
Total Results: 1,007 records

Showing results for "reasons".

    September 01, 2021 - .
    May 01, 2006 - Major reasons for uninsured admissions to the hospital The most common reasons for hospital admission … Mood disorders, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse accounted for 3 of the top 10 most common reasons for hospitalization … Table 1 lists the top 20 specific reasons for hospitalization among the uninsured.
  3. MAINTAIN AND EXPAND (pdf file)
    January 01, 2011 - While there may be multiple reasons for an acute care visit from a clinical perspective (particularly … In general, researchers and analysts seeking to examine the “reasons” for ED and AS visits should consider … While there may be multiple reasons for an acute care visit from a clinical perspective (particularly … records, the “reason for the surgery” In general, researchers and analysts seeking to examine the “reasons … s condition, using terminology which includes specific diagnoses as well as symptoms, problems, or reasons
    January 01, 2013 - Finally, costs and reasons for readmissions are presented by presence and type of malnutrition. … Reasons for malnutrition-related readmissions, 2013 The most common reasons for readmission among patients … with malnutrition during an index stay in 2013 are provided in Table 3 (general reasons) and Table … 4 (specific reasons), according to the type of malnutrition. … The most common reasons for readmission among patients without malnutrition at the index stay also are
    August 01, 2009 - ■ Three of the top five reasons for hospitalization among AMA stays were for mental health and … higher readmission rates compared to other patients.1 Patients may leave the hospital for various reasons … compared to characteristics of all other non-maternal, non- newborn hospital stays.2 The most common reasons … Most frequent reasons for AMA hospital stays, 2007 Table 3 highlights the five most frequent health … Three of the top five reasons for AMA hospital stays were mental health and substance abuse-related
    May 01, 2015 - The most frequent reasons for 30-day readmission after an initial hospitalization for mood disorders … Most common reasons for readmission after hospitalization for mood disorders and schizophrenia, 2012 … (SID), 2012 After an initial hospital stay for mood disorders, the four most common reasons … After an initial hospital stay for schizophrenia, the four most common reasons for readmission involved … the analysis as initial admissions if they could not be followed for 30 days for one of the following reasons
    February 01, 2021 - Heart Failure: Most Common and Expensive Reason for Preventable Hospital Stays An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Search All AHRQ Websites Careers Contact Us …
    May 19, 2014 - In the AHA survey, hospitals located at different sites may report as one single entity for various reasons … number of admissions and births (column M) is often higher than SID discharges (column C) for various reasons
  9. Section2 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 -  Several frequently occurring infections were among the most rapidly increasing reasons for hospitalizations …  Conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn infants were by far the most frequent reasons …  There are a number of possible reasons why the growth in discharges with secondary chronic conditions … such as septicemia, skin and subcutaneous tissue infection, and urinary tract infection were common reasons
    April 01, 2006 - .* Most common reasons for hospitalizations related to pressure sores More than … Table 1 shows the most common principal reasons for hospitalizations during which pressure sores were … Top 10 most common principal reasons for hospitalizations during which pressure sores were also present
  11. Section5 6 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 - Facts and Figures: Statistics on Hospital-Based Care in the United States, 2007 63 EXHIBIT 5.6 Reasons
    August 01, 2023 - HCUP Central Distributor Indemnifcation Clause HCUP Central Distributor Indemnification Clause August 2023 As an HCUP database purchaser your responsibilities extend beyond those of a data user. You are required to acknowledge the Indemnification Clause as part of the application process. Indemnification Clau…
    January 01, 2020 - There are two reasons for this restriction. … National estimates do not exist for several reasons, but the most important is the definition of ambulatory … • ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes provide valuable insights into the reasons for hospitalization and what … 2020 CCS Category Description Total Encounters, N Percentage Change, % Potential Contributing Reasons … Contributing reasons for changes over time are reported only for categories that were added to or removed
    February 01, 2016 - room procedures by the Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) grouper and that are performed for diagnostic reasons … room procedures by the Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) grouper and that are performed for therapeutic reasons
    January 01, 2008 - Community Hospitals for MHSA Stays (PDF) EXHIBIT 5.2 Reasons for MHSA Inpatient Hospital Stays … In addition, suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury is excluded from analyses of principal reasons
  16. Section2 1 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 -  Conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn infants were by far the most frequent reasons …  There are a number of possible reasons why the growth in discharges with secondary chronic conditions
    November 17, 2006 - Most common principal reasons for the hospitalization of patients with diabetes Table 2 illustrates … Pneumonia, complication of medical devices, and skin and subcutaneous tissue infections were also common reasons … Top 10 most common principal reasons for hospitalization among patients with diabetes, 2004* Rank
    November 01, 2006 - Most common principal reasons for the hospitalization of patients with diabetes Table 2 illustrates … Pneumonia, complication of medical devices, and skin and subcutaneous tissue infections were also common reasons … Top 10 most common principal reasons for hospitalization among patients with diabetes, 2004* Rank Principal
  19. Section5 5 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - of MHSA hospitalizations differed substantially from the distribution of hospitalizations for all reasons
  20. Ff 2009 Exhibit4 2 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - 2009 45 Exhibit 4.2 shows the average annual growth in aggregate costs for the twenty most costly reasons

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