January 01, 2010 - such as use of the Web site
and frequencies and the nature of clinical contacts to understand the reasons … For various reasons some research participants
ended up with more than one data download, so the team
January 01, 2005 - periodic performance feedback, sharing recommendations with patients, and requesting documentation of reasons
January 01, 2010 - Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts
1 | ImprovIng outpatIent medIcatIon LIsts usIng
temporaL reasonIng and cLInIcaL texts
2010 Grant Summary
Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using
Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts
Principal Investigator: Zhou, Li, M.D., …
January 01, 2012 - Reasons for the difficulty include high costs of hospice-based randomized controlled trials and ethical
January 01, 2017 - Results: More than half of the medication CDS alerts were overridden with reasons varying
depending … Characterize and understand the patterns and reasons for these override behaviors and
4 … The overrides and reasons were obtained from data stored by the EHR. … Alerts overridden with "blank"
reasons were more likely to be inappropriate. … There
are possible reasons for this increased number of alerts, one being we may have a lower
January 01, 2015 - The
reasons for withdrawal are shown in Table 1. … Reasons for participant withdrawal from study
Reason for withdrawal N Withdrawn by Comment
Was on … of 25; 56%) 12(of 24; 50%)
SBP < 140 mm Hg at study end (goal) 23 (of 25; 92%) 13(of 24; 54%)
Reasons … Reasons for participant withdrawal from study
Table 2.
January 01, 2014 - patients were asked about the use of HIT to facilitate communications about care, and about
possible reasons … includes respondents looking for work, keeping house full-
time, students, not working due to health reasons … Further research should be undertaken to improve our
understanding of “the reasons behind the reasons
January 01, 2011 - Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts
1 | ImprovIng outpatIent medIcatIon LIsts usIng temporaL reasonIng and
cLInIcaL texts
Small ReSeaRch GRant to ImpRove health caRe QualIty thRouGh health
InfoRmatIon technoloGy (It) (R03)
Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using T…
January 01, 2006 - "Record legibility and good documentation were popular reasons for adopting EHRs among UK physicians;
January 01, 2023 - Reasons behind readmissions include lack of awareness that a patient is having worsening HF, lack of
January 01, 2023 - The reasons for longer patient waiting times may include the fact that residents in the study group performed
June 23, 2010 - Each visit (8) • Exam
• Initial and/or each • Plan/Orders
visit (1)
Exclusion Reasons … Reason 28
Patient Reason 13
System Reason
Other “Documented” Reason
Reasons … None 21
1 reason 29
2 reasons 3
3 reasons 9
Data Mapping
Measure name # Drugs, tests
February 01, 2006 - Reasons providers give for their participation in ECHO HCV
Telemedicine Clinics
• Large number of HCV … Reasons providers participate…. … Reasons providers participate….
January 01, 2023 - Incorporating indications into medication ordering--time to enter the age of reason.
Schiff GD, Seoane-Vazquez E, Wright A. Incorporating indications into medication ordering--time to enter the age of reason. N Engl J Med 2016 Jul
28;375(4):306-9. PMID: 27464201.
January 01, 2023 - Clinical reasoning in the context of active decision support during medication prescribing.
Horsky J, Aarts J, Verheul L, et al. Clinical reasoning in the context of active decision support during medication prescribing. Int J Med Inform 2017 Jan;97:1-11. PMID: 27919368.
January 01, 2007 - "Three studies evaluating reasons for pharmacist interventions after CPOE implementations identified
November 01, 2009 - .....................................................................................7
Determining Reasons … projects expressed interest in discussing the adherence measures used by grantees,
understanding reasons … Determining Reasons for Nonadherence
Grantees reported that gaining a better understanding of adherence … The projects
examining reasons for nonadherence have developed mechanisms for additional patient
input … • Lack of tools capturing reasons for nonadherence.
November 01, 2009 - .....................................................................................7
Determining Reasons … projects expressed interest in discussing the adherence measures used by grantees,
understanding reasons … Determining Reasons for Nonadherence
Grantees reported that gaining a better understanding of adherence … The projects
examining reasons for nonadherence have developed mechanisms for additional patient
input … • Lack of tools capturing reasons for nonadherence.
April 25, 2013 - So there are sort of like standard
exclusions, medical reasons, patient reasons and system reasons within … And there were other documented exclusion reasons. … and 9 of
the measures had 3 reasons. … And there are several reasons for that. … The primary medical reasons are really, can really be categorized into four
January 01, 2009 - Common reasons for referral were abnormal radiology (38%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD