May 01, 2006 - This
on was one of the 25
ommon reasons for
lization among men of all
nd the 4th most common
among … publications/arh24-1/05-11.pdf
stays for alcohol abuse occurred in men, making it one of the top 25 reasons
November 01, 2012 - not considered index admissions if they could not be followed for 30 days for any of the
following reasons … Discharges from hospitals with more than 50 percent of their total discharges excluded for any of
the above reasons
January 01, 2007 - Conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn infants were by far the most frequent reasons … There are a number of possible reasons why the growth in discharges with secondary chronic conditions
January 09, 2024 - In the AHA survey, hospitals located at different sites may report as one single entity for various reasons
April 01, 2011 - common principal diagnoses associated with uninsured hospitalizations, 19982008
Table 3 shows the top reasons … Three of the top ten reasons for
uninsured stays were related to mental illness or substance use (mood … disorders, alcohol-related
disorders, and substance use disorders); and two of the top ten reasons … Top 10 reasons for hospital stays among the uninsured, 1998, 2003, and 2008
Mood disorders
September 01, 2008 - Three of the top 10
most expensive reasons for
hospitalization among the uninsured
involved injuries … schizophrenia and affective disorders (depression and bipolar disorders)—were among the top 10 most
expensive reasons … The top five most expensive reasons for hospitalization among patients with private insurance included … Three of
the top 10 most expensive reasons for hospitalization among the uninsured involved injuries
September 01, 2013 - frequent principal diagnoses by age for hospital stays, 2011
Table 3 displays the five most frequent reasons … Conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth were three of the top five reasons for Medicaid stays: … The two most common reasons for stays billed to private insurance were related to pregnancy and childbirth
January 01, 2003 - Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) KID Description of Data Elements - Core Notes
Description of Data Elements
Kids' Inpatient Database (KID)
Severity Measures File
Table of Contents
APRDRG - All Patient Refined DRG .......................................…
June 01, 2011 - understanding and documenting information about the costs of disparities are important for several reasons … For these reasons, states often choose measures generated from less suspect race/ethnicity data such … Different stakeholders respond to cost estimates for different reasons, so be clear about the purpose
May 01, 2011 - Clinical Data Sharing Agreement
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December 14, 2015 - In the AHA survey, hospitals located at different sites may report as one single entity for various reasons
February 22, 2018 - In the AHA survey, hospitals located at different sites may report as one single entity for various reasons
February 20, 2018 - In the AHA survey, hospitals located at different sites may report as one single entity for various reasons
October 08, 2014 - In the AHA survey, hospitals located at different sites may report as one single entity for various reasons
June 16, 2014 - Act (HIS)
• All non-federal NM hospitals (n=52) required to
report quarterly:
utilization, reasons
January 01, 2007 - Hospitals PDF
EXHIBIT 1.2 Inpatient Hospital Stays and Average Length of Stay PDF
EXHIBIT 1.3 Reasons
October 08, 2014 - In the AHA survey, hospitals located at different sites may report as one single entity for various reasons
January 01, 2009 - version)
Exhibit 4.2 shows the average annual growth in aggregate costs for the twenty most costly reasons
January 01, 2005 - Hospitals
EXHIBIT 1.2 Inpatient Hospital Stays and Average Length of Stay
EXHIBIT 1.3 Reasons for … Childbirth and newborns
Among the most frequent reasons for hospitalizations were childbirth … Cardiovascular conditions were the most common reasons for hospitalization among 45–64 year olds. … Pregnancy and childbirth (12 percent) and newborns (11 percent) ranked second and third among reasons … There were several potential reasons for this stagnation in growth.
January 01, 2002 - Description of Data Elements
Description of Data Elements
Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS)
Disease Severity Measure File
This document contains cumulative descriptions of data elements
across all states and years of HCUP data from 1988 to the current
data year. Please refer to the I…