November 19, 2020 - In the AHA survey, hospitals located at different sites may report as one single entity for various reasons
November 19, 2020 - In the AHA survey, hospitals located at different sites may report as one single entity for various reasons
January 01, 2008 - the United States, 2008 30
Infections such as septicemia and urinary tract infections were common reasons
May 16, 2018 - status
• Length of stay
• Severity and comorbidity measures
• Costs associated with readmissions
• Reasons
December 01, 2005 - Top Five Most Expensive Hospital Procedures, 1996 ( PDF File for reproduction , 212 KB)
Top Five Reasons
August 01, 2023 - Indemnification Clause
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
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January 01, 2019 - There are two
reasons for this restriction. … National estimates do not exist for several reasons, but the most important is the
definition of ambulatory … • ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes provide valuable insights into the reasons for hospitalization
and what … –2019
Category Description
Total Encounters, N Percentage Change, % Potential Contributing Reasons … Contributing reasons for changes over time are reported only for categories that were
added to or removed
January 01, 2021 - Overview of Outcomes for Inpatient Stays Involving Sepsis, 2016–2021
Overview of Outcomes for Inpatient
Stays Involving Sepsis, 2016–2021
Statistical Brief #306 | April 2024
Pamela L. Owens, Ph.D., Melissa A. Miller, M.D., M.S., Marguerite L. Barrett, M.S., Molly Hensche, M.S.
Sepsis is a systemic…
January 01, 2008 - Community Hospitals for MHSA Stays .................................... 59
EXHIBIT 5.2 Reasons … In addition, suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury is excluded from analyses of principal reasons … Facts and Figures: Statistics on Hospital-Based Care in the United States, 2008 61
EXHIBIT 5.2 Reasons … of MHSA hospitalizations differed substantially from the distribution of hospitalizations for
all reasons … Two of the most frequent reasons for MHSA hospitalizations—depression and bipolar disorders—
August 01, 2008 - those stays with asthma noted as a secondary diagnosis, table 2 shows the five most common
principal reasons … Acute bronchitis and mood disorders6 were the next two most common principal reasons for
hospitalization … Appendicitis and fluid and electrolyte disorders were the principal reasons for 2.7 and 2.4 percent of
September 01, 2014 - Exclusions
Overall 5,303,874 records were excluded for one or more of the following reasons … Inpatient Discharges Without Labs
Table C.2 describes the top five reasons for hospitalization … Table C.2 — Discharges without Lab Records: Top Five Reasons for Hospitalization
Reason for Hospitalization … Diseases and Disorders of the Respiratory System
Miscellaneous Reasons
January 01, 2012 - The most frequent reasons for 30-day readmission after an initial hospitalization for mood disorders … readmissions for any cause ($7,100 and $7,200,
respectively, vs. $5,800).
Most common reasons … hospitalization for mood disorders and schizophrenia, 2012
Table 3 presents the five most frequent reasons … Databases
(SID), 2012
■ After an initial hospital stay for mood disorders, the four most common reasons … ■ After an initial hospital stay for schizophrenia, the four most common reasons for readmission
December 01, 2014 - likely to be covered by Medicaid than were those without a chronic condition. 5 Understanding the reasons … and National Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2012
Respiratory conditions were the most frequent reasons … 4, three respiratory conditions—pneumonia, acute bronchitis, and asthma—were the three top specific reasons … Mental illness was among the most common reasons for hospitalization among children, but mental illness … Appendicitis was among the most common reasons for hospital stays among both children and adults.
June 24, 2011 - understanding and
documenting information about the costs of disparities are important for several
reasons … For these
reasons, states often choose measures generated from less suspect race/ethnicity data
such … Different stakeholders respond to cost estimates for different reasons, so be
THIS CLINICAL DATA SHARING AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered into
as of the ___ day of ___________, 2008, by and between Virginia Health Information,
Inc., a Virginia nonstock corporation (“VHI”) and XXXX), and recites and provides as
December 01, 2024 - There are
two reasons for this restriction. … National estimates do not exist for several reasons, but the most important is the
definition of ambulatory … • ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes provide valuable insights into the reasons for hospitalization
and what … Year
Category Description
Total Encounter, N Percentage Change, % Potential Contributing Reasons … Contributing
reasons for changes over time are reported only for categories that were added to or removed
October 13, 2014 - In the AHA survey, hospitals located at different sites may report as one single entity for various reasons
March 23, 2010 - 69,764 3.3%
Diseases and Disorders
of the Respiratory
2,159 37,700 5.7%
Miscellaneous Reasons
March 01, 2013 - frequent principal diagnoses by age for hospital stays, 2011
Table 3 displays the five most frequent reasons … Conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth were three of the top five reasons for Medicaid
stays … The two most common reasons
for stays billed to private insurance were related to pregnancy and childbirth
May 01, 2006 - nearly three out of four hospital stays for alcohol abuse occurred in men, making it one of the top 25 reasons … This condition was one of the 25 most common reasons for hospitalization among men of all ages and the