December 30, 2015 - 55-56), this ‘capture’ is not by itself
an adequate substitute for de novo extraction, among other
reasons … for multiple comparisons,
power – if pooling not possible), attrition bias (extent of
attrition, reasons … for multiple
comparisons, power – if pooling not possible), attrition
bias (extent of attrition, reasons … reports be included in the systematic review in order to make
it as up to date as possible.If for reasons … reports be included in the systematic
review in order to make it as up to date as possible.If for
December 01, 2019 - We will develop a simple categorization scheme for coding the reasons that articles, at the stage of … database, our bibliography software, so that we can later compile a listing of excluded articles and the reasons
April 01, 2019 - The most
frequent reasons for excluding an article were that
the intervention was not a telehealth … This topic was selected for two reasons: (1) the
systematic review did not identify a body of
existing … care
we separated telestroke, specialty consults for
ED patients, and EMS/urgent care for similar
reasons … general statement about the clinical and
economic effectiveness of telehealth consultations
for several reasons
March 16, 2017 - What were the reasons for suboptimal use of the prosthetic device? … Possible reasons for statistical heterogeneity
will be explored qualitatively and, if appropriate data
May 17, 2018 - discussions
about categorization but ultimately decided to retain the
CBT-M category for a couple of reasons … decisions are
supported by the new report that recommends
considering NOT pooling studies for various reasons … For all of these reasons, I believe it is incorrect to
recommend psychological treatments over medication
May 18, 2011 - In addition, we will code the reasons for exclusion of articles considered at the full-
article review … Reference Manager, so that we can easily compile a list of included and
excluded articles and the reasons … While no articles will be excluded for
quality reasons, studies rated as poor in quality will be discussed
February 01, 2024 - Studies did not consistently specify reasons for revision. … Reasons for greater applicability of this body of evidence to clinical practice include: (1) many studies … Reasons for lower applicability to clinical practice include the exclusion of participants with a variety
December 09, 2009 - We will develop a simple categorization scheme for coding the reasons that articles, at the
stage of … 2009
bibliography software, so that we can later compile a listing of excluded articles and the reasons
January 01, 2010 - We will develop a simple categorization scheme for coding the reasons that articles, at the
stage of … 2009
bibliography software, so that we can later compile a listing of excluded articles and the reasons
September 07, 2012 - hydroxyprogesterone
caproate when a sister agency of AHRQ, the FDA, has not
approved this drug for reasons … Appreciate the clear statement of reasons for
inclusion or exclusion of each study.
Thank you. … The
addition of reasons to exclude studies will help clinicians
understand why the information in some … Indeed, there are
reasons to believe that they are not equivalent in clinical
medicine. … Infant
outcomes are the only reasons to study these
March 10, 2010 - not support routine use of any studied combination over higher dose
statin therapy." for several reasons … The reasons listed in line 1133-1135 are
NOT reasons not to use indirect comparison -- it is more about … Dropouts for various
reasons are not unexpected, and they will be included in the analysis via
an endpoint
November 01, 2020 - Traction may be needed for reasons other than pain.
September 01, 2012 - The reasons
for this include the general increase in publication volumes, the complexity of the review … All reasons for discarding
citations rather than obtaining these as full text are documented in Appendix
December 01, 2019 - more-restricted diets (an RCT comparing diet to the total absence of a diet cannot be done for ethical reasons … We will develop a simple categorization scheme for coding the reasons that articles, at the stage of … York, NY) bibliographic database so that we can later compile a listing of excluded articles and the reasons
January 01, 2025 - Major reasons for exclusion were that studies only reported intermediate
provider outcomes (e.g., attitudes
October 18, 2010 - be extracted during the review
and will be included in a meta-regression, if possible, to explore reasons … maternal
withdrawal due to adverse effects (WDAE), maternal discontinuation of
therapy (including reasons … cohort study that reports the number of subjects screened, the
number of subjects excluded and the reasons … Reasons for heterogeneity will be explored using subgroup analyses and meta-
regression, as described … Key question 5
This question aims to further explore reasons for heterogeneity in outcomes by
June 24, 2022 - TableOfContent
Table of content
Abstraction of criteria from existing sources Sheet number
[Click to go to specific sheet]
Pearson et. al 2018, white paper 1
Duke Margolis 2017, white paper 2
International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE) position paper 3
Berger et al. 2017 (ISPOR-ISPE) 4
Wang e…
April 19, 2022 - National WIC
Discussion Importance of the review to stakeholders: Expand on reasons
December 09, 2014 - Additionally, it is not clear what some of
the “reasons for exclusion” mean in
Append C and this has … We agree with the comment regarding
reasons for exclusion, acknowledging
that for example, the term … One of the stated reasons for
excluding brachytherapy from the report
is that it is used as a boost … being compared must look
at acceptable trade-offs between risks and
benefits, perhaps for different reasons
January 06, 2017 - So that's one of the reasons that the patient community that we built does
things like measure data … And one of the reasons we have such numeracy in MS was because we did do
some target research to, or