June 15, 2011 - inclusion of all randomized participants in outcomes analyses,
i.e., intention-to-treat); and 4) whether reasons … for dropouts/attrition were reported (to judge
whether those reasons could possibly be related to … trial reported adequate allocation concealment, blinding,
analysis by intention-to-treat, and that reasons … inadequate or not defined, blinding
was not defined, analysis by intention-to-treat was not utilized, and reasons
May 01, 2012 - Proton beam radiotherapy is a form of external beam radiation
that offers better precision for localized dosage than other types
of external beam radiotherapy. Because proton beams deposit
most of their energy during the final portion of their trajectory,
they diminish the risk of damage to tissue surrounding the t…
January 01, 2019 - What were the reasons for suboptimal use of the prosthetic device? … Possible reasons for statistical heterogeneity will be explored qualitatively and, if appropriate data
August 01, 2019 - definition of research; people seek to publish descriptions of nonresearch activities for a variety of reasons
March 03, 2010 - If they are not anticipated, the reasons for stopping should be
in the final report and/or publications … important that any final reports or publications
linked to registry include a clear discussion of the reasons … Stopping an Open-Ended Study
For stopping an open ended length non‐experimental study: the reasons for … important that any final reports or publications
linked to registry include a clear discussion of the reasons … Published Online: March 3, 2010
On Page 2 of 10, final paragraph and page 3 of 10, key point, "Reasons
December 08, 2015 - It
may be helpful to explicitly discuss the reasons that the key questions
(and thus the exclusion … Then later in the report, the reasons for lack of use of St. … This enrollment pattern occurs
for a number of reasons including the ambulatory setting for most such … Somewhere in the introduction or methods it would be useful
to explain reasons for not including studies … This is problematic for the reasons discussed above.
Thank you for the comment.
November 01, 2017 - initial hospital stay and up to 3.9 have secondary complications requiring readmission.23 The primary reasons
December 01, 2024 - The most common
reasons for full-text exclusion were that the tool (1) did not report usable performance … The complete list of reasons for exclusion is in Figure 1, and a list of excluded studies
and their … reasons for exclusion can be found in Appendix B. … For all these reasons, the results of this review should be interpreted cautiously.
4.4 Implications … Excluded articles and records with reasons for exclusion
Authors Publication Details PMID Rejection
December 20, 2012 - TEP #5 Introduction Page 35, line 13: “missed doses by decision”: Patients miss
doses for other reasons … But, in fact, the
explorations of reasons for heterogeneity is where risk of bias
information should … The authors present the results of their
search strategy, and report the excluded studies and reasons … In
particular, it is probably difficult to
explain the reasons for the differences,
without carefully
May 08, 2013 - However, for methodological reasons we are not able to apply a different
set of quality standards to … was very helpful,
however, I have concerns about
the exclusion reasons or
terminology documented … The reasons for exclusion
have been changed to clarify this. … The reasons for exclusion have been changed to clarify this. … The
reasons for exclusion have been changed to clarify this.
November 01, 2013 - They should also be sure to discuss in results the reasons that they assigned high
risk-of-bias ratings … evidence from
observational studies complements or conflicts with evidence from RCTs, give plausible reasons … The main reasons
are that (a) the same measures are often used to assess both precision and consistency … For these reasons, EPCs should present explanations of their findings that
will help decisionmakers … Studiesa
Risk of Bias
of Individual
Rating and Reasons for Domain Scores
March 01, 2024 - individuals on hormonal therapy, with one or more symptom of GSM Individuals with genitourinary symptoms for reasons … with a uterus using hormonal therapy primarily for GSM symptoms Patients using hormonal therapy for reasons … Assess different durations of follow-up Menopausal hormone therapy only for reasons other than GSM, Laser … 100%: considerable heterogeneity When we find heterogeneity, we will attempt to determine possible reasons
December 01, 2019 - will be extracted during the review and will be included in a meta-regression, if possible, to explore reasons … , maternal withdrawal due to adverse effects (WDAE), maternal discontinuation of therapy (including reasons … cohort study that reports the number of subjects screened, the number of subjects excluded and the reasons … Reasons for heterogeneity will be explored using subgroup analyses and meta-regression, as described … Key question 5
This question aims to further explore reasons for heterogeneity in outcomes by examining
December 06, 2011 - Using Deliberative Methods to Engage Patients, Consumers, and the Public
Slide 1
Using Deliberative Methods to Engage Patients, Consumers, and
the Public
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Community Forum
December 6, 2011
Speaker notes: Welcome, everyone, to this webinar about using deliberative met…
December 06, 2011 - Using Deliberative Methods to Engage Patients, Consumers, and the Public
Slide 1
Using Deliberative Methods to Engage Patients, Consumers, and
the Public
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Community Forum
December 6, 2011
Speaker notes: Welcome, everyone, to this webinar about using deliberative met…
May 24, 2013 - be used to inform policy or
practice decisions substantively or substantially,
for the following reasons
February 01, 2021 - Reasons could include:
Studies are conflicting and there is uncertainty about benefits or harms
April 01, 2007 - specific data variables) with patient charts or with a sample of
registry sites based on “for-cause” reasons
May 18, 2012 - Slide 1
Goal Setting
Jyoti Gupta, MPH,
Senior Public Engagement Associate
Public Agenda
Purposes of Goal Setting
• To choose the right strategies and
methodologies for engagement
• To be clear and honest about what one
can reasonably expect to be the outcomes
Goals of Del…
May 31, 2016 - There are many
reasons for low survey participation rates
in general, but none of the included
studies … assessed reasons for non-
participation in the baseline survey. … For
reasons explained above (“Methods”), I disagree with
categorizing “Health Promotion Outcomes” vs … publication
quality research may also chose not to publish even positive
results for a variety of reasons … TWH may well have value, but for the
reasons stated above and many more discussed by the authors, there