October 01, 2009 - at less than 10 percent nationally.13
While much attention is paid to the financial and technical reasons … There are many potential reasons for this lack of attention on EHR usability. … disadvantage in determining which product will best suit their needs and requirements.69 For
these reasons
January 01, 2018 - potential for
a CT scan to identify incidental abnormalities that may require further investigation, and reasons … Of the 7 CTs, the 3 most frequently cited reasons for obtaining CT were referring
physician request … For example, a qualitative analysis could explore the reasons that some physicians approved of
the tool
January 01, 2011 - The Effects of Age, Cognition, and Health Literacy on Use of a Patient EMR - 2011
Project Name
The Effects of Age, Cognition, and Health Literacy on Use of a Patient EMR
Principal Investigator
Taha, Jessica Rose
University of Miami
Funding Mechanism
September 13, 2013 - Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement: Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance
Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement:
Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance
National Webinar
September 13, 2013
Moderator and Presenter
Rebecca Roper, M.S., M.P.H.
Agency for H…
September 13, 2013 - Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement: Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance
Health IT-Enabled Quality Measurement:
Perspectives, Pathways, and Practical Guidance
National Webinar
September 13, 2013
Moderator and Presenter
Rebecca Roper, M.S., M.P.H.
Agency for H…
January 01, 2011 - They were also significantly more likely to report including the
reasons for taking each medication … Improvements included keeping a medication
list, including reasons for each medication on the list,
January 01, 2010 - AHRQ CDS TEP CDSC Updates - CDSC Knowledge Management Portal
CDSC Knowledge Management
Tonya Hongsermeier, MD
Principal Informaticist, CIRD
KM Portal Team Lead
• KM Portal Components
• KTS Knowledge Model
• Critical KM Portal Requirements
• Search & Retrieve Functionalities
• Metadata
• Loadable…
January 01, 2011 - Flu Alert: Influenza Vaccine Alerts for Providers in the Electronic Health Record
1 | Flu Alert: InFluenzA VAccIne Alerts For ProVIders In the electronIc heAlth
Utilizing HealtH information tecHnology (it) to improve HealtH care
QUality (r18)
Flu Alert: Influenza Vaccine Alerts for Providers in the Electro…
January 01, 2009 - Improving Quality through Health Information Technology: Testing the Feasibility and Assessing the Impact of Using Existing Health Information Technology Infrastructure for Better Care Delivery
Project Title: Improv…
January 24, 2010 - AHRQ Presentation Template
University of Utah and Intermountain Healthcare
Using Health Information Technology to
Support Population-Based Clinical Practice
Emerging Research from Career Award Grantees
Per H. Gesteland, MD, MSc
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biomedical Informatics
September 22, 2005 - The Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative: A Brief Overview.
- 0 -Massachusetts eHealth CollaborativeSep 22 2005 Board Meeting © MAeHC. All rights reserved.
The Massachusetts eHealth
A Brief Overview
David W. Bates, MD, MSc
Medical Director of Clinical and Quality
Analysis, Partners Healthcare
May 15, 2010 - Project ECHO iHealth Test Document
iHealth Test Document
Make sure the computer and Internet Explorer is running with the above screen (web site…
January 01, 2007 - Clinicians may disagree with
recommendations or may have case-specific reasons for non-adherence. … Reasons
for ineligibility (n=192) included emergent need to be seen by the physician (n=41), physician
November 19, 2008 - Several studies met the hypothesis, several
failed, for a number of good reasons, but very little focus … There are lots of reasons it's a
good target: a chronic, progressive disease, a lot of high costs, it … First of all, the population is very
challenging for lots of reasons.
November 19, 2008 - Several studies met the hypothesis, several
failed, for a number of good reasons, but very little focus … There are lots of reasons it's a
good target: a chronic, progressive disease, a lot of high costs, it … First of all, the population is very
challenging for lots of reasons.
January 01, 2010 - Our study was not able to delineate the reasons why a subset of patients does
not reliably receive … timely medication monitoring, but there are likely to be many reasons,
including patient‐, provider‐ … of a staff member "it is hard to be here, people are
trying, but this is a tough time for lots of reasons
August 15, 2011 - One of the reasons we have to change this is the quote from Mr. … We chose the Microsoft Office Enterprise Project Server (2010 version) and
one of the reasons we did
July 01, 2009 - Stages of Development .................................................................... 3-4
HIE: Reasons … Level of participation and reasons for nonparticipation in needs assessment.
2. … prescription data (FL), and Medicaid claims data only (NC).
2008 Needs Assessment Report
HIE: Reasons … initiatives vary in other important ways (i.e., the results
are confounded), and that a clear picture of the reasons … Development
Types of HIE Initiatives and Medicaid/CHIP Role
HIE Initiatives’ Stages of Development
HIE: Reasons
January 01, 2011 - The Effects of Age, Cognition, and Health Literacy on Use of a Patient Electronic Medical Record
1 | The effecTs of Age, cogniTion, And heAlTh liTerAcy on Use of A PATienT
elecTronic MedicAl record
AHRQ GRAnts foR HeAltH seRvices ReseARcH DisseRtAtion (R36)
The Effects of Age, Cognition, and Health Literacy on Use…
December 06, 2011 - AHRQ CDS TEP In-Person Meeting -December 6, 2011 - CDSC - Demonstration to Practice
From Demonstration to Standard
Practice: Developing sustainable tools
and processes for CDS:
An Implementer’s Notes
Howard S. Goldberg, MD
December 6, 2011
• CDSC Accomplishments Review
• Inputs / …