reasons
January 01, 1997 - all-payer discharge data from a random
sample of the entire universe of hospitals for at least two reasons … However, allocation
proportional to the number of hospitals is preferred for several reasons:
� Fewer … nonoverlapping 10 percent subsamples of discharges were drawn from the NIS file for
each year for several reasons
January 01, 1995 - all-payer discharge data from a random sample of the entire universe of hospitals for at least two reasons … However, allocation proportional to the number of hospitals is preferred for several reasons:
Fewer … nonoverlapping 10 percent subsamples of discharges were drawn from the NIS file for each year for several reasons
January 01, 1997 - all-payer discharge data from a random sample of the entire universe of hospitals for at least two reasons … However, allocation proportional to the number of hospitals is preferred for several reasons:
Fewer … nonoverlapping 10 percent subsamples of discharges were drawn from the NIS file for each year for several reasons
January 01, 1994 - all-payer discharge data from a random sample of the entire universe of hospitals for at least two reasons … However, allocation proportional to the number of hospitals is preferred for several reasons:
Fewer … nonoverlapping 10 percent subsamples of discharges were drawn from the NIS file for each year for several reasons
September 01, 2009 - Most frequent reasons for hospital stays among the near-elderly
Table 3 highlights the 20 most frequent … Cardiovascular conditions accounted
for six of the 20 most common reasons for near-elderly hospital … Six of the top 20 reasons for
admission to the hospital were for potentially preventable conditions
September 01, 2009 - Most frequent reasons for hospital stays among the near-elderly
Table 3 highlights the 20 most frequent … Cardiovascular conditions accounted for six of the 20 most common reasons for near-elderly hospital stays … Six of the top 20 reasons for admission to the hospital were for potentially preventable conditions (
January 01, 1996 - all-payer discharge data from a random sample of the entire universe of hospitals for at least two reasons … However, allocation proportional to the number of hospitals is preferred for several reasons:
Fewer … nonoverlapping 10 percent subsamples of discharges were drawn from the NIS file for each year for several reasons
January 01, 1992 - all-payer discharge data from a random sample of the entire universe of hospitals for at least two reasons … However, allocation proportional to the number of hospitals seemed best for several reasons:
Fewer … non-overlapping 10 percent subsamples of discharges were drawn from the NIS file for each year for several reasons
September 01, 2013 - Emergency Department Visits for Adults with Diabetes, 2010
November 2013
Emergency Department Visits for Adults
with Diabetes, 2010
Raynard E. Washington, Ph.D., Roxanne M. Andrews, Ph.D., and
Ryan Mutter, Ph.D.
Diabetes is a critical public health concern in the United Sta…
January 01, 2001 - Subsamples
Two nonoverlapping 10% subsamples of discharges were drawn from the NIS file for several
reasons … However,
allocation proportional to the number of hospitals was preferred for several reasons:
• … nonoverlapping 10% subsamples of discharges were drawn from the NIS file for each
year for several reasons
January 01, 2002 - Subsamples
Two nonoverlapping 10% subsamples of discharges were drawn from the NIS file for several
reasons … However,
allocation proportional to the number of hospitals was preferred for several reasons:
• … nonoverlapping 10% subsamples of discharges were drawn from the NIS file for each
year for several reasons
August 01, 2019 - Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) NASS Notes
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Reasons for hospital stays are based
September 01, 2008 - identification number (MDID_S) may not accurately track physicians across hospitals for the following reasons
October 01, 2010 - Enhanced State Data for Analysis and Tracking of Comparative Effectiveness Impact
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
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January 01, 1998 - However, allocation proportional to
the number of hospitals is preferred for several reasons:
• AHRQ … nonoverlapping 10 percent subsamples of discharges were drawn from the NIS file for each year
for several reasons
January 01, 2017 - Newsletter Fall 2017
Fall 2017
Issue #52
News and Announcements: Notable news from HCUP
Databases and Products: New database and product releases
Publication Spotlights: Recent works incorporating HCUP data and tools
HCUP Q&A: Answers to your HCUP questions
HCUP Events: …
January 01, 1999 - However, allocation proportional to
the number of hospitals is preferred for several reasons:
• AHRQ … nonoverlapping 10 percent subsamples of discharges were drawn from the NIS file for each year
for several reasons
February 01, 2012 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #125
for all other reasons increased by 11 percent (data not shown).4 Some … Healthcare Cost and Utilization
Project, Nationwide Inpatient Sample, 2009
Most common principal reasons