March 01, 2020 - researchers, policymakers, national thought leaders, and stakeholders from Federal agencies)
clarified reasons
November 11, 2015 - One of the reasons that we know is that access to care
has been a problem in our country Another … This study was focused on trying to
understand reasons for differences in receipt of chemo therapy
July 10, 2023 - hormonal therapy, with one or more symptom of GSM
Individuals with
symptoms for reasons … a uterus using hormonal therapy primarily for
GSM symptoms
Patients using
hormonal therapy for
reasons … Assess different durations of follow-up
Menopausal hormone
therapy only for
reasons other than
GSM … 100%: considerable heterogeneity
When we find heterogeneity, we will attempt to determine possible reasons
June 01, 2010 - This
conclusion is wrong for several reasons:
L. … This conclusion
is incorrect for several fundamental reasons, as will be explained. … The primary reasons are that it is
impossible to develop an acceptable and broadly reproducible method … There are many
reasons for this impasse, but two are most prominent. … For example, there are reasons to believe that certain
patient populations (e.g., older patients and
September 01, 2014 - For reasons that will be
discussed below, under “PG5”, we believe this
statement is not supported by … For a number of reasons, the
available evidence does not support this
statement. … For reasons
discussed above, we recommend that the
authors define this term. … Since Appendix E was not posted for
comment, we are unable to determine whether
any reasons were given … (One of the
reasons it took so long was that the document is
so long.)
December 01, 2019 - inclusion of all randomized participants in outcomes analyses, i.e., intention-to-treat); and 4) whether reasons … for dropouts/attrition were reported (to judge whether those reasons could possibly be related to outcomes … trial reported adequate allocation concealment, blinding, analysis by intention-to-treat, and that reasons … inadequate or not defined, blinding was not defined, analysis by intention-to-treat was not utilized, and reasons
November 14, 2017 - TEP #2 Methods Minor comment (Appendix E): did any of the studies have
multiple reasons for exclusion … The reasons are presented in that
hierarchical order in the literature
flow diagram and in Appendix … Reasons for exclusion
were depression was not an
eligibility criteria for trial enrollment;
the subsample
February 01, 2009 - potential swallowing problems, are all more
common with conventional than atypical agents.5-8,12 For these reasons … Reasons for using both drug groups (e.g., dementia, delirium) may themselves be risk
factors for these … also restricted analyses to only APM users as well as to
just new users, to control for underlying reasons
March 10, 2010 - from the discussion of the studies relied upon
that they are not really comparable for a number of reasons … We included
one descriptive study reported reasons for women not selecting risk
reducing medication … Appendix In general, I did not feel it was necessary for the experts to give reasons
for exclusions
You can become deficient in vitamin D for different reasons:
You don't get enough vitamin D in your
October 07, 2011 - Therefore, we recommend that AHRQ consider including the
ONTARGET data for the reasons outlined above … General
The report does state that there are several reasons by which a study
March 29, 2016 - reliability
of the degree of stenosis has been shown to be relatively low
(IRR ~0.7), likely for the reasons … The reasons for the
significantly small number of studies should be discussed. … Possible reasons for the paucity of
literature are offered in the discussion
section of the full report … For the
reasons mentioned above, single center trials may tend to
favor newer tests which may have … formal
inclusion criteria for the systematic review
portion to answer the key questions
(exclusion reasons
March 24, 2017 - [See the report’s Appendix D for
reasons for exclusions for any reference
supplied by the reviewer. … [See supplemental materials for
reasons for exclusions for any reference
supplied by a reviewer.] … We do provide reasons why we emphasize the
ACTIVE trial. … Much of the loss was not for non-preventable
reasons. … [See supplemental materials for
reasons for exclusions for any reference
supplied by a reviewer.]
March 24, 2017 - [See the report’s Appendix D for
reasons for exclusions for any reference
supplied by the reviewer. … [See supplemental materials for
reasons for exclusions for any reference
supplied by a reviewer.] … We do provide reasons why we emphasize the
ACTIVE trial. … Much of the loss was not for non-preventable
reasons. … [See supplemental materials for
reasons for exclusions for any reference
supplied by a reviewer.]
May 01, 2020 - Skip to main content
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July 01, 2014 - Indirect comparisons can be difficult to
interpret for several reasons; in the case of comparison with … heterogeneity in effects between
studies.26,27 When we found statistical heterogeneity, we
explored reasons … The main reasons are that, for this population,
we had only observational evidence and the studies did … For
multiple reasons, the evidence base at present is extremely
limited in the specific guidance it … in nonpregnant populations is directly
applicable to pregnant women may not be valid for various
November 01, 2017 - subgroups of people (this may include details such as age range, gender, coexisting diagnoses, and reasons
May 01, 2011 - Traction may be needed for reasons other than pain.
January 01, 2022 - surprised to see that problems with missing data
or measurement of the outcome were the most common
September 10, 2014 - surgical biopsy to fail because of poor localization or poor surgical
technique, or patient-related reasons … only
the aggregate number of inconclusive/non-
diagnostic procedures and did not report specific
reasons … There are two reasons that this is
important: 1) Patients with palpable breast lesions undergo a
different … I am not sure the
evidence for all the reasons I describe are complete enough to
deal with over diagnosis